If I remember correctly, it was in the piano room. It was probably taken by someone.

Yu Guang looked at the tied man.
Jing Hao realized that his eyes immediately bared their teeth and struggled for two mouths. Go on, yum-yum. That seems to mean to say promise him to save me first!
Save me!
Jing Jin looked back, and the man opposite had taken out his mobile phone. Before he could see the picture clearly, there was a sound he was familiar with.
"Although it’s a little small, it looks good. It’s not a loss that there are so many daughters …"
"ah! Ah! "
"Brother Tian!"
When the man’s remarks were not finished, the sharp-eyed footman suddenly surprised and roared to see that Jing Jin had been standing quietly and suddenly moved, and went straight to their brother Tian!
Before a group of people could go to Beijing, Jin had grabbed the collar of Brother Tian who was called by others. "Is she in your hand?"
"I want to know how to exchange something like that!" The day before, the elder brother was not a good crop, so three or two people struggled out of each other’s imprisonment, but before the helper could make a move, Jing Jin had robbed him of his stick and it was heavy.
"The elder brother of the day really don’t care me! He has the prescription! I really don’t know! And he’s still in love with the little girl at home. It was him who made the deal with Ling at the beginning. I saw it with my own eyes. Don’t be cheated by him! "
Jing Hao took the opportunity to tear off his mouth sealant bundle in a panic and chattered in other people’s hands.
Brother Tian seems to be thinking about it, but Jing Jin has long lost patience and narrowed his eyes to see that everyone is holding a stick in front of each other’s mouth and hitting the head of the opposite person.
Brother Tian didn’t hit him on the head with a stick, but fell on his shoulder. He glared at him and immediately roared.
"Give the old man a good training and training!"
Jing Jin didn’t strike, so he lost the best opportunity. Those thugs behind him rushed to hit his head, arms and legs one by one, and seemed to really want to set him up.
Jing Hao has long been hiding in the wall, trying to say something. It can be seen that those people were put on the ground with a stick before they got close, and their necks cooled and their mouths shut.
He always knew Jing Jin was pretending, but he didn’t expect it to be so horrible. So what did he just say?
He went to work?
And what he did today …
Jing Hao’s eyes turned around. When the situation was about to reverse, he was looking for a way out. Several people came up behind the road. "Brother Tian, you can’t do this one by one. This classmate is a black belt in Taekwondo at a young age."
"Go to the siege"
Brother Tian was also a little flustered at this time. Looking back, he shouted, "Did you hear the siege?"
Jing Hao breathed in and looked at the speaker. It was a woman, not a girl.
Short, long hair, and white skin.
I probably noticed that someone was looking at her, and the girl quickly looked at her and then sneered at her mouth, but it quickly made her even more angry. The besieged man never looked at her from the time she appeared to speak to the time she was onlookers. She hated her, had no expression, and treated nothing as contempt.
Squeeze her fist, she endured that inexplicable shame in her heart.
Jing Jin is not really a good boy, at least he fights and slips his hands, but it’s all forced by the environment. He grew up in a swamp full of sludge. He can do it except hide it, that is, he tries to maintain a pure land in his heart, but there is another thing he does badly, that is, lure Erduo to be his girlfriend.
That girl likes him, and she likes it very simply. It’s direct and simple for her to approach and please, just like a child wants to get attention and approach.
In fact, their situation ended, but the result was completely different from today’s, but because of his greed and bad taste, he wanted to see what she could do and whether she really liked him as much as she showed.
She didn’t let him down. It was a daring little girl. Of course, he was a little disappointed, because he always achieved the most important thing in her heart.
She has a father, a mother, a brother, a love for her, and an enviable family. She wants to destroy her family life, and when it comes to relatives, the little girl wavers.
She doesn’t believe him.
He doesn’t blame her.
Understand her, too
Little Erduo is different from him after all.
Jing Jin is no better than a 16-year-old boy. A group of people are constantly besieging and losing strength. He can’t hear clearly what people around him are saying. He has been walking around like a tight string with sticks.
He’s not sure if Brother Tian has Erduo, but Brother Tian is waiting for him, but he’s sure.
In particular, there are several unscrupulous people behind each other who can’t pour anything.
Not only can’t he fall, but also ask Erduoluo.
Jing Jin was beaten with a stick. I don’t know how much. He didn’t get a white shirt for the game, but he was stained with blood, but he squeezed out of the crowd like he didn’t feel it, and it was as cold as winter.
"His mama all leng what! Ah! "
Brother Tian was shocked to step back and want to find weapons, but before he grabbed anything from someone else, the other person directly clubbed his nose with a wave of his cold stick.
"Brother Tian!"
"Brother Tian!"
"Get out!"
Jing Jin low a roar.
Stop all those who want to get close.
"We can talk about what we want alone, but some people are not for you to mess with."
"What do you want to do to me?"
Brother Tian is actually not a great man. He even said that he was a dog’s leg. He once helped Jingjin’s father beat a man, but it was such a small person who was able to climb another big tree quickly after his father’s fall, and even helped the other side rob the business of Jingjia.
The betrayal of such a person is also the reason why Jingjin’s father’s power was quickly replaced by Jingjuwan.
Today, I should have smelled something and some people helped me to block him here.
See two people seem to have some signs of negotiation jinghao andao bad to look up at a pair of unusually cold eyes in the mind a quiver jinghao consciousness a loud roar "thugs! His hand is a weakness! "
Jing Jin played the piano since he was a child, and the woman who trained him didn’t spend less time in his hand.
Jing Hao’s voice is beyond everyone’s expectation, including Jing Jin, before he can respond during the period, and before he can feel the pain in the back of his head, he will be black at the moment and then click his ear.
He was knocked to the ground.
A shiny dagger fell from its hand.

Liang Ge smiled and took Lin Guohong’s hand to help. Lin Guohong scattered to Liu Hai and said, "It’s nothing. You are just jealous and too narrow-minded."

After the dinner, Liang Ge took away the unhappy fruit and red fruit, so Xiao Wei actually saw the clue that Wu Yan was in front of him and it was hard to say anything.
Wu Yan also drank some wine at night, but it was all courtesy. Because of drinking, her face looked red and more delicate in the light.
Xiao Wei sent Wu Yan home all the way. Wu Yan seemed very excited. He always said that Xi was cheerful. Xiao Wei was more listening and watching, occasionally interrupting a sentence or two.
Wu Yan invited Xiao Wei to sit at home. Xiao Wei hesitated. Wu Yan explained, "My sister gave birth to a baby, and my parents went to my sister’s house, and I was the only one at home."
Listen to Wu Yan say Xiao Wei this just relieved with Wu Yan into the home.
The heating in the room was very hot. After entering the door, Wu Yan took off his coat and set out to pour water for Xiao Wei.
Wu Yan took off her coat and wore an orange tight sweater to outline the concave-convex figure. At this time, Wu Yan was facing Xiao Wei and pouring water in front of the coffee table. Her waist and plump hips swayed in front of Xiao Wei’s eyes for a while, which made Xiao Wei somewhat trance. Youth hormones expanded rapidly under the stimulation of alcohol.
Although consciousness is telling her that she is her sister in front of her eyes, Xiao Wei still can’t restrain her impulse. Before the tie, she hugged Wu Yan’s waist and face and stuck it on Wu Yan’s back.
Xiao Wei felt himself trembling all over.
This sudden hug startled Wu Yan, but soon Wu Yan realized what was going on. She didn’t break free from the horse, but pitied Xiao Wei and said with a smile, "I’m really grown up."
Chapter 3, occasional spring scenery
Wu Yan this sentence just hit Xiao Wei’s heart. He suddenly felt ashamed and hurriedly let go of his arm around Wu Yan’s hands and stayed there motionless.
Wu Yan didn’t even respond when he called him Xiao Wei. He didn’t dare to look up into Wu Yan’s eyes. He was afraid to see what he didn’t want to see.
Suddenly Xiao Wei suddenly turned around and flew away from Wu Yan’s house. It was like stealing something. Wu Yan, the thief, called him behind as if he didn’t hear him, but he ran faster and faster.
Xiao Wei ran to the corner in one breath, and then stopped to gasp. The night wind was raining and Xiao Wei trembled in the cold wind like leaves falling in the wind.
Xiao Wei lay tossing and turning in bed at night and couldn’t sleep. Recalling the scenes with Wu Yan, she was sometimes excited and sometimes annoyed, so she didn’t sleep until midnight.
The next morning, when I went to study for myself early, I found that I had pulled the scarf that Wu Yan gave me to Wu Yan’s home last night. I thought about it and felt that I had to face Wu Yan after all.
When Xiao Wei came back from school at noon, he ate a mouthful of rice and went to Wu Yan’s house to find Wu Yan. He not only got his scarf back, but also wanted to explain to Wu Yan that he had acted impulsively last night.
When I arrived at the door of Wu Yan’s house, Xiao Wei reached out to knock on the door, but when I gently pushed the door of Wu Yan’s house, I gently cracked it.
The door was unlocked but left unlocked.
Xiao Wei pushed the door into Wu Yan’s house without much thought.
When I walked to the courtyard, it was quiet. Xiao Weigang wanted to shout, but he heard a man talking in his ear.
Xiao Wei stopped to listen carefully in the courtyard.
However, due to the distance, I couldn’t hear clearly what to say. A sense of curiosity filled Xiao’s great brain over the panic. Xiao Wei decided to see who was inside.
He crept to the window and leaned over to hold his breath.
I heard a man inside excitedly say, "Honey, your skin is really good and white. You will pinch water as soon as you pinch it."
Followed by Wu Yan’s "giggle" smile, "You really know how to talk, which is not as good as you say."
"I won’t lie to you. You two babies are so big that I can’t hold them still. Let me kiss them."
Then came a "tut-tut" kiss accompanied by Wu Yan moaning gently.
After a while, I heard Wu Yan say, "Stop it. Be careful. My mother will come back later and see how bad it is."
"Don’t lie to me. You just said that your mother hasn’t come back at your sister’s place for several days, but now you come back?" The man said, "honey, you don’t know that I love you to death. You are my fairy. Why do you think I am so good?" 、
"You got a bargain and took your hand" Wu Yan fumed.
Xiao Wei’s heart is like a thread. He tries to stabilize his mood and slowly raises his head and peeks out of the window.
The curtain in the window may have been pulled in a hurry, but there was still a gap. Xiao Wei looked through that gap and saw Wu Yan lying on his back on the bed. The clothes were pushed to the neck to reveal a piece of white on his chest, and this piece of white was just blocked by a man’s head, which was shaking desperately.
Xiao Wei couldn’t believe his eyes. Is this body being fiddled with by other men her sister Wu Yan? But everything in front of me made Xiao Wei have to face the reality.
Xiao Wei quietly put away his eyes and crept back again, then gently put the street gate as if he had never been here before.
Back to school, Xiao Wei didn’t go to the classroom, but went to the dormitory to lie down and didn’t come to the classroom until the lunch bell rang
Xiao Weiji didn’t speak for a whole afternoon. He was so confused that he kept flashing himself at Wu Yan’s house. He didn’t know why he had such a big reaction.
In fact, Xiao Wei knows clearly in his heart that this is Wu Yan’s freedom and others’ benefit. After all, everyone has the freedom to fall in love. What he and Wu Yan want to think about now seems to be nothing more intimate except treating her as a sister.
However, Xiao Wei still felt unbearable, especially when she saw that she was in a high position in her mind and appreciated that a woman was actually held in her arms by another man. The feeling that she seemed to be insulted was like a fish choking.
After school in the afternoon, Xiao Wei lost his mind and went back to the dormitory. Lying in bed silently, he was ashamed, jealous, angry and sad, and unconsciously lost tears flowed quietly.
Li Yong, the best friend, also felt the strangeness of Xiao Wei. When he was in the classroom, he asked Xiao Wei that it was nothing. Looking at Xiao Wei’s heavy expression and what happened with Lin Guohong, Li Yong did not ask any more questions.
But when Xiao Wei didn’t come out at dinner, Li Yong felt that the problem was a bit serious. He ran to the dormitory and saw Xiao Wei lying in bed silently smoking in the dark dormitory.
Li Yong told Xiao Wei to get up for dinner, and Xiao Wei didn’t ask him what was wrong, and Xiao Wei didn’t say anything.
Later, several of Xiao Wei’s close classmates came to ask him to eat. Xiao Wei ignored the evening lessons and Xiao Wei didn’t go to class to harm Stuart Chun Yan. When he came to check the class, he asked Xiao Wei and Li Yong to say that Xiao Wei was not well and muddled along.
When I came home from school in the evening, Lin Guohong came to the boys’ dormitory to find Xiao Wei to go home with him. Xiao Wei just wobbled and slowly came to the building to ride a bike.
Lin guohong is a little angry and can’t help but blame Xiao Wei for a few words. Xiao Wei is also not a taste. When I hear Lin guohong still muttering and complaining, I can’t help but go straight to my forehead.
Suddenly Xiao Dawei roared, "Tell me if you have anything to say, you can’t leave. I’m leaving."
Lin Guogong has never seen Xiao Weifa with such a big temper that he stood there next to Liang Ge, who is also hot-tempered. I have never seen this mouth and said, "What are you yelling at? Look at the fruit red. What’s wrong with scaring yourself? Hit your head against the wall. We are not your punching bag."
Xiao Wei didn’t continue to talk about riding a bike and waited for a while to see that Lin Guohong didn’t mean to go, so he got up and left.
Lin Guohong saw that Xiao Wei was really alone and couldn’t help crying. Liang Ge hurriedly comforted Lin Guohong and shouted Xiao Wei’s name behind him. Xiao Wei pretended not to hear his head and didn’t look back.
Qi Liangge jumped at the back and cursed Xiao Wei. "Xiao Wei, you are such an asshole!"
The next day, I was very angry and ignored Xiao Wei after learning Lin Guo Hong Guo.
Ignore it. Xiao Wei is too lazy to explain that Xiao Wei was depressed after school at noon, so he remembered Yi Qing and went to the police station to find him and wanted to talk together.
As a result, I didn’t know that Yi Qing had been transferred from the police station until I arrived at the police station, and it was promoted and transferred to the major crimes team of the criminal police station as the captain.
I didn’t find Yi Qing Xiao Wei’s good turn and walked home. It’s a good thing to whisper that Yi Qing got promoted. I have to ask him out another day to congratulate him. I don’t know what happened to him and Stuart Chun Yan now
Just as Xiao Wei walked forward with his head down and was approaching home, suddenly someone stood in front of him. Xiao Wei quickly braked and looked intently at Wu Yan who stopped the way.
To tell the truth, I saw Wu Yan Xiaowei’s awkward heart, but I couldn’t show it. She smiled and said, "Sister Yan is looking for me. Is there anything?"
Wu Yan looked at Xiao Wei with a smile and said, "I went home to find you just now. Aunt said you haven’t come back yet?" Wu Yan held up her scarf. "You left your scarf at home that day and sent it to you specially."
Xiao Wei took the scarf and suddenly remembered the sadness in the man’s back yesterday, but the surface was still very happy and said, "Sister Yan didn’t come to see me just to send me a scarf, did she?"
Wu Yan put her hand into the trench coat and said, "I still want to talk to you about whether we should concentrate on our studies at this stage or not. There are still a few months before the college entrance examination. Now it is a problem that it is difficult to get a good way out of college in this society, isn’t it?"
Xiao Wei didn’t answer the words is nodded his head.

I’m afraid that his move was secretly inspired by the emperor. If I know that the Great Buddhist thing is in our hands, I’m afraid I’m already trying to deal with us.

In this way, we can be charged with dereliction of duty under this excuse.
There are many ways for the heavenly family to deal with ministers, and it is impossible to rush to arise now. It is really passive. "
Obviously, Ning Zheng was satisfied with his analysis. After listening to him, he stared at him and asked, "Do you have any countermeasures?"
Shook his head with a wry smile NingGuang seriously thinking about repeatedly helpless "son there is no other way but a drag word tactic.
The most important thing for us now is to wait until it’s time to detoxify our father and uncle. Before that, we can’t take the initiative to provoke the royal family and SiTianGong.
But the worst thing for us is that not only the royal family and Si Tiangong know when and how we detoxify, but it is really difficult for Xue Yong, the people behind him, to know that we are under attack between Scylla and Charybdis.
Even if you want to move, you have to wait for your father and his uncle to detoxify before you do it, otherwise it will be a disaster for Ning’s family to affect detoxification. "
Smell speech NingZheng and NingChengEn glances NingChengEn slightly to the eldest brother nodded NingZheng look to sink and said, "if you don’t consider our detoxification? We have made proper arrangements for this matter, and it is not so easy for outsiders to want to disturb it. "
"If you don’t consider the father and his uncle detoxification, it would be much easier to control you. The Grand Buddhist of Jinshengguo will definitely die. When the time comes, the royal family will turn against us, so we should take the initiative.
First, we joined forces with Yong Wang Yongbing to uproot the Royal Guards and Si Tiangong forces under curfew, and at the same time, we quickly disposed of the powerful forces such as Xue Jiawei, Ni Jia and Zhang Jia.
Let’s Ning Jia train many years. From the centurion to a captain, PianJiang in Ning Jia Army are all our family brothers who have separated from each other and made friends with Nan Yu. If we oppose each other, there won’t be a lot to deal with. "
"It’s so easy for you to rebel?" Ning Zheng looked at the son coldly and looked at her daughter’s sitting up straight. The body sound was also loud. She was about to get angry, but she didn’t say too much about her face, but she was persuasive. "The court didn’t even prepare for this. Tianshun has long been a hero!
It’s not only the hay weapons that are broken, but also the soldiers. Do we rely on the existing Ningjiajun in Nanqu to fight against the army of diligent kings swarming around Tianshun? "
Looking at my brother, I looked up and wanted to argue with my father. Ningyun quickly pulled his sleeve and said to my brother, "My father is right. It is difficult for our family to fight against the whole Tianshun."
The Qin family is unreliable. First, it is limited to our support because it is pinned down by the witch temple.
Secondly, we fight against Chiyou all the year round. We know that Chiyou people are the ones to eliminate dissidents, but the soldiers don’t know that Tianshun Army has changed from a friendly army to an enemy army fighting Chiyou every year, and it has become a friendly army. People can’t get through this hurdle. It is even more difficult to cooperate with Chiyou army who came to help.
Third, let’s Ning family have some friendship with Qin family, but the south domain is in Ning family’s hand, of course, not in Yong Wang’s hand, so that Emperor Chiyou can rest assured that if he wants to consume a lot of our Ning family’s military strength while we are struggling with Tianshun army, we can do something at that time. "
Seeing that my brother’s face has become heavy, Ning Yuncai glanced at his father and his uncle and said, "Besides, we have always fought against Chiyou in the south of the town. Although the center of gravity has always been the south of the town over the years, the garrison in the south of the town has always been here, and we can’t reach in."
Chapter 51 is yellowbird mantis 5.
Since I will associate with the Qin family, it is impossible to say that my father has no ambition, but it is one thing to have ambition, and whether it can be done is another matter.
Father and uncle have been planning, but these preparations are estimated to have to wait until the generation of brothers and children before some results can be achieved. Now it is still too hasty to start fighting.
I hate patting my thigh. Ning Guang angrily said, "That’s not good, that’s not good. Can’t we just sit back and wait and die?"
My brother is still too young. Although he was sent by his father in Beijing less than twenty years ago, he has no actual combat experience and can’t teach him much. He should realize his own experience.
When I arrived in Nanyu, I have been confined to Nanyu in the army. My father and uncle have a heart to cultivate, but many things must be judged from time to time and experience.
She and her brother have been poor for more than 20 years, and it’s no wonder that her brother is not doing well now.
Ningyun’s eyes rested on the map and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth. "I have an idea, but this is too risky and the feasibility is not high."
"Why don’t you tell me?" Ning Zheng’s attitude towards her is completely different from Ning Guang’s. She should be generous to her daughter. There is no harshness in many tones, which is love.
Ningyun stepped forward, pointing to Tianshun map and calmly said to his father, uncle and brother, "Opposite the town south is a king fief. We are not familiar with this king, but there are not many wars on both sides. If the king stormed the town south, it would be difficult to cope with the need to ask Tianshun court for help."
The nearest garrison is our imperial court. Although it is suspicious of us, it has to appease us and ask us to try our best to reinforce Zhennan at this time.
And our side can be an excuse to guard against Yong Wang’s forces and ask to leave half of them to guard the southern region and the other half to rescue Zhennan.
But in fact, we are. Once they nest gets the letter, he can cooperate with Xiangwang and Yongwang to take the town south!
By then, Zhennan and Nanyu will be in our hands. Even Tianshun and Chiyou want to deal with us, we must weigh their weight.
If we fall to Tianshun, Chiyou, it will be a natural barrier in southern Xinjiang, and the front line will be pushed all the way north to Jiuqu Mountain, which is equivalent to losing the territory of southern Xinjiang. An emperor should consider it if he wants to do so.
And we stay in the capital, and their families dare not ask the prince to continue to marry his sister, so that the family will be as stable as Mount Tai as long as they don’t fail to take her place.
In this way, our Ning family will completely fight with Tianshun Royal and become a country with less Tianshun Royal. If there is still some brain, we must get rid of us.
More stab in the back will need to be dealt with carefully in the future.
However, it is not a long-term solution for the separatist party to please both sides. We must eventually choose the side between Tianshun and Chiyou.
Once we decide to do this, I suggest we choose Chiyou. "
She skillfully pointed to the map and said all kinds of strategies as if she had returned to her previous life. She was still the one who planned the future. Ningyun was the object this time and became her own family. psychological compensation did her best.
Ning Chengen’s face became more appreciative after Ning Yun said these words, and he changed his taciturn attitude by letting go of the teacup. He was delighted at Ning Zheng, saying, "Eldest brother, the cloud is even better than we expected. We didn’t expect so much at her age."
But NingZheng didn’t smile like him, but looked at her daughter’s fingertip map. "You said that they nest attacked Zhennan, but how can you know that King Yong will honestly help us keep the border?
You just said that for the Qin family, we have the south domain, but we have no peace of mind in our own hands.
If Yong Wang attacked Nanyu while we were attacking Zhennan, there would be little room for resistance in Nanyu at that time. "
Ningyun looked at his father and suddenly Zhan Yan smiled. "At this time, of course, it is necessary to find a hostage in hand, so that Wang Yong and Qin Jia can’t make a move."
Ning Guangwen first stunned and then quickly responded, "You said it was Qin Mu!"
NingYun smile more heart to his brother’s eyebrows "if we can please Qin Mu in ning’s home, I believe that the king of harmony and the imperial city of human-god will not make unwise choices.
In addition to the witch temple, Wang He and several other princes in the country of Human-God are eyeing up and looking at the position! "
Ningzheng also laughed and nodded with a smile. "It’s also said that King Yong can’t bear to part with his only office. What’s going on in our hands? This is not something that South Domain can change."
At that time, if you want to make Qin Mu in Tianshun Yongwang, you will definitely be afraid to move. "
"Good sister, you are amazing!" My sister’s outstanding performance attracted his uncle and father to praise Ning Guang without any jealousy. Instead, she was sincerely happy and made Ning Yun feel more and more like Ning Yue’s reaction. "Hate that you are not my brother, or we will protect Ning Jia together."
"Even if I’m a daughter, I’m Ning’s family, and it’s my responsibility to protect Ning’s family." Ningyun never doubted this.
But my father was not persuaded by her, but asked again, "You just analyzed what if King Yong wants to annex us after we invest in Chiyou?"
We can’t keep holding on to Qin Mu! "
"Can’t local strongmen want to rise. This is bound to meet Kaner. Whether in Tianshun or Chiyou, Donghuang or Xiling, the same method is used to avoid swallowing others or being eaten by others.
Of course, Qin Mu will not always be in our hands, but we have other things to rely on.
To master the south domain and Zhennan, we have mastered the advantage of taking the initiative to advance, attack, retreat and defend, and we cannot lose it. "
When she finished, she stretched out her hand and knocked on the map of a location in the south domain and Zhennan. It was clear that the three characters’ Ghost Cry Ridge’ showed a knowing smile. "When I first came, I felt that I had to take a detour to the south domain. Actually, if you think about it carefully, even if you go to Zhennan, you should avoid ghost Cry Ridge.
Ghost Cry Ridge is just stuck in the hinterland of Tianshun. Everyone feels that it is inconvenient to detour. Because of the fierce name of Ghost Cry Ridge, it can be done for hundreds of years. Everyone is used to it. "
Chapter 511 is yellowbird mantis 6
She painted the word "Ghost Cry Ridge" with Chloe’s finger. She bowed her head and smiled. "If we can block the ghost Cry Ridge, the distance from Nanyu to Zhennan can be greatly shortened. It is not difficult for the army to help each other."
I believe that my father and uncle set up Tian Jiacun to study ghost ants for this reason.
It’s hard to say when it comes to witches, but if I hadn’t met the queen ant once and brought enough medicine to avoid ordinary ghost ants, I could still do it.
If we can connect the two places into one, we will have at least ten years to plan when Chiyou and Tianshun dare not make a move. "
Ning Yun, as a queen, knows that Loyalty is just a royal trick. Ning’s family doesn’t need this ridiculous idea, and she won’t object to her father’s accession to the throne when the time is right.
"Ten years is much, even if we can stand on our own feet, whether Tianshun or Chiyou will be wary of us.
If I were to estimate it, I think it would be about five years.

"Sue …" NaLanQing fiercely to shut up.

First, Li Mo, and now perhaps even Su Mianyue is an enemy.
Long Ze put her on the ground and touched her left and right, then gasped and asked, "Are you hurt?"
"No, you can’t move!" Na Lanqing shook her head, and there was nothing wrong with her body. At this time, she felt as if she had been acupunctured.
Long Ze, she was acupunctured. She untied the acupoints.
"No, this is his poison …"
Before she finished speaking, she suddenly found herself moving
"Nothing!" Na Lanqing shook his head and hurriedly moved his body to confirm that there was no problem before he got up and stretched his neck and looked at the dark moat.
"Don’t worry he’s not dead!" Long Ze casually raised his eyebrows and dyed the most brilliant red in the world, which was dangerous and hot.
Na Lanqing this just sip lip remained silent.
Long Ze eyes stared at him coldly and glanced at the long-lost figure in the moat.
"Go home!"
Nalanqing’s battle was a great victory. About 10,000 soldiers surrendered and the rest were slaughtered.
The people in the city were all in awe and bent down. They didn’t know who was directing the battle and put the victory of this war in Longzetou.
"The five emperors were like gods, and they lost about 30,000 enemies overnight and captured more than 10,000 enemies …"
"Yes, the real dragon is different. I heard that the front of the temple is not favored. It seems that this time it was sent out by the generals to experience?"
"If there is a temple, we won’t worry that the rebels will break through the gate …"
"Temple chitose chitose Qian Qian years old …"
Praise Long Zeyin on all sides. This is also Nalanqing’s intention to let the wind find a way to control the direction of public opinion in the city, and to hold Long Ze in the position of god!
Long Ze looked at this scene with a complicated face and repeated the past scene.
Finally, his little Qing son was on the right track and took the same road in his previous life.
"Temple Nalan’s adult has something important for you to go to Zhongzhang ~" A flaming soldier came along.
"I will arrive later!"
The flaming soldiers handled the captured soldiers and counted the property losses of the people one by one to compensate them. Long Ze set up a perfect image of a monarch.
In the middle of the account, Na Lanqing turned over the account in her hand. She didn’t look well. When she heard the movement at the door, she looked up and asked, "The twilight chamber of commerce in Beijing has set a trap for the chamber of commerce in April. Does it seem a little bit cold with you?"
When Long Ze heard that his eyes were very dangerous, he pursed his lips. "Hmm!"
"You need a lot of silver to deal with this matter in wartime, especially in the early stage … I was maliciously cashed out by the Twilight Chamber of Commerce in April, and I can’t move without silver war when I invest in ore trading, but it’s very troublesome …"
Long Ze went over and poured a glass of water for her. "Don’t worry, it’s just a protest that I chose April instead of him. It won’t be difficult for you to deal with this matter!"
"Well, a lot of coal mines have been discovered in Ziyun City recently, and half of my money has been invested in them … It’s a little sad now!"
"So that’s it!" Long Ze nodded.
"Do you know about coal mines?" Na Lanqing looked at him and was a little surprised. There is no coal facies making method in this world. It should not make such a thing as coal, right?
Long Ze one leng.
In his previous life, he knew that coal was only white. It was a kind of combustible thing like soil, but Xiao Qing said it belonged to a mine.
It is not clear whether a mine is a thing or not. It is a good thing that getting rich will change the living conditions of China.
"I don’t know what that is?" Long Ze opened his eyes and lied.
Na Lanqing sipped slowly with a teacup. "It’s a very good thing, and maybe it’s possible to make a modern freight train with coal …"
"Nothing!" Na Lanqing shook his head. This is just a groundbreaking idea. She can imagine what the train will appear on this continent.
Besides, she won’t. It’s possible to transport a cargo in a remote area at most.
"By the way, did anyone find out about Sun Fei? There are still about 150 thousand troops coming, right? " Na Lanqing changed the subject and focused on this matter.
"Sun Fei origin is not said to be a peasant … but his arbitrary and reckless personality is the strategist around him …"
Military adviser? Su Mianyue?
"Rebellion has been a strategist for a few months now. He has a low ability to advise Sun Fei. The Red Demon said that he is about a person who knows the real black hand behind the scenes. Maybe there is the strategist …"
"Sun Fei likes women. It is said that for half a month, she secretly came to the city to hunt some beautiful prostitutes and brought them back to the barracks. Occasionally, she sent her family to take him to see a good woman …"

The figure suddenly froze in the air, and then, a heart-rending cry rang out in the whole battlefield: "Xingtian’s big fiend is dead, Xingtian’s big fiend is dead, and the ghost fairy killed Li Tianda!"

The man who suddenly appeared was Mao Youzuo.
Tens of millions of fiend soldiers suddenly burst into chaos.
"Don’t mess up, General Mao. This is the time of crisis. You should command the fiend soldiers quickly and avenge the big fiend!" Space is distorted again, and the figure of big fiend in black wind appears in front of all the fiend soldiers.
"Yes!" Didn’t wait until Mao Youzuo said, countless fiend soldiers quickly moved closer to Mao Youzuo. Black wind stretched out his hand, grabbed the banner from Xingtian’s body, and flew to Mao Youzuo with both hands.
"General MAO. The life and death of the demon gods are in your hands! " Black wind said with tears in his eyes.
Mao Chopsticks reached out and took the flag, wiped a handful of tears, and once again showed a determined expression on her face. The flag in her hand was black and shining, and the power of countless demon soldiers gathered in her body. A loud explosion full of true yuan rang in the sky: "Revenge for Xingtian’s big demon, kill!"
With the flag waving. Tens of millions of fiend soldiers rushed to the nether world.
At the moment, the true qi rolled and the mountains trembled, and a bitter struggle began again.
Looking at the fiend soldiers and the ghost fairy "kill each other", with nine days of wisdom of Xuan Nv and Nu Wa Empress, I also froze. At the critical moment of the struggle between the two sides, how could the ghost fairy kill Xingtian? What the hell was born?
At this time, Bai Ling grabbed Empress Xuan Nv for nine days and said in a hurry, "Empress, don’t worry about me, go back and command the immortals and help the fiend soldiers to kill the ghosts!"
It took nine days for Xuan Nv to realize this. Hurriedly said to the Queen Mother of the West: "Empress, you take care of them here, I’m going back!"
Say, nine days Xuan Nv a flicker, away from Wan Li, blink of an eye, a wave of his flag in his hand, eight dragons, mountain soldiers will, Linxi Zongzhong fairy. Crazy to kill the ghost fairy.
Over there. Mao Zuo, who killed the red eye, led a large array of 100 thousand people to kill the bodhi old zu on Sunday.
On Sunday, the bodhi old zu had a puzzling smile on his face, and a whisper suddenly appeared in Mao’s ear: "General Mao, you finally made a move, well done, really smart!" In the next thousand years, you will also be a famous fairy in the fairy world. "
With this voice, the bodhi old zu raised his axe to open the sky on Sunday, and thousands of reiki gathered around the peerless magic weapon, and with a bang, they cut off the hundreds of fiend soldiers who rushed to him.
At the moment, Zhenyuan scurried about and bloodied. Hundreds of fiend soldiers, no one can stop this earth-shattering axe, all of which disappear into the breeze and disappear.
"I don’t want to be an angel, just to survive, for myself and the people I love, I have to play such a small trick!" Mao Youzuo shouted in his heart, leaving tears in his eyes again. With a wave of his banner in his hand, another 100,000-man team flew out, bypassing the bodhi old zu on Sunday and killing the ghost fairy behind him.
"Bastard!" A loud denunciation sounded in the void, and Mujil, Haimo Ming and others who were about to be beheaded suddenly disappeared in situ. Then, on Sunday, the bodhi old zu also had a blue halo.
On Sunday, the bodhi old zu once again showed a puzzling smile on his face, glanced at his hair and disappeared.
After leaving Daxian, the ghosts and immortals are no match for the fiend soldiers and the immortals in the three realms. In the blink of an eye, tens of millions of ghosts and immortals were slaughtered, and the voice of "surrender" rang out in the vast East China Sea.
At this time, the four dragon kings who surrendered to the ghost fairy led their defeated troops in the Dragon Palace, held high the white flag, and surrendered to Empress Xuan Nv for nine days. Bai Ling and Heiyue were supported by the Queen Mother of the West and appeared in front of everyone. Bai Ling showed a smug smile on her face and quietly said to the Queen Mother of the West, "The Dragon King of the Four Seas really has no integrity this time. They should no longer manage the four seas?"
The Queen Mother of the West showed a trace of vigilance on her face and asked, "Fairy Bai Ling, they did commit an unforgivable crime, but without dragons, how can it rain in the celestial world? Who will manage the creatures in this celestial world?" She watched Lingxi Sect grow stronger and thought that Bai Ling would take the opportunity to seize the control of the dragon.
"Mochen, the twenty-one son of the East China Sea Dragon King, has always been firmly in our camp. It is better for the empress to let him temporarily manage the Dragon Palace in the Four Seas!" There was a look of pain on Bai Ling’s face, and it was obvious that talking touched her wound again.
The Queen Mother of the West just breathed a sigh of relief gently. It seems that she is overrated. Bai Ling is not so ambitious. Let the dragon control the dragon. Ok, that’s a good idea. Let’s do it.
The Queen Mother of the West called Mochen.
This time, cut off two Shi Mao tongtian hierarch flew to the front of Bering and Black Moon, and the light in his hand flashed, and two strong real Yuan Xun rushed into Bering and Black Moon’s body, and the two men immediately recovered with the human eye’s visibility, and the injury recovered in a blink of an eye.
At this time, the leader of Tongtian called out: "Black Moon, Bai Ling, tidy up the spiritual followers, follow me to cover and kill the ghosts and immortals, and recover the heaven and the western Buddhist world!"
Black Moon and Bai Ling understood, and immediately waved their flags. Lead Niu Mowang, Lord Peng, Lin Zifeng, fate and others to follow the sky and kill them.
When Bai Ling passed by Mao Youzuo, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she shouted, "Listen, demons in the demon world, if you want to make amends, follow us to kill the ghost fairy, kill the heaven and rush back to the western Buddhist world!"
Before all the demons could react, Mao Ruo waved the flag in his hand and shouted, "Fairy Bai Ling is right. Ladies and gentlemen, revenge for Xingtian’s great fiend! "
Tens of millions of fiend soldiers rushed forward.
The Queen Mother of the West and Xuan Nv of Jiutian are a little silly. They recovered the heaven. How did they forget to call themselves and others?
Nu Wa Niangniang fell in front of Jiutian and the Queen Mother of the West at this time and said, "The celestial world has also been smashed into a mess. You should make a good rectification here for the time being, and then find some wandering celestial beings to support Lingxi Sect and the fiend soldiers. The ghost, the ghost, the fairy, and the worm are dead but not stiff. You still have to make more plans! "
Hearing this, the nine-day Xuan Nv and the Queen Mother of the West suddenly realized that, according to the orders of the Nannai Empress, they quickly gathered the three remaining Buddhist masters to look for new soldiers.
At this time, the female milk goddess will have ribbons floating. Following Linxi Zong and the fiend soldiers, they went to heaven to kill them. She was not there, and she met the mysterious man’s attack again. She was afraid that Bai Ling and others could not cope.
Tianxian City.
Just after teaching the twelve-pin lotus table how to use it, Long Xing gave the ancient Buddha a mysterious smile and said, "Here we are, and our life and death are here!" "
Original a surprised, the hands of a sword to draw out.
"No. On Sunday, the bodhi old zu and all of them were connected to Tianxian City from the celestial world. It seems that the other side’s Kowloon Ding is also all-important. Unfortunately, even though I have been able to pick people up from the outside, there is no one outside who can pick them up, so I must mention that I don’t want to come in, and all the people such as Burning Lamp, Tathagata and Pilu have been put into metempsychosis. The three masters are not skilled enough, and no one can match them! " Take the ancient Buddha with a sigh.
Long Xingxuan, who was sitting on the ground digesting the techniques just taught, opened his eyes, looked at the ancient Buddha and asked, "Ancient Buddha. Can you really pick people up from outside? "
"Of course, I didn’t come to the city later than that guy, and I was almost liberated, but I wasn’t as lucky as him. I didn’t find that special Shi Mao and didn’t have a suitable multiplier!" The ancient Buddha was still somewhat dissatisfied with Long Xingxuan’s failure to give him twelve lotus stands, and he couldn’t help letting it out at this time.
Moral Buddha laughed.
Long Xingxuan didn’t seem to hear the jealousy in his words, but said solemnly, "In that case, please ask the ancient Buddha to take two people in for me!"
"Who, you don’t want to pick up that Tongtian and Nuwa? Come in, hehe, they are too high. I can’t liberate their true yuan in a short time and let them have the strength to fight each other!" The ancient Buddha shook his head quickly. "No, I want you to pick up the daughter of the earth treasure king, the nine-plate daughter of the ghost virgin and Sun Xiaoxiao, the seventh disciple of the bodhi old zu on Sunday!" Long Xingxuan denied the speculation that the old guy was really not smart enough. No wonder he couldn’t get on the mysterious man, not because of luck or the multiplier, but because he was too stupid.
"Pick them up?" I was confused. "Sun Xiaoxiao, I know that you are kind to him, and maybe he will help you. However, his little skill is not enough for others to plug their teeth. That dove-dish girl, hehe, is the slut. You won’t be scared silly. Do you want to use this bad trick of honey trap?"
"Fuck you, old fool!" Long Xingxuan stood up and called him an old fool. He really didn’t wronged him. Where did he want to go? What honey trap is not honey trap, and hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the cellar? Is your head flat?
"Are you saying that the mysterious man is probably the Earth Treasure King?" The moral Buddha heard a little sign, and threatened the earth treasure king with his daughter. Although this idea is also bad, it is also a good idea, provided that the earth treasure king still has a little humanity.
"It’s probably him. Except for him, I really can’t remember the second person coming. Take precautions and lead the ancient Buddha. You’d better take these two people over. Even if it doesn’t work, multiple cannon fodder is not a bad thing!" Long Xingxuan said.
After receiving a cry and hiss, it’s true that Gouchen Emperor is frank, and it’s comparable to Papman, the demon king. If Hattori and Xiaoxiao hear this, I don’t know what feeling they should have. Very smooth, great foresight operation, open the picture. With the introduction of the sword in their hands, the wild silkworm and Deng Fei, who are luring the chicken-dish girl towards the idle city, suddenly disappear out of thin air.
Sun Xiaoxiao, too, is looking at Yunjiao and Sun Boyi’s grave in Juelong Valley, and the next moment, he appears in front of Longxingxuan and Jieyin Ancient Buddha.
The next moment, he found himself in Tianxian City.
The dove-dish girl was directly introduced into the palace and fell in front of her sister-in-law, who is now under the guidance of Long Xingxuan. Once again, she has a little magic power, and with her personality and style, it is the most suitable to guard the dove-dish girl.
Long Xingxuan watched as both of them were introduced into Tianxian City by Jieyin ancient Buddha. Instead of rushing to see them, he told Jieyin to put away his great foresight and said to the moral Buddha and the original Buddha, "Two Buddha. I have probably mastered the cultivation techniques of the twelve-product lotus platform. Next, please ask the two to display the techniques for conduction! "
The moral Buddha and the original Buddha looked at each other and nodded their heads. The two men shook hands, and the moral Buddha stretched out his hand towards the eyebrows of Long Xingxuan. A mysterious, mysterious and vast force instantly poured into Long Xingxuan’s mind. Unlike the general transmission of work, there is no true element gathering in Long Xingxuan’s body, and there is no general routine gathering along the meridians of Long Xingxuan towards the abdomen. Instead, it simply forms a powerful spiritual force in Long Xingxuan’s mind, which fluctuates slowly with the passage of time. Strictly speaking, it should be said that it is a shock. With the increase of the amplitude, Long Xingxuan can’t help but have various hallucinations in his mind. A rushing river. Roaring beasts, flying clouds, blood-like sunsets … Everything swarms and overlaps until you can’t tell what is water, what is cloud, what is wind and what is light.
A mysterious Huang Zhi gas appeared at this extremely chaotic moment, quietly passing through clouds, mountains and sunset clouds. Fly to the depths of Long Xingxuan’s mind.
At this time, Long Xingxuan, who was in a state of confusion, anxiety and chaos, suddenly squeezed out a drop of Pangu’s blood from his body. The drop of blood was crystal clear and fell into a myriad of dreamland, which immediately stirred up countless overlapping pictures and formed a whirlpool in an instant. The earth, fire, water and wind were completely mixed, forming a chaotic world.
That Xuan Huang Zhi gas was also attracted by this violently rotating vortex, which plunged into the core of the vortex, and was finally completely dispersed and became a part of chaos.
At this time, the moral Buddha was shocked, and almost one mouthful blood gushed out. He quickly stabilized his mind, pretended that nothing was born, and continued to conduct great foresight in Long Xingxuan’s mind.
Half a day later, the moral Buddha put down his finger pointing to Long Xingxuan’s eyebrows, and a sense of distress struck him and the Yuan Shi Buddha clinging to his body. This time, the conduction capability really cost them a lot of spiritual strength. However, the benefits are also obvious. They have never been so thoroughly exerted. After enduring the sense of sleepiness, both of them felt that the real yuan, which was suppressed by the forces of the original world, was loose again, and both of them were happy.
Longxing Xuansheng stood there motionless, and after a while, his body gradually spread out a green light. The two Buddha and the leader looked at each other, and everyone’s eyes showed surprises. As expected by the three people, Longxing Xuansheng absorbed the great foresight capability of the two Buddha and began to slowly improve the realm.

"I only know that your mind is full of thinking about how to cultivate into an adult so that you can hit on my mother." Yang Muyu evil laughed.

The medicine son suddenly squatted under the pillow and thought about it. He leaned out and shouted at Mo Qing, "Mr. Mo, if you don’t go to see the master, the master will really get married. I won’t lie to you this time."
"Your master has been married for fifteen years and has never seen her really married!" Mo Qing didn’t good the spirit of the way.
Yang Muyu rubbed his head. What a mess? I thought about it. After sorting out my thoughts, I asked, "Father, what is the origin of my mother? Why don’t you marry her?"
"I want to marry, but … she doesn’t agree and she wants me to go outside …" Mo Qing sighed.
"The outside world?" Yang Chen and Yang Tie and Yang Muyu were moved at the same time. There is another world outside the boundary between mountains and seas. There is no doubt about that, but … Throughout the ages, people from all walks of life have never crossed the line … It should be said that no one has ever been able to cross the line …
Of course, the inferno exception.
"Sure enough, it seems that my guess was right. When I saw the medicine rabbit around my father, I wondered how there could be a medicine rabbit in this mountain and sea world. It turned out that someone had come to play." Yang Tie faint smile is not stopped out of thin air to knead a water polo in the blue and white porcelain bowl.
Just now, Yang Chen was attracted by Mo Qing’s affair and didn’t care what Yang was working on. Now, at first glance, he not only asked, "What is this deep blue mud?"
"Yes!" Yang Tie said coldly, "How can you meet someone tomorrow when you hurt your father’s face like this? I’ll get him some deep blue mud to tie it up and eliminate the swelling."
"Is it worth it just for this boy’s face?" Yang Chen shook his head, saying that deep blue mud is a treasure that is hard to find, but now it is used to treat Yang Muyu with such injuries, which is really overqualified.
"I want you to take care of it?" Yang Tie cold tunnel.
"Yang Tie must not be rude!" Yang Muyu suddenly said.
"It’s the Father!" Yang Tie busy respectfully promised.
Yang Muyu thought for a moment and asked, "What is my mother?"
Yang Tie looked at Mo Qing and said with a smile, "Tell me, Mr. Mo." "I don’t know!" Mo Qing only knew that Yang Muyu’s mother was not an ordinary human being, but he had no idea what her identity was. At the beginning, Yang Muyu’s mother, the city of Sunny Yao in Yang Chen, also took the opportunity to disappear. Mo Qing came after Yang Chen in a rage, but learned that he didn’t hurt the woman.
Mo Qing realized that she had run away by herself. Two years, including a newborn child, she can leave behind. What is the reason why she is desperate to leave herself?
Three years later, Yaoer came to the city of Qingyao, but she just took a message to Mo Qing. She was all right, just as Mo Qing wanted to marry her, so she came to both worlds.
At that time, Mo Qing knew that she was not from this world.
"What did you say?" Suddenly, Yang Tie was surprised and asked, "Is the mother of the Father God … a person from both worlds?"
"What’s the matter?" Mo Qing asked inexplicably, "Do you know both worlds?"
"Mr. Mo, you are in big trouble." Yang Tie sighed. I really don’t know how to explain to him that both worlds are different. Is that place accessible to ordinary people?
"What the hell is going on?" Even Yang Chen was curious and asked, What can anyone do to them, even if it’s not the world’s biggest in the mountains and seas?
"Father, lie down first and I’ll treat the wound on your face." Yang Tie shook his head.
"ok!" Yang Muyu leaned against the soft mat, and a faint light emerged in Yang Tie’s hand, together with the deep blue mud in the blue and white porcelain bowl, and poured it evenly on Yang Muyu’s face.
Yang Muyu smelled a faint fragrance in his nose, took a deep breath and blurted out, "It smells good!"
Yang Chen sighed: "It’s true that the legendary sacred object deserves its reputation. I’m afraid the spices you use are not as good as this."
Mo Qing nodded and said, "What I made was just ordinary incense. The bottle of spices you asked me to match was better than what I made now."
Yang Tie laughed: "I really don’t understand what’s good about you two?" In addition to being able to stay in beauty and use it, there are no practitioners on the nine products to stay in beauty. It seems that these external things are not needed? "
"You don’t know that our family is famous for its star medical skills and organs, and it is not ordinary people who are so idle that they start to study weird luxury goods. Originally, we didn’t have any research on spices, but Fairy Yaochi has a hobby for this. " Mo Qing smiled and said, "At first, I got an embroidered source hall for this morning, but it was only for the private use of Yaochi Fairy. Later, the cost was too high, and I started to use the Mohist network to buy spices. Other things were incidental products."
Yang Muyu listened and shook his head. How did the original embroidered source hall come from?
Mo Qing added: "The fairy Yaochi was really picky about spices. He was not satisfied with several kinds of spices in the morning, so he came to me to configure them in the morning. As a result, in order to meet her requirements, I spent three months experimenting for dozens of times and consumed a lot of precious medicinal materials and herbs to configure the spices …"
Yang Muyu not only rolled his eyes, but no wonder Yaochi Fairy recognized his identity when she saw him.
"Later, I thought that I couldn’t give all the women in Qingyao City different kinds of spices. Even in Jindi Palace, these spices are sold in Xiuyuantang, but now the feather is used but can’t be bought in the market." Mo Qing added.
"Why?" Yang Tie puzzled asked.
"A small bottle of this spice is worth thousands of gold. Who can afford it?" Yang Chen cold way "and configuration is very complicated steaming, drying, stuffy, smoked … Once which link is wrong, it will be wasted. In addition to being clear, I am afraid that even if someone in this mountain and sea community knows the formula, it may not cooperate. "
Yang Muyu said with a wry smile, "Father, you are idle and bored, so you can’t do such tedious things, can you?" He is proficient in astrology, especially medicine and poisonous common spices, and he can know what the ingredients are just by smelling them. However, this spice given to him by Mo Qing has been used for so long that he can’t figure out what the main medicine is.
"I was really bored at that time … it was all this damn spice or I wouldn’t have paid attention to your mother." Mo Qing shook his head. "At the beginning, she appeared in the city of Qingyao because she was so beautiful that a group of good people molested me. As a result, I accidentally smelled the fragrance on her body, which was very similar to this spice … I was very curious at that time, and the people who directly identified her Yaochi wanted to tease her …"
As a result, I went too far …
At that time, Mo Qing was young and charming, and naturally he was affectionate. It would be a good story to get married if the other person was really a middleman in Yaochi.
But ….. Even Mo Qing never thought that the girl he had a crush on was a world apart.
Yang Chen watched Yang Tie apply the deep blue mud on Yang Muyu’s face and gradually turned pink. Finally, it blended with his skin color. Originally, Yang Muyu’s swollen face suddenly returned to its original appearance … It was more tender and white than the original, and the whole face almost gave a faint glow.
"If this thing is seen by a girl, I’m afraid it will be robbed-it’s amazing." Yang Chen laughed.
Yang Muyu was not in the mood to care about this and asked in a hurry: "Where are the two worlds?" Why didn’t my father go to find my mother? "


I can’t stop smiling at the corners of my mouth because of the sweetness oozing from my heart.

Although he always says that his daughter doesn’t look like him, he still thinks a lot. It seems that he should know a lot of things recently.
Although we have exchanged two messages in the past half a month, my Lord and Ruoxi have been running to the family for a long time and should have told him a lot about us.
"Are you used to living there?" I saw that he was in a good mood, so I asked myself a question.
Zou Chen gave me another look in the rearview mirror. "I moved out the day before yesterday."
"ah? Where did you move? "
He glanced at me again with a faint resentment and didn’t reply. "You seem to be busy for more than half a month?"
"a little"
"Busy doesn’t even have a message? Or do you just want to come back and actually don’t want to? " Zou Chen’s tone is a little sour.
Does he blame me for not calling him? Didn’t he call me himself?
"I’m afraid you’ll bother me." He said this half a month knowing that he was at home, but he couldn’t see or talk. He didn’t know how hard I was working.
A man glanced at me in the rearview mirror again and didn’t speak.
"Mom, I want to listen to Xiaoyan." Panpan knelt up and pointed to the stereo.
I was afraid that the car would fall for a while and she would take her back to her leg and then encourage her in her ear, "Then ask dad if there is Xiaoyan."
Panpan looked at Zou Chen, but he just kept silent.
"What’s the matter?" I stood her up to face myself.
Panpan hung his head slightly and put a little finger on his mouth, pouting but not talking.
"Panpan is afraid of … dad?"
The daughter shook her head.
"Then you don’t talk to him?" I induced
The daughter suddenly looked up and said seriously, "He didn’t talk to Panpan either."
A man heard it and immediately asked, "What does Panpan want to hear?" The soft tone gave me goose bumps and made me a little uncomfortable.
Panpan immediately turned to look at him, then quickly turned back and threw himself into my arms, showing shyness.
Zou Chen looked at her in the rearview mirror and her eyes were even softer. "Do you want to hear Xiaoyan?"
My daughter gave me a gentle’ hmm’ in my arms.
Soon, "Xiaoyan" was played in the stereo.
I followed the light hum "Xiaoyan wears flowery clothes …"
My daughter was lying on my arms with her little head shaking again and singing along with her.
The sunshine outside the car is charming, the children’s songs are cheerful, and the three faces are full of smiles. The beautiful mirror is like a dream, and the breath is warm with a sweet smell.
Zou always tries to please his daughter.
Chapter three hundred and seventy-nine A family of three (2)
The sunshine outside the car is charming, the children’s songs are cheerful, and the three faces are full of smiles. The beautiful mirror is like a dream, and the breath is warm with a sweet smell.
The window of happiness seems to have been hit by us, and I believe it will be better later.
It took about 20 minutes to arrive at the forest park. Zou Chen parked the car in the designated parking space and took a look back at our mother and daughter.
Panpan didn’t expect that he would suddenly turn back and suddenly fall back into my arms, but I’m sure she is definitely not afraid of being as shy as a shy little girl who is embarrassed to see her favorite teenager.
"Here we are." Zou Chen reached out and gently touched her head.
Panpan shrank slightly in my arms.
I gave him a look and told him I was shy.
Zou Chen hit the door at the corner of his mouth and deliberately said, "Go fishing."
As soon as my daughter heard about fishing, she sat up straight. "Mom … car."
Some guy really knows how to hold our mother and daughter together
Zou Chen trotted out of the car and gave us the door. He was afraid that Panpan would hit the trunk when we got out of the car.
Panpan was very excited when he saw the big sign of the forest park, pointing to the gate and leaning forward.
In and out of the gate, almost all children are brought to play with grandparents or a family of three.
In April, Beijing is also very warm. It is the season when people come out for an outing. There are many peach blossoms in the park and the scenery is pleasant.
Zou Chen came to me with the bag "Go in"
When I entered the gate, I saw many families of three riding bicycles. Laughter words passed in front of us, and my heart itched.
In the past two years, I have devoted almost all my energy to the company to find out Zou Chen’s revenge on Bai Jie, and I have never come out and played once, and I have never been serious with Panpan.
Looking at the people in front of me, smiling faces are flying, ordinary and real happiness is actually very simple, that is, the family is together.
"Want to ride?" Zou Chen gently stabbed me at a side.

In the end, Villarreal also announced the main team list.

The DJ at the scene of the little love song interacted with the fans and shouted out the names of the villarreal B team members!
Although the number of people on the scene is not as scary as that of the super competition in the Spanish national derby, it also attracts a large number of fans to watch the game. After all, coming to watch the game of team B earlier than the first team can make them enter the state of watching the game in the new season faster.
The front line is partnered by No.1 Huo An Du Masi and No.23 Jefferson Montero;
No.1 hernan perez; No.6 Marcos Gulong Javier Martina; No.7 Cristobal Gisdubao (formerly referred to as C Gisdubao)
Defence line no.4 Kiko; No.3 Huo An Oreo; No.5 Ai Du; Harvey Costa on the 2nd!
Goalkeeper Saint Flohr Vindikia!
Shizu original class main force array
Some have also played in the first team.
At last, the stadium has a feeling of mountains calling for tsunami, which makes Sun Yao very excited. Sun Yao has been looking forward to playing in such a stadium for a long time!
"It’s like coming out quickly!"
The local TV station also has a live broadcast of the Spanish second division, which is also the first round of the game.
Both teams are stronger teams in Spanish second division.
Virva was still hanging out with La Liga teams years ago and relegated to La Liga. It is also a fierce team and it is not easy to deal with!
And when Sun Yao Eye’s newspaper announced the Virva players, the fans on the scene were also booed.
Sun Yao, sit back on the bench.
After the players of both sides entered the stadium and shook hands falsely, they prepared for the real knife and gun competition.
When the referee whistles, the game is exactly
The local TV commentator also talked about the speed of speech. When Degang Guo saw it, he could beg to accept him as an apprentice.
Is that they like to repeat when explaining.
For example, the word "Villarreal Villarreal Villarreal" can be said several times.
Villarreal B team controls the ball. Cristobal Gisdubao takes the ball. The Virva team grabbed it with a fierce shovel. Gisdubao missed the ball and escaped the opponent’s tackle, but the other team came again and took the ball away with one foot.
"Cristobal Cristobal! This ball is destroyed! " A tackle can stimulate the passion of commentators.
Sun Yao looked at the bench quietly, but his heart was already hot.
"This is the real game! The real knife and gun competition is ruthless and fierce! God, it’s still Spain. Can my calf stand it in England? " Sun Yao excited looked at the in the mind said to himself.
Just three minutes after the game, emotions broke out between the two sides. The players of Villarreal B team were very dissatisfied because of Virva’s repeated flying shovels, and they surrounded the Virva team player Field who had just put Marcos Gulong down!
The two teams were entangled in an instant.
Sun Yao also got excited and shouted at the big player.
And the teammates on the bench have also got up and prepared to rush at the loss of their teammates.
Finally, the referee was booked to stop the dispute!
And the assistant coach is also comforting the bench players.
The first game of the season is not easy to play, and no one wants to lose in the first game!
After the referee gave the first yellow card, the movements of both sides were slightly restrained, but they were serious in the end.
Javier Martina takes the ball and sends it to the winger C. Gisdubaojidubaoshi Yu wants to break through the opponent’s close watch and continue to return it to Martinat
Reorganize an attack
The ball moves to the right and hernan perez is blocked from the baseline!
Corner kick!
Hernan perez raised his hand in the corner to prepare the ball.
Teammates also got the message
The entanglement in the restricted area is also here.
Villarreal B defender Ai Du headed the goal!
The ball was cleared from the goal line by Virva defender Kpa.
Virva No.11 Field takes the ball and transfers it to No.14 Kilo!
Fight back!
A corner kick just now made Villarreal B’s defence weak. This is Virva’s chance!
Kilo took the ball and ran to the side. B team winger Oreo quickly made up the defense to stick Kilo.
There is a huge gear on the road.
Virva No.14 Kilo never gave the ball to the road.
Forward insert striker No.9 alberto’s single-handed ball opportunity
"alberto alberto alberto alberto! Knock on the door Ditch! Ditch! GOAL! GOAL!”
Commentators always pretend to be passionate and tell everyone that there is a good show here.
Sun Yao also dropped the bottle on the sidelines next to coach juan carlos Garrido.
Garrido is also a face of gloom to see a bottle fly up a kick!
Schet!’ A mouthful of anger!
Sun Yao wants to be more ready at this time. The door of the team has been breached. At this time, it is time for him to make contributions. It is so humbled to stay on the bench!
Is juan carlos Garrido also don’t want to wave off a substitution quota so early.
Villarreal has fallen behind by one goal just one minute in the game. It’s too much pressure to lose the ball at home so early in the face of a target team!
Field reorganization ball
Villarreal B team is also angry. The first round of the game is also the first home game. If you lose, it will be a very painful thing.
After all, they are also ranked in the league tour team last season, and their overall strength is not worse than that of Virva!
They were hesitant and impatient when they suppressed Virva crazily. Every attack ended in a hurry and didn’t bring much trouble to the Virva team.
"Cristobal gith dubao! Cristobal! Cristobal! He made a breakthrough on the side! Ball ~ Back up! Du Masi! Oh! This ball is above the crossbar! " The commentator regretted

Qinger gritted his teeth and said, "Master, rest assured that Qinger will not fail to live up to his life." Then he disappeared into the sea.

Yi Yu didn’t return to the’ Pure Land of Blissfulness’, but just sat leisurely on the Borneo trail. Suddenly Yi Yu’s white light flashed around him, and "Innocent" appeared beside him. This world’s chilling witch sat down gently and gently moved Yi Yu’s head to her lap.
Yi Yu whispered, "Sister Innocent seems to have something on her mind?"
"No scale looked at Yi Yu lying on her lap and bowed his head and gently kissed his forehead. "Do you … really want to be the sky? Never think about it. It’s too dangerous. You don’t know what’ day’ stands for. Don’t worry me, okay? "
Yi Yu smiled and gently toyed with a wisp of Shen Innocent: "Sister Innocent really thinks I have that idea?"
Shen Wushi smiled slightly and said, "If others don’t dare, but you … hey! Originally, I thought that you and I were connected so that I could see you clearly. But I was wrong. You are like a mystery. What you think in your heart makes me more confused. "
Yi Yudao: "Don’t you like this, Sister Innocent?"
Shen Wuji smiled and said, "Of course! What’s the point of seeing everything as transparent and plain as water? Do you know why I haven’t gone to Deng Yin and Honghua for revenge since I came out? "
Yi Yu smiled and didn’t answer, just waiting for Shen Wuze to say it himself.
Shen Wuji didn’t lose his appetite. "Actually, I don’t hate them. Although I suffered from 300 years of burning heart, they also gave me an unexpected surprise. "
Yi Yu listened and smiled: "Is this surprise me?"
Shen Wuwei also gently pinched Yi Yu’s nose and said, "Don’t flatter yourself. If you hadn’t been taken advantage of by this bad boy at that time, I would have slapped you to death."
Gently caress Shen’s slender waist without scale. Yi Yu asked, "Sister! Just now you said that I don’t know what’ day’ stands for, so do you know? "
"No scale smiled. Tao: "I naturally know that some of them were in infancy. Listening to the words that my father and mother heard when chatting. " "But I know and I won’t tell you," said Shen Wuwei, glancing at Yi Yudao with a smile.
Yi Yuwen was stunned and said, "Why?"
"I’m naturally afraid to tell you," Shen said with a smile. You will be curious, and people will not stop you from being a bad thing. "
Yi Yudao: "But now that you haven’t told me, I’m also curious …"
"Shen Wuwei covered his mouth with a smile:" Then you can explore it yourself slowly. I believe you can’t understand it for thousands of years. And then when you are old, you won’t have these strange ideas again. "
Yi Yu smiled and stopped pestering this endless problem. Gently climbed to the spotless breasts and smiled: "Is Innocent sneaking out to find his master restless and thinking of him … ouch!"
Shen Wu’s pretty face blushed and looked at Yi Yu hatefully, covering her forehead and pretending to be in pain. "You little pervert will bully others. Unless you let your enchanting spring god lose his soul and release it to me! "
Yi Yu smiled, but the thief didn’t stop. "Sister! Are you angry or jealous? "
"Bah!" Shen Wushi’s face turned red and said, "That one will be jealous of you little villain." ……
How about pressing Yi Yu and Shen Wuguang? Don’t mention it. It is said that Qinger, the goddess of spring, was hit by the cold sea after she went into the sea, which made her already firm and the center of the earth shook again.
Qinger’s mind can’t stop flashing her association with Shuier in the past 1000 years. She has saved Shuier’s life in danger three times. Once again, I was in a desperate situation twice, and Shuier was willing to be seriously injured and protect himself …
Three hundred years ago, Shuier went to great pains to get the essence of Ebony and gave it to her without stint. In order to keep the water eye alive, the two of them risked their lives to fight with the trench monster side by side …
In short, there have been too many friendships and unforgettable ones in the past 1000 years. Thinking of these makes Qinger’s heart ache more and more. She doesn’t know how many tears she shed, and they are all mixed in the sea.
Finally, before you know it, Qinger has dropped by three thousand feet, which touches the law outside the abode of fairies and immortals. Qinger, who has been blocked from the protection of the cave, hasn’t
Come here. But fortunately, this water is born in response to the water, and it is gentle and kind, and there is nothing offensive about it. It just stops people outside and calls the police.
"Sister! Why did you come without saying anything? !” Soon, a pretty woman dressed in a aquamarine palace came out from the inside. I saw this woman Emei with almond eyes, long body and slim waist; Light as running water is like blue waves; God is broad-minded and happy. When it’s really a light as a stream, elegant as a calm lake and a clear moon, it’s a comfortable woman.
Qinger listened to this familiar and pleasant voice and smiled reluctantly as the woman entered the abode of fairies and immortals.
On the sea, Yi Yu is still lying on Shen’s uncleaned thigh.
There are still some red words on her face: "Do you really trust Qinger on her?"
Yi Yu smiled and said, "What do you think?"
Innocent is also a smile: "Although Qinger’s personality is a little sleek, at first glance it looks a bit philistine. But I think her bones are more human than ours. Some are sentimental, not kind, but naive. In my opinion, this time she probably failed to live up to your trust! "
Yi Yu smiled slightly: "Maybe! But I really hope she can betray our trust. "
Shen Wugi was puzzled and said, "How do you say this?"
Yi Yu looked at the blue sky on the sea and said faintly, "In that case, I can let Qinger always remember who is the master and how to be loyal to him."
"No scale shook his head. Sighed: "Hey! In this way, Qinger is really pitiful for his royal highness, the God of Spring! Why not start with Joy? That girl may not be more loyal than Qinger. "
Yi Yu smiled slightly and said, "Only dogs can be domesticated into intimate pets by tying the immature wolves directly to watch the home."
Shen Wushi sighed for a long time before saying, "If so, it seems that Joy is even more pitiful."
Yi Yu laughed: "The wolf is fierce and the dog is loyal. There’s nothing pathetic. Besides, if Heer behaves well, maybe she can be upgraded to a German shepherd someday! Who knows the future. "
Shen Wuji: "-
Shuier, who just made a cup of tea for Qinger, asked with a smile, "Sister! Aren’t you going to retreat and close the door in the last hundred years? Why are you free to come to my sister? "
"I …" Qinger didn’t dare to look at the clear eyes of the water. I don’t know how to speak.
Just as Qinger was distracted and her eyes strayed. Suddenly, she saw an embroidery that had just been finished by the couch. The three-foot-square brocade is embroidered with the pattern of "the turn of Lan-Gui", and the silk thread is extremely fine, that is, the Beihai Tiansi silk goes down with ten stitches. It may not leave a trace, but it takes thousands of stitches to leave some color. I don’t know how much work it will take to make a pair of embroidery.
Qinger took a closer look. I saw that there was a small line under the brocade,’ Give it to Sister Mu Cailing to celebrate the 1000-year-old sisterhood between Mu Cailing and Shuiruoxi.’
When the water saw Qinger, the embroidery turned red and said, "Sister, I embroidered this for you. I wanted to give you a surprise. It’s your fault! I didn’t say anything when I came, so people didn’t put it away in a hurry. "
With that, Shuier walked to the side of the brocade and stroked it gently, just like looking at his own child, with a nostalgic look on his face: "Sister! Do you remember that 934 years ago was the first time you taught me needlework embroidery … "
But while Shuier was still immersed in the beautiful memories of farming, Qinger suddenly burst into tears …
When Shuier saw it, he was frightened and quickly came to Qinger’s side and asked with concern, "Sister! What’s wrong with you? What are the grievances and grievances? Talk to the water! "
Qinger sobbed: "Sister Shuier … I’m sorry for you! ….. "This celebration will tell the past story again with tears.
After hearing the water, she looked at Qinger’s small mouth one by one and didn’t speak for a long time.
At this time, Qinger looked at the water that was still staring blankly and gave her a hard push: "What are you still staring blankly? It’s too late to run them down soon! "
"but!" Although there is some indignation in my heart about Qinger’s betrayal, at this moment, Shuier is more worried about her safety. "Sister, what can you do if the water is gone!"

"What can I do to integrate them all? It’s a headache!" Huangfu Zhantian tried many times in a row, but every time it was the last step of fusion, there was a furnace explosion, which made Huangfu Zhantian suddenly hysterical. He thought for a long time and didn’t understand what it was and what it couldn’t be fused.

"Are you in trouble, silly? Let me help you for the last time, old man. The rest of the way is up to you!" When Huangfu Zhantian was very depressed, an old man sounded the first section: the past.
After hearing this sound, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly showed a respectful look in his face, and soon the old man appeared again. It was the old servant who was chaotic before Huangfu Zhantian.
"Old-timer, you really want to help me! What is it that you said this was the last time to help me? " After hearing the old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian was suddenly surprised because he remembered that the old man was omnipotent, but now he says it is the last time to help himself.
"Ha-ha silly boy forgot I told you. After you came to this Shenyuan continent, it is estimated that after three years, I will disappear forever, and now the three-year deadline is coming!" The old man kindly way
"But …!" After hearing this old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly felt a little sad. Whenever he encountered difficulties, the old man would help himself. Now he suddenly said that he was leaving Huangfu Zhantian, which was a little unacceptable at the moment.
"Who won’t die? Although my strength is very strong, my heart is already dead. My master died at the moment of his fall. It’s just to help him find someone for so many years. But when I first found you, your strength was too weak. I came to find the owner and then I left. But I can also help you in this situation for a while. When you are strong enough, I can safely leave." The old man’s wind is light and the clouds are light, as if he were not himself [
Hearing the old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian was a little sad, but he also understood the old man’s thoughts and didn’t say anything he opposed.
After a good half-day, Huangfuzhan genius looked up and said to the old man, "Now, the elder can talk to the younger generation about my master, because I met someone two days ago …!" Any suspection.i Zhantian then said it again when SiLie saw the chaotic jade in his hand.
After hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, the old man suddenly became silent. After a long time, he finally looked up at Huangfu Zhantian Road. "Yes, my master is the founder of this Shenyuan mainland and your Lifeng mainland, and that Si Lie is the master, a student, and the master has a total of nine real students, including your Si Lie, who is old, that is, your brother. It’s a long story."
Then the old man told some past events to Huangfu Zhantian. After listening to the old man’s words, Huangfu Zhantian genius Bai had what happened.
It turns out that there was a student who was the most powerful among the students, and naturally he was a big brother. Their strength was as old as their ranking, and their strength was the worst. At that time, the chaotic venerable had made a rule that whoever was strong would get more resources and cultivation, and the longer he was, the weaker he became, the stronger he became, and the stronger he became. This made the four other disciples who ranked lower feel resentful. Of course, the chaotic venerable was their teacher, but he didn’t often know this with them.
It was not until later that their contradiction broke out completely that the four other disciples behind them could not defeat the top four disciples by virtue of their strength, but they did not know where they had attracted foreigners. These foreigners were very powerful. Although they struggled hard, they were still defeated by these foreigners. In the end, three of the four brothers escaped by luck, and the third one was the most intelligent and savvy among them. However, if he was injured in front of the chaotic honour person, he would rank third.
This incident shocked the chaotic venerable master, and killed all these aliens in one fell swoop. However, although these aliens were killed, they left a curse. One of these aliens was an alien Lord, and after the alien Lord’s father arrived, the chaotic venerable master fought several rounds and divided the whole continent into two parts. In order to protect these two continents, the chaotic venerable master led the powerful alien to fight alone in Outland.
The two of them fought for a whole year, and then the chaotic venerable came back with a trace of spirit, saying that his body and soul were mutually assured destruction with the alien strong, while the four inverse acts were sealed by the chaotic venerable to powerful forces for millions of years until Huangfu Zhantian gave the star world and the mainland passage the seal, and the four inverse acts seals were slowly dissolved.
After listening to the old man’s speech, suspection.i war genius understood that SiLie had lied to him, which made Huangpi war, as a result of a burst of resentment, summon SiLie.
"Master doesn’t know why you want to see me …!" Si Lie was forced to come by Huangfu Zhantian and then said respectfully to Huangfu Zhantian directly, but when he saw the old man around Huangfu Zhantian, his face suddenly changed and he was about to escape.
"If you dare to escape, I will destroy you now!" Any suspection.i Zhantian at this time a full face of murderous look shouted at the same time any suspection.i Zhantian directly controls the small world to squeeze the SiLie up.
Si Lie was sent back by the powerful strength of Huangfu Zhantian, and he was scared to death. When he saw the old man, he knew that he was finished. I am afraid that his lying was also exposed.
"Si Lie, how dare you lie to me? Do you believe me or not?" Any suspection.i war day coldly drink a way
"Xiaotian, don’t move yet!" When the old man saw Silie, the whole person’s eyes suddenly showed anger than look. He has always been very dull, but now the whole person is like a leopard. He came to Silie’s side in an instant. The skinny palm severely bombarded Silie’s chest and directly bombarded Silie. I don’t know how far it was, but the old man didn’t let him go. He planned to wave his hand and directly bound the Silie back to him with a strong binding force.
In this way, the old man punched him out and then sucked him back into the hands of the old man who was beside him, and he didn’t have any strength to fight back.
Seeing such a situation, Huangfu Zhantian was suddenly surprised, because this fierce Huangfu Zhantian knows that since he dared to hide the truth from himself, it is certainly impossible for the old man to strike back. The only explanation is that the strength of the old man has exceeded him so much that he has no fighting back at all, which makes Huangfu Zhantian a little hard to accept. He didn’t expect the old man to be a peerless strong man.
"Please forgive me, housekeeper. I was wrong. I was really wrong. Don’t fight. Please, just leave me alone for the sake of Master!" SiLie was struck by the old man for so long and then immediately begged for mercy.
"Let you go, you let me let you guys go. What about you? That little resource actually killed your master. For so many years, you not only have no remorse, but also want to kill your master. Let me let you go!" Old man anger repeatedly shouted.
"What, you are the master’s undertaker? It’s impossible for the master to be dead. How can you give his mantle to others? Even if you want to, you have to give it to our four brothers. How can you give it to an outsider? I don’t!" Si Lie was dumbfounded when he heard the old man’s words, so he angrily asked the old man, but his eyes were staring at Huangfu Zhantian as if he wanted to kill Huangfu Zhantian.
"Hum, the four of you have long been expelled from your master’s school by your master. Now you are traitors. It’s a dream to dare to get your hands on your master!" The old man immediately sneered after hearing Si Lie’s words [
"It’s impossible. Master, how can his old man expel us from his master’s school because we are a little small? It’s impossible to be a housekeeper. Are you kidding us? You’re lying to me, right!" After hearing the old man’s words, Si Lie immediately panicked, with a pleading look in his eyes, trying to get the answer he expected from the old man’s mouth, but the old man’s answer disappointed him.
"Little sex, you still don’t repent at this time. The master has only one other disciples in total, but three of them have actually been killed because of the jealousy of the four of you. There is also a great kindness for the master to let you reflect on your life. The master said that if you don’t repent after breaking the seal day, you will be expelled from your legacy forever. Now that you have just got out of trouble, you will make waves and want to kill me. How can you? I now declare for the master that the four of you will be expelled from your legacy forever!" Old man cold way
After hearing the old man’s words, Si Lie suddenly froze. wait for a while’s eyes were full of ashes, just like being taken away from his soul.
After a good half-day, that Si Lie finally broke out, with a full face of pain and a crouching look, and the whole person was shivering.
"Master, I was wrong. I was really wrong. I shouldn’t be jealous of my brother. Master, please, I don’t want to be expelled from my school. Forgive my brother for being confused and blinded by lard!" Si Lie cried and slammed his head in the virtual space. There was no hardness in the virtual space, but Si Lie kowtowed and broke his head. Even so, Si Lie still didn’t stop.
See this behind the scenes, the old man is crustily skin of head to kowtow.
And suspection.i war day by this time also gradually white some, but he has some not white what this SiLie has made things like that don’t want to be expelled from his legacy.
"Do you ask the master that there is no master who has gone to the root and can’t hear you, but I can obey the master’s wishes!" Old man coldly to SiLie way
After hearing the old man’s words, Si Lie suddenly sat there with a look of regret as if he had smoked his soul.
"I am the master’s successor. Do I speak like a master?" By this time, Huangfu Zhantian also found a little taste. The old man always said that he would expel them from his legacy, but he didn’t use his means to kill them. He just wanted to be a good man himself.
"Of course!" Old man after hearing any suspection.i war words corners of the mouth immediately with a smile and then cold way
"In that case, I will take them back to Mensilie on behalf of Master. I wonder if you will?" Any suspection.i war cold asked
"I’d like to. I’d like to see the master!" After hearing the words of suspection.i Zhantian, Silie has to listen to me wrong. It was not until suspection.i Zhantian said it again that Silie was excited and shivering, and saluted suspection.i Zhantian.
"Wrong, we are all Master’s brothers. If you want to worship, you should naturally worship Master’s old man’s house and I am a teacher’s apprentice. Get up. If you behave well later, you will still be my brother. If you have that idea again, I can expel you directly from my master!" Any suspection.i Zhantian light to SiLie way
"Is … is nine … nine teacher younger brother!" Si Lie was suddenly excited after hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian. He was speechless and stuttered.
"Well, get up, master. If there is a spirit in the sky, you will be pleased! Right, brother! " Any suspection.i Zhantian previous step to help SiLie way
"This is natural. Master will naturally hear from Junior Nine. Do you want to ask your three senior brothers something?" SiLie was lifted up by HuangFuZhanTian immediately after some trepidation and some carefully asked, although HuangFuZhanTian said he was his brother, but he didn’t dare to show any disrespect to HuangFuZhanTian.