The road was light and shallow, and his eyebrows were twisted by his voice, and he was scared and confused. "Are you mentally retarded?"

Xiao Jing corners of the mouth slip light irony straight toward the light shallow road and said, "Ann? I’ll pick her up. "
Road light shallow turned supercilious look, see YuYi first step rushed to the front of her and pulled her arm, just want to make her way into the bedroom light shallow face looked at YuYi coldly with displeasure "YuYi you? Be careful that I am angry. "
As soon as the words sound just fell, Yu Yi immediately put an end to his eyebrows and hung over a cruel haze.
The road looked at Xiao Jing with a shallow lip. "Then I won’t beat around the bush with you. Since she came to take refuge in me and said she didn’t want to stay with you, are you going to force her?"
Xiao Jing’s eyes wandered around the corridor. The corridor was dimly lit and he couldn’t see anything. Then he heard him say simply, "I don’t think manager Yu wants others to live here so much to disturb his good things."
Yu Yi looked at Xiao Jing crossly with his fingers on the road.
"He doesn’t want to, but he can’t help it. Anyway, the decision is all with me. It doesn’t matter much to him."
This will simply exploit the present position of Yu Yi, leaving nothing left. Yu Yi looked at it with extreme dissatisfaction. Finally, I really couldn’t help but reach out and pull her slightly open white robe neckline in front of Xiao Jing.
"Can you go in and change clothes before you come out to talk?"
It’s the melancholy that corrupts the voice extremely.
The road is shallow "…"
Xiao Jing "…"
Is probably to make Yu Yi unhappy, he pulled the road into his arms and looked Xiao Jing in the eye.
Xiao Jing didn’t even look at the road when he picked his eyebrows. He simply said coldly, "I’m not interested in her. I can always rest assured."
But the light road can’t stop him from getting angry when he looks at him. Of course, he wants to give him a hard response. "Go home. Since you can find her here, she is safe and her mental state is not particularly delicious today. Sleeping pills have long been asleep. If you really don’t worry, you can pick her up early tomorrow."
To tell the truth, I was surprised when Anyan called her today.
Her voice sounded very melancholy, and she asked if she could take her in. She asked her, "Did you escape from him?"
An Yan, um, didn’t say much to her, "Well, I’m in the street now. Come and pick me up. I’m so tired."
Immediately, the road was light and shallow, and the car went to pick her up without saying anything.
At that time, Yu Yi was not in the villa, and three people arrived here almost at the same time. Yu Yi was stunned when he saw An Yan, and then he hooked his lips. "Where did you take refuge and come here?"
An Yan, of course, recognized the sarcastic tone of Yu Yi and was dissatisfied. She nodded at Yu Yi and said "Excuse me"
Yu Yi picked his eyebrows and put his hands in his trouser pockets. He was tall and wanted to say something, but he glared at him mercilessly. "Can you talk less?" !”
So he shut up.
Two people got up the door and talked in the side bedroom for a long time. At nine o’clock, they put out their cigarette butts in the ashtray and lifted their feet out of the room.
Knocking on the door of the side bedroom with high frequency successfully shouted the light road from the side bedroom to the master bedroom, and then directly educated her in bed. The light road is naturally no match for him in bed.
In a short time, I was confused about the southeast and northwest, and naturally I couldn’t control anything.
After adding this kind of thing, she will be very tired and fall asleep directly.
But before that, I promised that my sleep quality would be better, and I ate sleeping pills. Although I didn’t agree with her, I still didn’t say anything about her.
At the moment, she is glad that Anyan took the medicine in her heart, or she is estimated to be angry now.
Xiao Jing’s dark eyes quietly looked at the road lightly, then hooked his lips. "I’ll take her back now." Paused, the man’s eyes slid over the icy light and looked at her lightly. "Miss Lu may not know that I came in and directly pried the door open and ruined it. If I don’t see her, I’m afraid I’ll do something even crazier."
His tone is neither high nor low, and there is nothing ups and downs.
Road light shallow consciousness turned to stare at Yu Yi Yu Yi shrugged his shoulders.
Section 453
She remembered that when she woke up with a start, the loud noise suddenly dawned. "Xiao Jing, can’t you do something even more outrageous?" ! It’s really unreasonable. "
Xiao Jing’s fingers are lightly stuck in his trouser pocket. "If you don’t let me see her, then I can."
"What will she come to me? Don’t you have any pressure in your heart? You have to force her, don’t you? You are angry, aren’t you? Because she did such a thing this time, she counted everyone, including you and herself. It doesn’t matter if you are angry in your heart, but she doesn’t even care about herself. "
"But what if you get angry again? Should I like it, follow her or follow her? Xiao Jing, I really look down on you now. You are not strong enough to be conan the destroyer, but you are too far away from cowardice. "
He is really weak, not weak. Many times, he feels that he is humble and can’t hold his head in front of her.
However, this obvious feeling was covered up by the strength that Lu said, because he could not really be led by An Yan.
Nearly twelve o’clock at night, Yu Yi played a man’s innate advantage and directly carried the road back to the bedroom with Xiao Jing.
The road is light and shallow, and the protest is hard. Yu Yi directly kicked the door of the master bedroom and hooked the door.
"whose side are you fucking on? Look at him. I can’t wait to slap him before. How can you be so arrogant? Can you stand it? Ah, can you bear it? "
With a sullen expression, Yu Yi carried her towards the big double bed. "It’s not my friend, of course I can stand it-"
He paused elegance brow wrinkled tightly seems to be dissatisfied with the light road in his shoulder touch fingers a lift the big palm directly in her ass mercilessly took two.
However, since nature is not that kind of pure big ass, it is silence that wipes the oil and water.
Lu Shouted softly, pounding his back with his hands and wailing, "Are you sick?"
While howling, she kept moving, slapped her hip hard and snorted coldly. "The bigger you continue to play, the more I will react. Anyway, I didn’t enjoy myself before. Try to play more and don’t sleep tonight."
After that, Yu Yan threw her directly on the bed and then reached out and touched her face twice. "I must be on your side. Can you hit him if you rush directly?"
The road is too light to listen to him. He will pull his robe and lift it over to cover his body. "I can’t beat you as a decoration?" Look at his arrogance and bullying you directly tonight. Can you bear what he said to tear down all your villa doors? "
I don’t want to be bullied by Xiao Jing, but I’m trying my best to get Yu Yi to stop Xiao Jing.
Depressed and motionless, she lifted her robe. This time, she peeled it off and pressed it directly. She was not allowed to pull it back. He bowed his head and a long kiss fell on her skin. "It was unbearable in the past, but now there is even more unbearable. You can say it first."
After a short time, he was stunned by his kiss, but only a little reason in his mind told her that even if she could not do anything about this problem, she could not let this man succeed.
She pushed him and said, "I’m going to be angry at the night!" "
Yu Yan took a look at her eyes, and she was possessed by desire. She just said, "The road is light and shallow, and I will be angry if you mince it again. It’s so cool every time that you can’t give up every time."
For a moment, the road is light and shallow, and a slap in his face is unambiguous. "See clearly that the old lady is reluctant?" Why didn’t you fucking be born in ancient times? It’s best to be an emperor and stallion. "
Manager Yu was slapped by her, and her face turned black in an instant. When I caught her finger, I wouldn’t let her move, and I cut it back on her head and kissed her lips. Then I sneered, "You belong to me, but you’re wrong. I can’t get hard on other women except you."
"Labor and capital don’t believe that how did you come over these years according to your frequency?"
He usually wants her to be a killer before being cold and after being mean.
People born in bed don’t go near the bed. Animals are very many times. He wishes that there is no distance between two people. The best distance is negative.

Fu Jingxiao thought for a moment: "There is no 15th of this month." He has always recorded Xu Jinyan’s physiological period because he was afraid that she could not control her diet and habits before her physiological period.

Doctors are surprised that few husbands can say it so clearly and accurately, and without thinking.
"What’s wrong with this?"
"Generally, the postponement of the physiological period is to consider the pregnancy status. It is suggested that a pregnancy blood test can be done. It is also possible that the indexes will decrease in the early stage of pregnancy, which will lead to fainting, but this test needs to be communicated with family members first," the doctor explained to him.
Because they also want to have children, they have never had a contraceptive worker since they got married, but they always thought about getting pregnant early, but they didn’t succeed for a long time. They stopped worrying and didn’t think about it at all.
This month has been postponed for two weeks, which is his negligence.
Because the menstrual cycle is not allowed, he is also studying medicine, and he knows this better.
"Good help to examine my wife. Thank you for waking up." Fu Jingxiao nodded.
The doctor immediately went to the order.
After infusion, Xu Jin woke up, and hypoglycemia would get better after glucose supplementation. When she opened her eyes, she saw a piece of white light.
"O clouds …"
As soon as she realized that Fu Jingxiao came over from the doctor’s side, she quickly held her hand "I’m here."
"What’s wrong with me?" Xu Jinyan feels a little headache.
"You’re too tired. We’re in the hospital. It’s okay," Fu Jingxiao explained to her.
Xu Jinyan suddenly thought, "What about my agreement?" She finally got Zhang Yanfen to sign the agreement.
Fu Jingxiao just saw what she held in her hand and put it away for her. "I have it with me."
Xu Jin inkstone didn’t have the strength to close their eyes.
Xu Jinyuan suddenly ran out and came in when he saw red bean porridge in his hand. "Elder sister didn’t eat any red bean porridge to replenish qi and blood for her at noon."
Fu Jingxiao nodded. I didn’t expect Xu Jinyuan to find this detail. Xu Jinxi was picked up by Fu Jingxiao. Fu Jingxiao sat on the edge of the bed and fed her red bean porridge.
"Elder sister, I’m sorry, it’s all my mother who has wronged you and dragged you to the hospital. There’s nothing I can do to apologize for her." Xu Jinyuan’s low head is full of caution.
Xu Jinyan shook his head: "I don’t blame you. You don’t criticize yourself."
"Yes, in fact, every cloud has a silver lining should also be glad that you may be pregnant," Fu Jingxiao said to her.
Xu Jinyan was shocked: "Ah Xiao, what are you talking about?"
"It’s more likely that I’m still waiting for the blood test report, but I’m too busy to find it after your physiological period."
Xu Jinyan still has a psychological shadow on the child. Before that, she also had a delayed physiological period and was pregnant, but it didn’t actually happen, but they didn’t happen that time.
Now that they are husband and wife, it is possible.
"I have postponed it before, so I should have a recent secretion disorder." Xu Jinyan was not very surprised. She was afraid that she would be disappointed, and Fu Jingxiao followed suit.
Children, they are all expected.
But it didn’t work after a long pregnancy preparation.
"No, it’s a surprise. No, it’s not. We’re young and just married. We don’t worry about having children." Fu Jingxiao comforted her by saying that she didn’t want to give her a lot of pressure
Xu Jinyuan said at a side, "I’ll ask the doctor if I can get the report."
After that, he ran off again. It was a young boy. He ran to buy porridge and get a report.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and thirteen Fetal protection
Xu Jinyuan waited for a long time in front of the report taking machine before the report came out. He took the report and went to the doctor first to ask the doctor to come over.
The doctor walked to the front of the hospital bed: "Xu Jinyan’s blood test now does show that you have signs of early pregnancy. The obstetrician and gynecologist will come over for consultation later to see if it is necessary to have a miscarriage. I will hand it over here and come back later."
"Good thank you." Fu Jingxiao looked a little more worried than excited. The joy was that she was pregnant, but he was worried when he heard about the practice of miscarriage protection.
At this time, Xu Jinyan noticed that his face was wrong. "Aren’t you happy, Ah Xiao?"
"Fool, of course I’m glad that you’re pregnant, but I didn’t take care of you if …" He hesitated.
Xu Jinyan consciously looked at her abdomen. She didn’t know that there was already a life here to report to her. Of course, it was also her mother who lost her strength.
"No, if he will be strong, because he wants to come to this world to see us." Xu Jinyan firmly believes that her hand protects her abdomen. "And I believe that he is fine because I am too tired."
She reached out and handed it in his direction.
Fu Jingxiao put his hand into hers, and then he was dragged by her and placed on his lower abdomen, which felt like the first greeting in life.
There is life here.
They are all studying medicine, and the physiology of pregnancy is very clear. It is impossible to have signs in the early stage of pregnancy, but when they become parents for the first time, it is a kind of interrelated fate to maintain each other’s lives, with him, her and the birth of new life.
Xu Jinyuan feels guilty that his mother’s negligence almost made a big mistake, but he is happy that all this will become better because of the arrival of this new life.

Zuo Chaoyang was rescued by a mysterious master in the "Tiger Killing Hall" and later heard from Li Tianlang that Zuo Chaoyang must have died of serious injuries.

Never imagined that Zuo Chaoyang was still alive!
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Don’t you want me to ask me what I have against you? Don’t ask? "
Li Tianlang was speechless.
Since the other party is Zuo Chaoyang, it is foolish to ask again.
Zuo Chaoyang stared at Li Tianlang coldly. "When I took people to attack the’ Killing Tiger Hall’, I recruited Wang Li. You waited for the power and prestige. You fed the body of Huyan’s head to the beast Wang Li. You waited for outrageous things! Come on, I don’t want to kill you. I blame you for being amazing! I left Chaoyang back in the Jianghu and never showed my face. I just waited for an opportunity to kill the blood monk and your blood monk. Now it’s your turn … "
When Li Tianlang heard this, he felt a twinge in his heart. It turned out that the blood monk was killed by Zuo Chaoyang!
Zuo Chaoyang will wear a mask again.
Li Tianlang knows that Hu Yanting treats Zuo Chaoyang as a future son-in-law, and Li Tianlang knows how much Zuo Chaoyang hates him.
Although Li Tianlang knows born to die, he will not do nothing.
Li Tianlang grabbed a stone and threw it to the left Chaoyang, while he jumped up from the ground.
Zuo Chaoyang reached out and grasped the stone, then shook hands, and the stone turned into pieces. Li Tianlang felt that his heart was crushed by Zuo Chaoyang.
This instantaneous Zuo Chaoyang suddenly turned back because he heard a strange sound behind him.
Sure enough, a figure has reached behind him.
The bearer covered his face and his clothes were covered with blood.
The stone chips in Zuo Chaoyang’s hand shot at each other in a stream, and then Zuo Chaoyang’s hand made a scratch. An air dragon flashed and twisted to pounce on the masked man.
The masked man scattered the stone chips with a palm, and then his body flashed around quickly. The masked man also arrived in front of Zuo Chaoyang, which surprised Zuo Chaoyang and Li Tianlang.
The masked man rushed to attack Zuo Chaoyang, and at the same time he shouted to Li Tianlang, "Master Li, let’s go!"
Li Tianlang was ecstatic. It turned out that the masked man had come to save him.
So Li Tianlang quickly fled.
Zuo Chaoyang was entangled by masked men and it was difficult to chase Li Tianlang, who watched Li Tianlang escape more and more and finally disappeared from his eyes.
Zuo Chaoyang finally found this opportunity, and now he is stirred by masked men. Zuo Chaoyang is very angry.
Angry Zuo Chaoyang swept up his commanding robe and encouraged two palms to strike two "gas dragons" quickly, such as coming from outer space with two cold winds hitting the masked men.
The masked man suddenly changed his body and turned his palm, turning a palm force with the smell of waves like a vortex and attacking the "dragon" who was the first to pounce, and the "dragon" was scattered in the wind.
Then the second "gas dragon" and the masked man slipped his feet backwards and slipped out three feet. The "gas dragon" hit the ground and found that "bang", the frozen land was hit to a basin, and the soil flew four times.
The masked man praised, "Haha, Zuo Yangyang is good at kung fu!"
At the same time, the masked man dragged the masked man turned out to be Lin Yi.
Zuo Chaoyang closed his body and looked at Lin Yi.
At the moment, Lin Yi’s surprise is hard to describe. He is excited at Zuo Chaoyang. "Brother Zuo! So you are still alive! Ha ha … "
It turns out that Lin Yi’s early arrival is behind a hidden river tree.
Because he wants to find out who the mysterious Tsing Yi people are.
Let Lin Yi did not expect that Tsing Yi people turned out to be Zuo Chaoyang.
His best brother is still alive!
Zuo Chaoyang airway "What do you want to save that beast? !”
Lin Yi said, "You can’t kill him."
Chapter 13 Turn the situation around (1)
Zuo Chaoyang knew that Lin Yi wouldn’t let him kill Li Tianlang because he didn’t give the western regions a reason to invade China.
But Zuo Chaoyang is really unwilling.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "I know that Chen Chongbing in the western regions is eyeing up the border, but I also know that Phoenix Liancheng will be afraid of the western regions again when hundreds of thousands of military forces are deployed in the border town …"
Lin Yixian glanced around warily, and then he approached Zuo Chaoyang and whispered, "Brother Zuo, to tell you the truth, Feng Liancheng’s claim that there are 100,000 troops waiting for the truth is to confuse the enemy. He has 40,000 people who are insufficient to resist the army of the Western Regions. Feng Liancheng is trying to train a new army, but it will take time to train a new army. Now the war in the south is tight and gangsters are gathering to make trouble. I am worried about foreign invasion .."
After listening to Lin Yi’s words, Zuo Chaoyang was very shocked. The original border town had 40,000 troops to defend.
If the western armies invade, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Lin Yi added, "The situation is always grim, and even the emperor forbear the enemy’s arrogance. The emperor also wants to marry the seven princesses to the three kings of the western regions and the pro-Chaoyang lowliness, but we have to endure it even more."
Zuo Chaoyang is also a righteous man. Of course, he will not go his own way and put the country in danger.
"I see. It’s a good thing you arrived on time, otherwise I almost made a big mistake." Speaking of this, Zuo Chaoyang regretted, "Alas, it seems that Li Tianlang can’t kill this beast!"
Lin Yi felt wronged again.
I really can’t kill Li Tianlang now.
"Zuo Xiong, you don’t have to be depressed. When the time is right, he will stop talking about this beast in born to die." Zuo Chaoyang "came back from the dead." Lin Yi was overjoyed. "Zuo Xiong, there is nothing more gratifying than that you are still alive. The world is really amazing. Zuo Xiong survived and practiced his magic. It’s really gratifying to save the Duke, Jin Er, and kill the blood monk in Guizhen .. Haha, you can help me again. I’m overwhelmed."
Zuo Chaoyang but nai tunnel "Lin Xiong I’m afraid I can’t help you anymore"
Lin Yi said, "?"
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Do you know who saved me when I was trapped in the Tiger Hall?"

"Childe, you should be careful in everything." Wan’er collected and packed his bags for the green forest, as if sending Lang to the battlefield, with thousands of exhortations.

Qing Lin threw all the snacks and clothes that Wan’er had prepared for him in the space of Tianzi, and smiled and said to Wan’er, "Be good when I come back. It will take me ten days and a half months to go out this time. I wanted to take you with me, but Qing Xia must be protected by someone, that is, I can wronged you. I’ll leave the tiger for you, and then I’ll leave you two giant mungbeans to accompany you for me. "
Wan’er nodded. "I will take good care of Sister Qingxia, and of course I will take good care of myself."
Qing Lin reached out and rubbed it on Wan’er’s face a few times. "Wan’er, wait. I’ll be back."
After coming out of the array that protected the core area, Qing Lin released Ling Dou Ying and jumped on the eagle’s back. "Eagle, let’s go."
Accompanied by a sound, the eagle howling through the sky, the hurricane set off by the wings of the spirit bean eagle blew the surrounding flowers and plants stagger, and the claws of the spirit bean eagle slammed on the ground and immediately took off.
The purpose of Qinglin’s coming out this time is very clear, that is, to prepare for the first tribute after two months. Among the three investigation tasks given to Qinglin by Zhenxian of Xunyu, the first one is the end of the month when he was in charge of Wudu Village for three months, paying tribute to the cobwebs of three bird spiders and the frog poison of one or two fire frogs.
Qing Lin hasn’t thought of how to deal with the bird spider yet, and the bird spider is elusive and not so easy to meet. By contrast, the fire frog is much simpler. Within Wuduzhuang, there is a small magma lake opened by the real fairy of Junyu with great magic. It is said that it is connected with the center of the earth, and new magma gushes out from the ground every moment, thus keeping the magma lake from solidification. The fire frog likes to live near the magma lake. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Qinglin looking there.
The magma lake is located in the mountains, surrounded by mountains, and the terrain is quite dangerous. However, for Qinglin or other practitioners, it is not. As long as you fly from the air, the terrain that is ten times and one hundred times more dangerous will not play a little role.
This time, Qinglin was exceptionally lucky. On the way, he didn’t encounter a poison hunting in the air and arrived safely and smoothly near the magma lake.
Qing Lin let Ling Dou Ying land on the ground, and then jumped off the eagle’s back. After that, Qing Lin immediately released Xinger, Hatoyama, Huolei and Huoyu, as well as all the poisonous or fire-attribute Lingdou beasts, and formed a protective circle around him.
After Qing Lin confirmed that there was no danger, he divided all of them into three groups, one was himself and Xinger, the other was Hatoyama and the poisonous beanstalk, and the other was Huolei, Huoyu and two beanstalk ravens. They split up and searched in three different directions, trying to find the trace of the fire frog earlier.
The range of lava lake is very large. If the range affected by lava lake is counted, the range to be searched is even larger. The largest fire frog is the size of an adult’s fist. It is difficult to find fire frogs in the air. Besides, fire frogs spend most of their time hiding in the cracks of rocks and rarely stay in the naked wild. Only by carpet search can they find their traces.
In the process of searching for Paederia, Qing Lin found a dwarf apricot with four spirit bean fruits hanging on it, but after it came out, all of them were spirit bean beasts. Qing Lin transferred them to Hatoyama’s banner and asked Hatoyama to command them. Although Qing Lin is the owner of the so-called Five Poisons Village, he is quite alert to poison, knowing that the poisonous spirit bean people and beasts conjured from spirit beans will not hurt him, but Qing Lin still hopes that they will stay away from themselves.
After separate actions, Qing Lin released all the black pockets, fat pigs and four or five hundred mung bean rats. Among the Lingdou Beasts under Qing Lin, the number of Lingdou Rats is the largest, accounting for about one-tenth of the total number of Lingdou Beasts. This is also something that can’t be helped. Soybeans are basically the lowest Lingdou in the Lingdou system, and their carrying capacity is limited. The Lingdou Rats that grow from inch to foot are already the limit they can carry. In addition to soybeans, the situation of common mung beans such as black beans and mung beans is similar. The proportion of mung beans transformed into mung beans is basically the same, which is particularly large, while the probability of other mung beans transformed into mung beans is quite small. Even if they are transformed, they are giant mung beans, and their ability is hundreds of times that of ordinary mung beans.
However, there are great advantages, and there are small advantages. It is more advantageous to find a small-sized spirit beast like the fire frog, or a normal-sized spirit bean mouse. They can smoothly drill into the cracks of rocks and a small corner without worrying about accidentally hurting the fire frog.
Qinglin doesn’t know how many fire frogs there are in Wudu Village, and what proportion of adult fire frogs can collect frog poison? A fire frog is that big. It is estimated that at least 500 or 600 adult fire frogs have to be collected to make up one or two.
Green forest commanded, spirit bean rats left a part of the guard in the green forest and Xinger’s side, and the rest of the nearly four hundred spirit bean rats like a gray cloud, swept away in the direction specified by green forest. Xinger watched these fluffy little things with great interest. After all, she is essentially different from human beings. Unlike many human girls, she jumped up and down with fear and screamed.
Black Pocket and Fat Pig’s interest is not high, and the temperature around the magma lake makes them feel quite uncomfortable. Seeing that they are listless, Qing Lin received them in the space of Tianzi. Anyway, the main purpose of this time is to collect the frog poison of fire frogs, rather than looking for spiritual beans and natural materials.
Quack …
Suddenly there was a frog’s cry in front, and Qing Lin was so happy that he hurriedly took Xinger’s hand and ran past. After running for more than 20 meters, Qing Lin saw that not far ahead, a piece of mung bean rat was dark and formed an encirclement, and two fire frogs were enclosed in the middle. The two fire frogs are golden red, which is an obvious feature of mature fire frogs. Two fire frogs crouched back to back on the ground, their big lux eyes staring at the surrounding Lingdou rats.
There are about 130 lab rats in this group, and they have compressed the activity space of the two fire frogs to less than two square meters. As long as Qinglin gives the order, lab rats will rush to catch the fire frogs.
Qing Lin is well aware of the power of fire frog. The frog poison of fire frog is actually the means of fire frog protection, and the second most powerful, ahead of frog poison, is the means of fire control of fire frog. The moonless day of each month is a relatively mild day in the lava lake. At this time, the fire frogs will rush to the periphery of the lava lake to breathe the aura of fire attributes emitted by the lava lake. Some of the more powerful fire frogs will even directly absorb the fire erupted from the lava lake, and those who have become fine fire frogs will even jump into the lava lake to take a bath and practice. It is precisely because of this way of cultivation that the most puzzling thing about the fire frog is its means of using fire spells to attack.
Most of Qinglin’s Lingdou are fearless of heaven and earth. What they are most afraid of is fire. If there is a fire, everything will be empty, or they will die, or they will cause injuries that can never be repaired. Although there are a large number of mung bean rats, they are also very precious, and Qinglin is not willing to waste them easily.
"spread out." Qing Lin commanded. With a crash, the rats surrounded by the fire frog retreated for five or six meters, and the activity space of the fire frog was suddenly enlarged by twenty or thirty times. It is more difficult to hurt the rats by means of spraying fire.
Qing Lin tiptoed to the ground, as light as a swallow, and stepped into the encirclement of the spirit bean rats. He carefully looked at the two fire frogs, wondering what kind of means should be used to grasp the fire frogs in his hands and let them honestly offer frog poison for themselves.
When the green forest looked at the fire frog, the fire frog also looked at the green forest. In a sense, mice are also the world of frogs. It is obviously not good for them to control so many mung bean mice to surround them.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack and quack. The jumping ability of the fire frog is quite amazing. It jumped to a height of one meter and six or seven, which is basically the same as the position of Qinglin’s eyes.
Whoo-hoo … Two fire frogs spit out a flame from their wide mouths, and it burned straight into the eyes of Qing Lin. Qing Lin hurriedly raised a hand before and after his eyes, and quickly retreated. However, even so, the fire from the fire frog ignited Qing Lin’s clothes, and Qing Lin tore off the sleeves that were on fire, then took out a Dan medicine, chewed it in his mouth, and carefully applied it to the right forearm burned by the fire.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. This time, the green forest had a place, and the fire frog was not allowed to succeed.
Qing Lin’s arm is burning with pain, and the coolness of Dan medicine can’t completely suppress the pain caused by liaopao. "I’m so angry. If I hadn’t reacted quickly, my eyes would have been burned out by you." Qing Lin couldn’t wait to rush forward, one foot at a time, and stomp two fire frogs into patties. However, Qing Lin had to carefully weigh the consequences of doing so. Fire frogs are small and agile, which is not so easy to stomp on.
Two fire frogs squatted on the ground, and their four big eyes stared at the green forest. Obviously, once the green forest has any sinister move again, the fire frog will certainly not hesitate to spray fire again and burn the eyes of the green forest.
Qing Lin slowly retreated, and retreated outside the encirclement of the spirit bean rats. Then Qing Lin rummaged in Tianzi space for a long time and found a fishing net. This is not a fishing net used by fishermen to cast nets for fishing, but a fishing net with a net bag in front and a long bamboo pole behind it.
Qing Lin removed the net bag from the fishing net, and then replaced it with some fire silkworm silk that he bought at a high price. This kind of silk is very fire-resistant and is a good material for making fire-attribute shirts, but the price is much more expensive than gold. Qing Lin spent ten pieces of standard spar at first, and only then did he buy less than two ounces of fire silk. Fortunately, the fire silk is very light and tough, and this new fishing net compiled by Qinglin in a hurry has not even used up half a penny of fire silk.
"See where you are going?" Qing Lin copied the fishing net in his hand, and once again walked into the encirclement of the spirit bean rats. After nearly two meters, Qing Lin waved the fishing net. The fire frog was on guard and jumped up.
But this time, Qinglin had a weapon in his hand, and the fishing net turned a corner in the air, so he put both fire frogs in the fishing net. Then Qinglin quickly put the net mouth down and buckled the fishing net on the ground. Then Qinglin caught the fire frog from behind the fire frog through the fire silk.
The fire frog croaked with anger, its mouth blazed and its nose smoked, but it couldn’t help the green forest at all. Qing Lin laughed, pulled out a piece of fire silk, tied the mouths of two fire frogs, and then took a transparent glass lamp to scrape the mucus off the back of the fire frog. This is the frog poison of the fire frog. After the frog venom of the fire frog is collected, it only takes three to five days to regenerate the frog venom, and it takes about a month to recover.
After collecting the venom of two fire frogs, Qing Lin tore down the fire silk, leaving the fire frogs far away, and then took Xinger and the lab rats to find the next target.
The search for fire frogs is very difficult. On the first day, three teams only found about ten fire frogs, and collected frog poison without even half a dollar. After that, for several days in a row, the progress was still not great. The number of fire frogs searched every day remained at around ten, and sometimes even ten were unlucky enough to be searched. At this rate, it will take about a month to a month and a half to collect one or two frog venom, and the time left for Qinglin is not enough to collect the spider webs of bird spiders.
"Ping son, Xinger, Hatoyama, fire thunder, fire rain, and Zhang Xianglin, these days, you are clear. Help me think quickly. " In desperation, Qing Lin had to gather all the spirit bean people who accompanied him out for a meeting to study countermeasures.
It’s the first time for Zheng Ping and Zhang Xianglin to see Hatoyama, Huolei and Huoyu. The space inside Tianzi is too big. The situation of Hatoyama, Huolei and Huoyu is too special. The former is poisonous, while the latter two are fire-related spirit beans. They usually don’t meet other spirit beans.
Zhang Xianglin quietly gave Zheng Ping an expression of eyes and asked Zheng Ping to give Qing Lin an idea as soon as possible. Zhang Xianglin is very clear that Lingdou people who can be named by Qing Lin personally represent that they are outstanding among Lingdou people. Wan’er and Xinger are not worse than Zheng Ping in appearance and temperament. If Zheng Ping does not have outstanding performance in ability, it will be difficult for Zheng Ping to occupy a favorable position in this Lingdou system headed by Qing Lin.
Zheng Ping can be elected as the head of the clan of the Zheng family. Besides being the lineal blood of the Zheng family, her personal ability is also an important reason why she can be selected. The people of the Zheng family are dying, turning ghosts into ghosts, and want to avenge their people. The heads of the clan can’t do it without ability.
"Son, can you tell me something about the characteristics of fire frogs?" Zheng Ping said.
Qing Lin told everything he knew about fire frogs. When Qing Lin finished, Zheng Ping said with a smile: "Since we can’t find a lot of fire frogs every day, we don’t need to look for them. When the fire dolls come out to absorb the aura of fire attributes on the day of the moon, the son will come out and act again, and we will be able to catch enough fire frogs and collect enough frog poison."
Qing Lin patted his forehead, "yeah, such a simple method, I didn’t want to come out. Pinger, you are still smart. "

Just a second or two, almost at the same time there were two voices. One is the scream of the blood-sucking bodhi old zu when Kwai Shui Shen was struck by lightning. Another sound is that the blood blade hits Meng Qi, and Meng Qi screams.

Fortunately, the second Kwai Shui Shen Lei promptly blew the blood-sucking bodhi old zu to ashes. Meng Qicai escaped being made a clean break, but the wound was so deep that you could almost see the bone.
This is the first time that Meng Qi has been hurt so badly since he became a golden scale tactic. Meng Qi fell to the ground, unable to hold on to the pain and fainted. Actually, Meng Qi is very afraid of pain …
And the neon standing there, unable to respond to this sudden change. What keeps flashing in my mind is the worry and hesitation in my eyes when Meng Qi jumped on her just now.
She didn’t react until Meng Qi fell. Hurriedly take out the wound medicine and panacea, first will be scattered in Meng Qi’s wound. Then the wound began to heal slowly, and then Meng Qi was fed several magic pills.
Sitting on the side, I looked at Meng Qi with my arms folded, and my eyes got wet somehow.
Meng Qi got this knife, which brought neon’s trust and gratitude to him, and maybe some other things. Is this guy happy or unhappy if he knows? I’m afraid he’s going to struggle for a while
Chapter 68 Respectively (Chapter I)
It didn’t take long for Meng Qi to feel something. The wound seemed to be less painful, and the ice was cool and comfortable.
When Meng Qi woke up from the ground, he found that the neon sitting on the side seemed to be thinking about something. Didn’t notice that Meng Qi had woken up.
Meng Qi moved a little, and immediately touched the wound, making him grin with pain.
Such a call will disturb the neon that I don’t know what to think. Looking at Meng Qi’s wound, he began to radiate blood again. She hurried over, sprinkled some magic medicine on Meng Qi’s wound and said, "As soon as the wound is closed, it will move, and the spirit will speed up the healing."
Although the statement didn’t sound very polite, Meng Qi heard a little concern from it. He was quite embarrassed. In fact, this kind of injury is not particularly serious for him. It just hurts …
Meng Qiyun used the spirit force to cooperate with the elixir, and his wound was completely healed in a moment. However, some troublesome things are that the bloody psychic force of the blood-sucking bodhi old zu is entrenched in Meng Qi’s body, which will affect Meng Qi’s use of psychic force.
However, this kind of thing is not something that can be solved at once. Only Meng Qi can slowly adjust his breath. On the whole, the impact is not very serious.
Next, Meng Qi collected the lair of the blood-sucking bodhi old zu. I have to say, this guy is really poor. Meng Qi turned the whole crypt upside down, but only found a few middle-order Lingshi and nearly a hundred low-order Lingshi.
As everyone knows, this has been the savings of the blood-sucking ancestors for more than a hundred years. Now, however, Meng Qi does have some disdain for this thing. But at least it’s meat, so Meng Qi is still very happy.
As for the rest, it is useless for Meng Qi to bring it. It is neon that picks up a blood blade on the bodhi old zu, which seems to have any use.
In this way, Meng Qi did not give him Lingshi. However, Meng Qi also found an interesting piece of jade.
This jade piece seems to gather the moonlight in the sky into this Yu Pei. Then form a small spiritual force field, which has the function of accelerating cultivation. Although the effect is not too obvious.
Although the effect of this thing is not very significant, Meng Qi also understood it. Obviously, this crypt is not a crypt, but in just over a hundred years, a zombie came out in the late period of enlightenment.
This thing is of little use to neon. It has a considerable effect on Meng Qi. One of the reasons why he no longer absorbs the moonlight is that he is too small.
In fact, the effect of the demon family absorbing the moonlight has a certain relationship with its body shape. Although the spirit force contained in Yuet Hua belongs to the pure spirit force of Yin, if the amount is too small, it is better to use the spirit stone with the same attribute to assist the cultivation.
Therefore, Meng Qi seldom absorbs Yuet Hua as a practice now. With this piece of jade, there will always be a spiritual force field surrounded by moonlight around Meng Qi. It is very beneficial to practice.
At least, under the shadow of this spiritual force field, Meng Qi can automatically absorb Yuet Hua’s talent through the demon family every day and keep practicing.
In fact, Meng Qi came to the outside world to travel, and his daily practice time was only the time he used to sleep. You usually have to walk around. Even so, Meng Qi rarely has time to achieve full-load practice every day.
This is your choice. If you get some, you will lose some.
With this thing, Meng Qi can shorten the training time by two hours a day under normal circumstances. In other words, even in the state of traveling, Meng Qi can almost practice at full capacity every day.
This is a very rare instrument for Meng Qi.
Such a thing, Meng Qi, of course, stayed calmly and didn’t tell Neon. After all, Meng Qi felt that she didn’t have such a good relationship with her.
It is a matter of cultivation, and Meng Qi has to do so.
After the crypt was cleaned, Meng Qi and Neon walked out of the crypt. It was just morning when they came in, and now it is dusk, which shows that Meng Qi has been dizzy for a long time.
Meng Qi moved all the bones of all the victims inside. Of course, using magic to carry. Otherwise, if he is asked to move skeletons and mummies, he really doesn’t want to do it.
In a sunset, Meng Qi and neon face such a pile of things. The feeling in my heart can’t be described in words. Finally, Meng Qi just silently blessed the dead. And dropped the torch.
The smoke slowly rises, and Meng Qi seems to see the souls of those dead women ascending to heaven …
"What about this guy now?" After returning to Jincheng’s mansion, neon looked at Meng Qi who was still kneeling on the ground.
Meng Qi looked at the poor guy and said indifferently, "Let him hang himself." Meng Qi didn’t bother to kill a guy like this who helped others.
Moreover, at that time, it is not easy to explain the official of the country. After all, he is the son of the duke of Jinling City. It also represents secular rights.
In fact, people who cultivate immortality can’t do whatever they want in the secular world. Of course, it will not be as restrained as ordinary people. Meng Qi just wants to have less trouble.
As a result, Kim Sung-Jae Meng Qi and neon eyes, personally put away the rope. Then stand on the stool and kick it.
At this time, the neon will give a solution to his ecstasy, only to see Jin Cheng’s face, which had no expression, was brilliant in an instant. He seems to be wondering why he hanged himself.
Then, he saw Meng Qi neon under the ground. At this time, he has no time to figure out how Meng Qi got out of the dungeon, and he is not in the mood to covet neon looks.
Just grasping the rope with one hand and grasping Meng Qi and neon with the other. Hard to spit out two words: "help!" " I never saw that charming look again.
And Meng Qi and neon just looked at him indifferently and struggled constantly, and his face turned from red to purple. Finally gave up the ghost …
During the period, the two did not show any look except indifference.
Finally, Meng Qi just said to Zi Xuan, who was standing beside him trembling slightly: "Although heaven and earth are unfair, justice is free from people’s hearts. Zi Xuan, you should firmly remember this sentence."
Zi Xuan just nodded his head, I don’t know why, was very afraid of the heart with a word from Meng Qi then calmed down.
Meng Qi touched Zi Xuan’s little head and said to the neon, "Where are you going now?"
Neon didn’t answer Meng Qi, but asked, "Where are you going?"
Meng Qi looked up at the starry sky. After half a ring, he said, "I don’t know. Let’s continue to travel around. When I feel almost the same, I will take Zi Xuan back to the Black Emperor Sect. "
"Then where to go next?" Neon also looked at the milky way all over the sky, and felt a little sad. But she has been missing for so long that she must go back to Zongmen.
"Ready to go?" Meng Qi is also irrelevant answer.
"Well ~" neon gently answered, Meng Qi didn’t recognize the meaning contained in it.
"Since you choose this, I won’t embarrass you. Have a drink before you leave. I don’t know when I will meet you again. " Meng Qi withdrew her gaze and looked at the neon.
Neon also withdrew her eyes looking at the starry sky and bowed her head without speaking. Just took the glass that Meng Qi handed me.
Meng Qi took out an altar of daughter incense that had been stored for a hundred years, patted Kaifeng mud, and suddenly a rich bouquet floated out. Meng Qi silently filled their glasses and drank them off. Neon suddenly felt sour nose, and looked up and drank all the wine.
One cup after another for two people …
Finally …
"After drinking this cup of wine, I will meet you again."
"See you again by chance."
Chapter sixty-nine Compassion (second more)
"Master, Sister Neon has left." Zi Xuan saw Meng Qi wake up with a hangover, and he was very clever and rubbed Meng Qi’s temple.
Meng Qi shook his head, but I didn’t expect her daughter’s fragrance in one hundred years to have such great stamina. After drinking yesterday, Meng Qi didn’t feel anything at first, just wanted to sleep.
But now, after getting up, Meng Qi only feels the pain like a split head. But Zi Xuan this wench knead really well, Meng Qi pain relaxed a lot.
Meng Qi didn’t care much about the news that Neon had left.

Yang Jian smell speech, sneer at 1, backhand. I immediately got a bright three-pointed double-edged knife in my hand and smiled: "If you want to keep me, it depends on your ability!"

At this time, the pharmacist Buddha came forward to signal Yang Jian to be calm and turned to that there is no heaven: "I’m afraid your majesty’s move is inappropriate!"
"Yang Jian is the most important criminal in heaven, and now he’s caught in a trap. What’s wrong with me taking him!" Wu Tian sneers.
The pharmacist Buddha smiled faintly: "The world still knows that the two countries are at war, and they don’t want to make it! Your majesty is the master of the three realms, so I’m afraid it will inevitably make you laugh and be generous! "
"It’s said that Buddhist people’s tongues are bursting with lotus flowers, and it’s sure enough at first sight today!" Wu Tian sneers.
"Your majesty is ridiculous! Everyone knows this common sense. Don’t you know that your majesty is the master of the three realms? " Error-free novel network does not skip words. The pharmacist Buddha retorted.
"Hum!" Wu Tian snorted again, and his face changed for a while. Then, with a wave of his big sleeve, he said, "Well, today, I will let you go. Someday, on the battlefield, I will kill you myself! "
When the pharmacist Buddha heard this, he did not see the slightest timid smile on his face: "I am always welcome to your majesty!"
After that, he went to Yang Jian’s side and said "Goodbye!" , and left with Yang Jian.
After leaving the worse gate, Yang Jian suddenly heard something and said to the pharmacist Buddha, "Brother, a good friend of mine is still imprisoned in that heaven, but I want to save him!"
The pharmacist Buddha heard this and thought for a moment. "In that case, I’ll go with you!"
Yang Jian shook his head and refused: "I have the skill of seventy-two changes of that demon. It’s more convenient to sneak in. Brother, you’d better go back to Lingshan to recover!"
"How does this make it possible for you to cope with the chaotic 36 demons alone? I’d better go with you for my brother!" The pharmacist Buddha said.
"Brother, rest assured, I went to save lives, and I won’t make much trouble. You’d better go home quickly, so as not to worry about your uncle and master! "
Say that finish, Yang Jian is turned into a breeze, evaded the four kings, into the heaven.
The pharmacist Buddha saw that Yang Jian had dived in, so he had to hope in his heart that Yang Jian would come out safely. However, the pharmacist Buddha didn’t return to Lingshan, but hid his figure above the cloud and waited outside the worse gate, in case Yang Jian should miss, he might help himself in time.

Chapter one hundred and fifty-five Fautu FuMo (3)
Chapter one hundred and fifty-five Fautu FuMo (3)
Yang Jian turned into a breeze. Evaded the heavy guards of heaven, but went around to the place where the prison was that day.
Hey, why did Yang Jian come to the prison? Originally, he wanted to come here to see if Nezha was being held here. Since that day I fled from heaven alone, I have been worried about the captured Nezha. Now with this opportunity, of course, he will think of some way to save Nezha.
Glanced at the four mountain soldiers who put their hands at the entrance of the day prison, and found that they only had fairy cultivation. Yang Jian fiercely accelerated and rushed into the day prison.
The four heavenly soldiers who put their hands at the entrance of the heavenly prison only felt a breeze blowing, and found nothing wrong. They were just surprised and didn’t care.
Into the channel, Yang Jian showed his figure, thought for a moment, read the hair tactic, suddenly, but turned into the Tatar King Excavate. Smiled, then walked to the lower level of the prison.
In fact, whether Nezha will be locked up here or not, Yang Jian is not sure at all. He is totally trying his luck with a try attitude.
Who knows. Yang Jian just stepped into the first floor of the prison, and a celestial soldier who looked like the head of the guard on this floor ran over and bowed and said, "Li Tianwang, you are here!"
Yang Jian looked at the soldiers that day, and then nodded his head in style.
"Heavenly King, are you still here to interrogate the third prince of Nezha?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Mountain flattering asked.
At the moment, Yang Jian is worried about how to find Nezha. You know, this heavenly prison, like that hell, has eighteen floors in total. If you let yourself find it layer by layer, it will not only be a waste of time, but also easy to expose yourself.
Yang Jian was delighted when he heard this, but his face was still dignified: "Yes, you are clever, so follow me in the future!"
On that day, when the soldier heard the news, he immediately felt as if he were in joy, and quickly thanked him: "Thank you for your appreciation!"
Yang Jian waved and said, "Well, lead the way ahead!"
"Yes!" That day, when the soldiers heard the news, they should give a cry and kowtow to the front, leading the way for Yang Jian.
Behind the soldiers that day, Yang Jian leaned out all the way to observe the defense of the prison, and found that there was no guard above a pick Jin Xian, and his heart was thin.
A quarter of a column of incense. Yang Jian came to the 17th floor of the prison with the soldiers that day. The 17th floor of several guards also know excavate, and they just Jin Xian, but you can’t see the immediate excavate is changed by Yang Jian, have done a ceremony slightly, then get out of the way.
"Li Tianwang, please!" A few mountain devoting way.

"Bones, are you all right this afternoon?" Tianyu asks.

"Nothing …" Bones glanced at the remaining seconds of the red light and then said, "What are you going to do?"
"See the shadow" Tianyu fingers pointed to the large billboard outside the window smiles to say
"…" Two whew sitting beside Tianyu immediately wiped the staff deeply.
Bones are pulling the turn signal, steering wheel, turning the car around and heading for the cinema over there.
"Why does the silly bear suddenly want to see a movie?" At Tianyu two whew puzzled asked.
"I don’t know, but I really want to see the name of the movie." Tianyu said and pointed to the poster at the entrance of the cinema.
"Chinese Partner"? " Bones glanced at his mouth and muttered, and then several people stopped the car.
"So suddenly come to see the film?" Two xiu feel a little incredible too Li head.
"Do you still need to choose an auspicious day to see a movie?" Tianyu patted two whew shoulder laughed
"This film I know seems to be an inspirational struggle film, and the prototype seems to be adapted from Yu Minhong in New Oriental." Bones looked at the big poster at the door and smiled and added, "first hero is my male god."
"…" Tianyu and Erxiu language.
"Come on, look at the games," said Erxiu.
Since even the bones seem to be very interested, the film is decided by the second whew and it is not hypocritical to say so
It’s a quarter of an hour before the latest scene. It’s 12: 30 in the afternoon.
"Silly Bear seems to be the first day of this film," said several people sitting in the hall and watching the film introduction.
"… that’s it" Tianyu gave a wry smile.
However, in Tianyu’s heart, it is’ exciting’ because this film can be said to be the last one I have seen before my rebirth.
I was impressed by it because it was adapted from reality.
At that time, I was depressed and the whole person hid in the virtual world. I didn’t have the courage to face the reality until I saw this film, but I couldn’t get out in the end.
More professional name to explain is that negative energy is better than positive energy …
Therefore, at this time of my life, it is very kind to see this film reflected in the cinema.
Start checking in. Three people are admitted.
There are not many people in this screening room. After all, it’s just after noon.
Shadow start
It will be over in about two hours.
"What does it feel like?" Tianyu smirked and twisted his head for two times. He looked at both of them and asked.
"It’s a bit like … we" Erxiu "cheekily" inserted the "color" plot of the shadow angle into his own personal wry smile and said.
"It’s … if you continue to live in my house, maybe the three of us will really become the protagonists in the movie …" Bones looked at the two of them and said.
"What is the most impressive paragraph in the shadow?" Tianyu interest quite high asked.
Just after Tianyu asked this question, Bones and Erxiu immediately replied, "Don’t play mahjong with your mother-in-law, don’t have sex with people with more ideas than you, and don’t start a company with good friends."
"It’s a tacit understanding. There are so many sharp words in this film that you just picked this sentence." Tianyu joked.
"Maybe … it is empathy." Two whew scratched his head and replied.
"Although we didn’t start a company, we worked as a team." Tianyu laughed.
"Yes, I don’t quite agree with this passage in the film. To put it bluntly, I still think that my friend shouldn’t be so highly praised and the person in his position should be myself." Bones opened the box and continued, "Why do people want to live for others?"
"Come on, how come so much sense? I just want to prove that my eyes are not bad by asking casually. This movie is not bad. "Tianyu laughed.
"It’s almost time for us to go back," said Erxiu when she took out her mobile phone and looked at it.
After cashing in, Tianyu and Erxiu went to the Science and Technology City the next day, not only changed their mobile phones, but also changed their brains at home.
The three men drove home again.
"Don’t start a company in partnership with your good friends … it’s been almost five years, and they’ve known each other for less than four years, right? What if I suddenly disappear after August 31st? "
"In fact, I really want to go together for a generation, but my’ foresight’ can last for five years in the game, and my memory has been very blurred recently."
"Stop early and relax early. Just have enough money."
Che Tianyu thinks so.
Since I have a car, Tianyu will take Erxiu for a drive after dinner every day, which is a skilled driving skill.
Continue to walk forward until the end of May.
Today is May 8 th, and the game has been updated from 7: 00 am to 12: 00 noon.
1 Distant thoughts;
Dreams come true;

It’s the one-horned green cow! After this figure roars, it doesn’t hesitate at the moment. Sitting on the cloud, it is full of spirits and begins to connect with the magic weapon.

At the same time, the treasure thief the Monkey King has forced the beating diamond bracelet to a big hill thousands of miles away. Standing at the top of the mountain, the Monkey King forcibly suppressed the diamond bracelet with mana, and informed Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing to meet with his mind.
"Brother Monkey, you can sing which one. Why did you come here?" About half an hour later, Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing arrived. Pig eight quit to see the Monkey King grumbled.
"Yes, master elder brother, it’s important to save the master!" Sha Wujing also said.
"Hey hey, I know this. Master, I have seen him. He is safe for the time being. What are you looking at? " The Monkey King a crooked smile, will be the magic weapon of the bosom light out.
"King Kong bracelet!" Pig eight quit and Sha Wujing exclaimed at the same time.
"hey! How do you all know this thing? " The Monkey King strange way.
"Monkey King, this is a magic weapon for the old gentleman. Lao Sha and I have been in heaven for a long time and have seen it naturally. However, Big Brother, you don’t seem to know this magic weapon. You shouldn’t! " Pig eight quit to say.
"Oh, why do you say that?" The Monkey King depressed way.
"Monkey Brother, when you fought against Erlang God, do you remember what fell from the sky and knocked you unconscious?" Pig Bajie reminded.
"Hum, don’t mention it. I’m angry when it comes to it. Otherwise, how could I lose to that little sage Jiro!" The Monkey King was a little angry when he mentioned the past.
"Monkey Brother, as far as I know, it was Tailaojun who hit you with a diamond bracelet when you were fighting against Erlang God." Pig eight quit to say.
"So that’s it. I didn’t expect the old gentleman to be so insidious. It seems that I played those three sticks lightly!" The Monkey King hate hate way. And pig eight quit and the Monkey King a listen to the Monkey King incredibly still played too old gentleman three sticks, some dumbfounded, this monkey is too bold. However, how could they know that the monkey only beat the old gentleman and became body double with a futon?
"Big Brother, you didn’t steal this thing from Tailaojun?" Sha Wujing asked to worry about.
"No, it’s not. I stole this thing from the monster who caught the master. " The Monkey King crush the diamond bracelet, face is sweating.
"It seems that the monster is too old gentleman’s clique, otherwise such a powerful magic weapon will not fall into his hands! Monkey, what should we do? " Pig eight quit to worry about.
The Monkey King smell speech hesitated for a moment, and said his plan. Pig Eight Rings hesitated: "Brother Monkey, is this ok?"
"Hey, if you can’t do it, you have to do it. Try it!" The Monkey King Road.
"good! Lao Sha, let’s act according to Brother Monkey’s plan! " Blowing the cold mountain breeze, Pig Bajie resolutely said.
"hmm!" Sha Wujing see things at this point is not good to say much, nodded his head.
"Good, old pig, old sand, disposal!" The Monkey King see two teacher younger brother agreed to come down, nods. Say that finish, the Monkey King untied a trace of mana suppression, let the magic weapon spread a breath, then blocked the breath mouth, a jump flew to the seclusion, and began to concentrate on holding up the crazy beating diamond bracelet.
Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing flew to the foot of this mountain and started their disposal.
"Old pig, old sand, can be faster! I can’t hold this treasure down for too long, but I need to solve it quickly … Yeah! ! !” A gnashing of words spread to come over, it is I don’t know where it is, and I have tried my best.
"I know!" Pig eight quit and Sha Wujing should sound, in the hands of the action is also constantly accelerated.
Jinming Mountain is only a short distance from this hill, but Wan Li, just a moment after the Monkey King sends out a magic weapon breath, a tauren figure wearing silver armor and holding an ink gun has appeared in the top of the mountain for nine days, looking at the two people who are busy below!
"Come on, open the array!" The green cow and the Monkey King are in the same realm. When the green cow monster came, the Monkey King felt it. At present, there was a sudden flash of divine light in his eyes, and his mouth made a sound.
"Ok, mix three talents, open!"
A passage from Pig Bajie resounded through the sky. After the words were finished, a monstrous momentum emerged.
The Monkey King suddenly appeared, turned around and placed the diamond bracelet in the law. Then I squinted, looked up at the angry figure in the top nine fairy clouds, and spit out the words: "One-horned green cow, I took your magic weapon. If you want it, come down and do it!"
When the tauren in Yuntou heard this, he burst out laughing wildly. Lang Lang said, "the Monkey King, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to know how to fight. However, do you think you can win me in this way? It’s ridiculous. That’s all, just do it! If you dare to provoke me, you must have the consciousness of death! " Before the voice fell, the smile on the tauren’s face disappeared, and the ferocious curtain of murder appeared. Without the slightest hesitation, the moment flew down from the nine-day madness, and a huge black gun appeared in his hand, with boundless power, stabbed the following three people!
"Three talents in one, open!" A powerful voice fell, and several mana lines appeared between the three people standing on the top of the mountain. It seems that it is an equilateral triangle! Behind the Monkey King emerged the word "Heaven" formed by mana. Behind Pig Bajie comes the word "land", while behind Sha Wujing comes the word "people".
"Old pig, old sand,! Let’s see if our three brothers can stand up to this arrogant monster together! " The Monkey King felt his own surging infinite strength, and now his confidence exploded. When he said it, his body was already leaping, and he raised his golden hoop and slammed it toward the ink gun that stabbed him head-on!
"good! Let the three brothers fight with them! " Crazy voice immediately sounded, and two figures followed Ao Lie like the wind. Two magic poles in their hands shone brightly, and they were full of endless murder and waved to the top of their heads, menacing black guns!
The giant sound of "bang" sounded, and the four figures staggered, and they were separated in a flash. Unlike just now, everyone has countless wounds with swords and guns, and the blood is like shura evil spirits!
"Ha ha, cool, one thousand seven hundred strokes for an instant! My old grandson can finally have a carefree battle again! Come again! " The meaning of fanaticism permeates the soaring discourse, and in an instant, four figures are fighting in one place again!
Four kinds of weapons are intertwined, arousing endless dark energy. In the nine days above the head, Xianyun has been shocked and disappeared early. The top of the mountain where the meeting is held has been cut down by seven or eight hundred feet! The remnants of the mountain, thickly dotted with traces of countless weapons spirit wave, every trace, almost all in ten feet deep!
The four men fought for a long time, and the diffuse fairy-demon breath cage covered the surrounding scenery. In the hazy smoke, the tauren-shaped green minotaur held the giant ink gun, and the three men fought alone without falling in the wind.

Therefore, the root of man should not appear here. He is the character in Master’s memory!

"Wu Changtian"
[ w w w ]
Chapter 33 Beyond life and death
"Are you a human being or a demon?" Wang Gan asked with a gloomy face that a demon was still alive, which was incredible.
"I am your demons and your desires" replied Wu Changtian leisurely, admitting his own body without disguise.
"If you tell me this, will you still be my pawn?" Wang Gan laughs at.
But soon his expression changed, and his eyes flashed as if he had lost his soul.
Life can be full of love and despair!
This feeling suddenly appeared in his mind, as if his father had left in those days.
Wang Gan knelt down and grabbed his neck tightly to control the idea of life.
"Are you white? What kind of * * can resist the temptation of life desire to people, because you lose this kind of * * is equivalent to giving up your life and not replying to anything. I am the strongest demon in your heart, and you will always be able to defeat me. "
Wu Changtian Wang Gan’s heart echoed and I don’t know what he remembered. His eyes gradually lit up and he let go of his hand and reluctantly got up.
"An elder made a special trip to see me and discuss something beyond life and death with me. He deliberately showed off with me and didn’t take it to heart. I finally got it!" Speaking of lust, Wang Gan suddenly remembered what Wu Taiqing said to himself, and some kind of enlightenment gradually melted his heart. "Wu Changtian Wu Taiqing asked me to bring you a message, so you listen to me!"
"People are not pigs and dogs, but there are things worth sacrificing their lives and guarding."
"He is white, but are you white?" Wuchangtian was silent for half a ring way
"I’m afraid of death. If I want to cultivate this immortal love, I’ll be ruthless, cold-blooded and greedy. All the obstacles in front of me have been blasted. The spirit of immortality and eternal moral laws have been imposed on me, but immortality is not the only thing I pursue my life. There are things I want to protect more, even if I sacrifice this life!"
Even if he is alive, he still has thoughts and spiritual sustenance in his heart, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.
This is beyond life and death, this is my way forever!
The Buddha raised the tiger because of his compassion and obsession with saving the world. Even if he gave up his life, it was worth it. In the end, he rose above life and death to achieve the Buddha’s goal. His spirit has been forever in the world.
"Brother Taiqing’s move is wonderful. It seems that I lost." Wu Changtian sighed and said, "Go and remember what you said today."
The darkness disappeared, and Wang Gan’s eyes suddenly widened, and his back was wet with cold sweat.
"This Wu Taiqing exactly is what position is too accurate? How did he know that I could meet Wu Changtian? What do they have? " Wang Gan thought for a long time that Wu Taiqing was unfathomable, and he must not deal with this man in the future, otherwise he would have to be counted as a cling.
"Wang Gan you incredibly successful? You solved the demons? This is forever! Almost all people who are haunted by demons lose their minds in the end, as if they had killed their own souls, and finally they were possessed by demons. What happened to you? " Fu Tian seems quite surprised, but more is a surprise.
"Senior Futian, please tell me who Wu Changtian is?" Wang Gan asked.
"He? He is … "Fu Tian hesitated for a long time." He is a Saya master. "
Master. Master? Isn’t that my grandmaster? But this answer Wang Gan was not satisfied. He vaguely felt that Fu Tian’s predecessors seemed to hide something from themselves and didn’t want to let themselves know.
"Fu day predecessors that he …"
"Wang Gan now is not to ask this time! There’s not much time left. Refine the heart of that sin so that you can achieve the true fire of Samadhi! " Futian interrupted him to stop him from asking questions.
Wang Gan’s heart is tight, and he quickly sees that Qi Hai is fighting with each other to turn Qi Hai upside down. Even the acupuncture points are full of battles. If it were not for the suppression of the cold fire, it would have died.
However, when Wang Gan ran his consciousness into the sea of gas, he suddenly felt that the black demon poison fire had a great boost to his spirit. Like a millstone, he wrapped the evil heart fire in the central black and white flame and slowly rotated it, which would be reduced by half every cycle.
This balance has been broken, and the heart of sin is gradually unable to support it and is swallowed up by black and white fire step by step.
After about three wick of incense, the heart of all crimes was refined and the other two kinds of flames were nearly twice as big, and they synthesized a perfect round Tai Chi form and slowly rotated.
What’s even more amazing is that there is a ring of Buddha’s light on the periphery of these two kinds of flames, which is obviously the benefit of refining and chemical crimes.
"This is samadhi true fire? But I was swallowed up by them, even the acupuncture points. How can I break through to the sixth floor? " As soon as Wang Gan’s eyes turned, he suddenly had an idea. He said to the seven cunning treasure foxes, "Treasure foxes, treasure foxes, look for this snake beast Dan quickly."
Wang Gan had the idea of this seven-scale snake beast Dan!
There are seven cunning foxes leading the way, and Wang Gan walked all the way along the abdominal cavity. Soon they came to a place full of mucus, and sure enough, they saw a huge animal Dan two meters high.
"Why is Tianbao here?" Wang Gan suddenly discovered that there was a foreign body vaguely in this beast Dan Department. A closer look at it impressively is the writing brush formed after the birth of his own flash lava.
This seven-scale snake swallowed this brush and sent it to its own beast Dan in an attempt to refine it and swallow it up.
"If you dare to refine my baby, don’t blame me for refining you first!" Wang Gan was furious when he pressed his hands on the surface of Beast Dan and saw strips of roots sticking out of meridians and plunged into Beast Dan.
Wang Gan just took a breath, and he felt that the sea of gas poured into several fine yuan, all of which were as bright as stars and powerful!
"Ha ha, is this the seven-layer essence? It’s really concise. This essence is almost equal to a whole group of four-layer cyclones. If it is condensed into a group of seven-layer cyclones, what is it?" Wang Gan couldn’t help himself, even though he let the precious tree of Qihuang refine its own cyclone.

Elder Tianyi Pavilion pinched the tactic with his hands, and several magic weapons were thrown out. A purple light filled the air, and more than a dozen purple knives were interwoven into a knife array and shrouded.

He heard that Zhuge Liang is tough and can destroy magic weapons, so Elder Tianyi Pavilion dared not go near Zhuge Liang.
More than a dozen purple knives danced up and down, crisscrossed and chopped.
Zhuge doesn’t shine with his palm, and the faint purple light in his palm is crystal clear, which can shake the magic weapon. Several purple knives were crushed under Zhuge’s dim palm. After entering the then period, Zhuge’s dull Zhenyuan Guanghua has changed from white light to purple light.
Zhuge grabbed the void before it was bright, and suddenly, all the purple knives stopped in mid-air and shattered under the destruction of Zhuge’s strong power.
"You" Elder Tianyi Pavilion has a faint blood spill at the corner of his mouth. These dozens of purple knives are connected with his painstaking efforts, and the magic weapon is destroyed, and he himself is also traumatized.
Zhuge grabbed it before it lit up, and the invisible hand enveloped the elder Tianyi Pavilion and took it to his side.
Elder Tianyi Pavilion drank heavily, and his arm burst into a raging flame, which flooded towards Zhuge. However, it stagnated and overflowed at a foot where Zhuge was not bright. Elder Tianyi Pavilion can’t go near him in all his attacks.
Zhuge stepped on the elder’s chest before dawn, and the whole chest collapsed and his sternum was broken. Then Zhuge slapped him before dawn and flew the elder Tianyi Pavilion out of the window.
The people outside the Drunken Immortal Building immediately became noisy. Tianming City belongs to the jurisdiction of Tianyi Pavilion, and these practitioners naturally know the elder of Tianyi Pavilion. Seeing that the elder was thrown out of the window, everyone was shocked.
Then, in the window on the third floor, the repairers of Tianyi Pavilion flew out one after another and fell on the street in a mess.
"Call your masters!" The sound came from the drunken fairy building.
In the private room, Zhuge looked at the messy room with a sneer. He let Xiaojianling watch the fragrant princess, jumped out of the drunken fairy building and came to the top of a tower in Tianming City, standing still on it.
"It’s really him, Zhuge is not bright! I met him at the Xiandao Conference. "
"What is he going to do? He injured the elders of Tianyi Pavilion. Why didn’t he escape?"
A little while later, a large number of practitioners gathered in Tianming City, full of voices and bustling.
Zhuge stood on the tower with his bare hands, staring into the distance, with a sneer at his mouth. When he first entered the golden elixir period, he really wanted to know what his strength had been improved to, and he wanted to practice with the practitioners of Tianyi Pavilion. As early as before entering Tianming City, Zhuge inquired before dawn that Tianyi Pavilion only belonged to a small third-rate sect. Although it was attached to Dugu’s family, there was no infant master in the whole sect.
Moreover, Tianming City and Dugu City have a long way to go, and the support of Dugu’s family will not arrive so soon.
Zhuge has nothing to hide when he is not bright.
At this time, two rainbow lights came from the far sky, and the practitioners in Tianming City were suddenly boiling. They knew that another master had arrived.
When the rainbow light dispersed, two middle-aged men appeared. One of them stepped on a combat knife and was wearing the clothes of Yi Ge. This person is the head of Tianyi Pavilion, Jiang Longfei, an eight-story practitioner in the then-Dan period. The other man is driving a flying sword, and judging from his clothes, he turns out to be a member of the Xiang family.
"Zhuge is not bright, how dare you run in Tianming City? Today, I will represent the practitioners in Tongzhou and kill you here! !” Jiang Longfei heavy drink, not too much nonsense, direct shots, combating Dao appeared in his hand, to various ge not bright.
Zhuge didn’t shine his palm like a knife, and swept out against Jiang Longfei’s attack. His palm collided with combating Dao, but there was a clanging sound of metal.
Zhuge Buliang and Jiang Longfei retreated respectively, while the repairer of the Xiang family frowned and retreated to one side, without joining hands with Jiang Longfei.
Jiang Longfei leapt up, and the space trembled where the combat knives passed, and the shadow of the knife shrouded Zhuge Liang.
Zhuge’s dull hands chop quickly, and his body is of the earth as a magic weapon. He is completely fearless of Jiang Longfei’s attack. The palm of your hand shattered many knife shadows. Zhuge stepped on the inverse empty step before dawn, and instantly appeared behind Jiang Longfei, his palm was sharp and he cut to Jiang Longfei’s neck.
Jiang Longfei combating Dao split backwards, which contradicted Zhuge’s dim palm.
Zhuge grabbed the void before it lit up, shattered the void around Jiang Longfei, swept the iron leg out, and whipped it like a whip on Jiang Longfei’s combating Dao. Knife chatter, Jiang Longfei facial expression, a bear zhuge not bright this blow, he felt a hemp arm.
At this time, Zhuge came to kill again before dawn, and his feet were printed on Jiang Longfei’s face.
Jiang Longfei flew out obliquely, leaving two clear footprints on his face.
"You" Jiang Longfei has the urge to vomit blood, which is an absolute insult.
"This kid is really like a rumored pervert."
"Jiang Longfei’s eight-story cultivation in the then period is no match for him. If such a person grows up, who else in Kyushu can subdue him?"
The practitioners who watched the battle in Tianming City argued.
"Why don’t you cast the door of life and death? Or do you not understand? " Zhuge stepped on the inverse empty step without bright feet, and walked in vain, looking down at Jiang Longfei.
Jiang Longfei a roar, combating Dao cut out, an overwhelming cold breath, this side of the void was frozen, and the ice flow spread towards Zhuge.
Little ice crystals fall, this small world is frozen, and a layer of ice flows in the void.
Zhuge not bright eyebrows a wrinkly, ghostly back off.
But I still didn’t get rid of the cover of the ice flow. An ice flow covered Zhuge Buliang, and in an instant, Zhuge Buliang was covered with a thick layer of ice. Zhuge Liang was frozen into an ice sculpture before dawn.
The practitioners in Tianming City were noisy and looked at this scene in amazement.
"Hum, overreached, it seems that rumors are empty. This boy so much "Jiang Longfei sneer at a way.
The Xiang family member also nodded and said, "It is rumored that he is so horrible, presumably because of that piece of black iron in his hand."
Just then, a crack appeared on the ice sculpture. Then, the crack spread around. Accompanied by "boom!" There was a loud noise, and Zhuge rushed out of the ice before dawn, laughing: "Want to seal me up? Die! !”
Voice down, a big purple palm down, vanity jitter. Cracking the empty handprint is prompted by Gu Wu Upanishads, which is more powerful than before.
"Look out!"
The name of the Xiang family people drink a way.
But it was too late, all the vanity around Jiang Longfei was smashed, and Jiang Longfei flew out with his big palm. His body was like a shell and smashed into a building, and the whole building was immediately reduced to ruins.
Zhuge’s hands were sealed before dawn, and a blood print formed in the palm of his hand, which turned into a mountain of blood and shocked Jiang Longfei in the ruins.
"This guy is so horrible that even the head of Tianyi Pavilion can’t seal him."
"It’s a monster!"
People in the city, zhuge not bright a wave of his hand blood mountain, Jiang Longfei will want to struggle to stand up again.
Dozens of bombardments in a row, a horrible pit more than ten meters deep appeared in the ruins, and Jiang Longfei was lying in the pit, already unconscious, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.
"The door of life and death-open!"
With a cold roar, the practitioner of the Xiang family made a move. This is also a practitioner of the then period, but he realized the meaning of the door of life and death. When the door of life and death was opened, the momentum of this practitioner climbed to a peak, and there was a faint foot entering the momentum of Yuan infant.
Ps: Something happened yesterday. It was supposed to be automatically updated, but maybe there was a mistake in the operation and it was not updated. I’m sorry.