"What also waste with her? Hurriedly rushed to kill "

Ji Yue was not afraid, but smiled proudly as if everything was under her control. "I advise you not to mess around or Qingquan Villa will be killed."
Chapter 1112 You want to marry me!
"The whole house is surrounded, and you can’t escape …" Muwugen didn’t believe her nonsense and made a forward gesture at Tong Wu.
A cold sound sounded, "I have given instructions. If I don’t move for ten days, I will destroy Qingquan Villa and kill all my family members."
"You …" Tong Wu a rigid body expression could not say how complicated.
She is cruel to others and more cruel to herself.
Muwu is full of resentment and wants to divide her quickly. "Who believes this nonsense? I’d like to see who can kill my family! "
Ji Yue flew into the sky with a wave of his hand and a flaming flower "boomed"
Like a flash, Fiona Fang thyme will be lit up.
Tong Wu froze. "What is this?"
Ji Yue said with a smile, "If you can hear a thousand miles of signals, I will send God bless half the army, half the royal family and half the secret guards."

Uh-oh, so I asked him for help

Zhang Jiaping touched Ba and smiled. "I’ll take you to see Gu Silang. Of course it’s no problem, but I have one condition."
I want you to help me brush my face, and you have to make a condition. Liu Zhuanghe is lined up in his heart, but he still smiles and says, "Of course, no problem. What condition do you say?"
"Invite me to lunch and, of course, Gu Silang."
Liuzhuang lotus one leng raised her wrist and looked at it. It was really time for lunch. She came to Gu Silang. At that time, his assistant invited her to eat a meal, and she should also invite her back. She should not let people feel that she took advantage of others.
"Of course, you can choose the menu and order it," said Liu Zhuang He Dafang.
"It’s such a pleasant decision. I heard that the seafood in Dayu Restaurant is good." Zhang Jiaping said as he walked towards the ladder.
Liuzhuang Lotus is busy following him, afraid of walking slowly and not going again later.
Two people entered the president’s exclusive ladder, reflecting Zhang Jiaping’s glowing face and reflecting Liuzhuang Lotus’s depressed expression.
Dayu restaurant also has seafood. This little guy really knows how to eat a meal. It is estimated that her salary is not enough for a month. If you negotiate the case with General Manager Gu, you won’t feel bad. If it doesn’t work.
Liu Zhuanghe couldn’t wait to pinch Zhang Jiaping’s arm and ask him if it was appropriate for him to kill a woman with a big man.
But she’s thinking about it. Dare to do it?
Ding ladder stopped at the 36th floor.
Zhang Jiaping gentleman made a gesture of please and Liuzhuang Lotus went out without hesitation.
This will know that ladies have priority.
There is a beautiful girl sitting at the door of the president’s office. Her hands are banging on the keyboard. She must be Gu Boshang’s secret.
The second Liuzhuang Lotus came at noon and didn’t see her.
Li Mi heard footsteps and looked up to see that Zhang Jiaping was busy and excited. He stared at his red face and said, "Dean Zhang Gu is busy with you. Wait a minute."
"It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry." Zhang Jiaping played around in front of Li Mi’s desk for a while and picked up the pen container for a while and was curious. He picked up the small stapler and looked as if he were a child who had never seen office furniture.
Li Mi’s eyes kept staring at Zhang Jiaping without blinking. When he picked up something, he introduced it to him. One was why he didn’t even look at Liuzhuang Lotus at all.
Liu Zhuanghe rolled his eyes. It seems that he likes not only killing people but also flirting with little girls.
"Dean Zhang, this is a signature pen to write."
"Dean Zhang, this is a label paper to remember things temporarily."
"Dean Zhang, this is"
Liuzhuang Lotus is about to collapse. Zhang Jiaping is a two-year-old child who is learning things.
"Cheep!" The president’s office door was hit by someone from the inside, and Liu Zhuanghe was relieved, and finally the magic sound disappeared in his ear.
A competent-looking man came out of Gu Boshang’s office with a file on his chest. After going out, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead to see if he was approved inside.
Seeing the handkerchief in his hand, Liu Zhuanghe remembered that when she first met Gu Zilang at the airport, he sent her a white handkerchief, which is still in her bag. It seems that Gu people like handkerchiefs.
Li Mi saw that the head of the finance department walked away and smiled and said to Zhang Jiaping, "Please wait a moment, Dean Zhang. I’ll go in and tell the president."
"Go ahead, but there’s the lady behind me."
Li Mi one leng, like Liuzhuang Lotus, just found out now, has a little finger "You are together".
Liuzhuang lotus corners of the mouth sobbed, and the girl has been soaking up handsome guys just now, and she didn’t see this big living root.
"She told Liu Zhuanghe to tell us together." Zhang Jiaping pushed his hand a little impatiently.
Li secret was pushed more red in the face by him, lightly chastising and saying, "Dean Zhang, please be gentle." Then he twisted little ass and went in.
Liuzhuang Lotus couldn’t help laughing. I don’t know what I would feel if Gu Si saw his secret.
"This is the charm of elder brother, you know?" Zhang Jiaping said in an ostentatious manner.
The secret lady came out after asking for instructions and took a weird look at Liuzhuang Lotus. "Gu always said that he wanted to see Miss Liu alone and asked Dean Zhang to wait for you."
"I rely on us to come together, okay?" Zhang Jiaping was a bit aggrieved and forgot his friends.
Liu Zhuanghe didn’t look at Zhang Jiaping’s angry face and walked directly to the president’s office. When he walked beside him, he glanced at Li Mi and pointed out, "This just shows your charm."
Gu Silang, why do you want to see Liuzhuang Lotus alone? Zhang Jiaping tasted it.

Without saying a word, the palm of your hand gradually overflowed with black light, and Gu Chaoyun was frightened and retreated again and again. This is the black blood curse and the magic seems to be one hundred times stronger than what she had seen before.

If you are trapped in this aperture and want to escape, if you want, this aperture will slowly approach and trap people to death.
"retreat!" Chu Yin cold and a crowd followed him back to the door of the East with seven evil spirits.
"Hehe, I didn’t expect that one day we would fight side by side." I cried bitterly and felt sorry.
"It’s a pity that jade evil is absent" Lin Rexue blurted out.
"It’s a pity that Ningluo left." Butterfly sighed with emotion and everyone was silent.
No one did it first, everyone was waiting, but no one wanted to do it.
It’s a pity that it is his blood shadow!
White light constantly escaping from Gu Chaoyun’s hand with the black light against the sky frame emperor also carefully dodge to find the weakness of blood shadow.
The three elders dare not do it easily, but Xihe Feng has already left. Xihe Rain must be in the palace. He must find her. Gu Chaoyun’s wrist is the most cruel he has ever seen.
"Blood shadow you forget? Sue doesn’t like you like this. She hates your bloody hands the most! " Gu Chaoyun talked about trying to distract the blood shadow. Naigen’s black light suddenly became generous and swallowed up her white light.
Just as she was about to be swallowed up by the black light, the emperor suddenly pushed her away.
The two of them joined forces as if they were tacit understanding. Emperor Tian Frame waved his sword and said, "Lend me a firm but gentle hand to hurt his hand!"
Look at it for a long time. The weak point of blood shadow may be the strong point in his hand!
Gu Chaoyun immediately understood that when the emperor waved his sword in the day frame, his hands were one and cold, and a strong white light flashed to the day frame, and the emperor struck the sword at the blood shadow.
There is a sneer on the blood shadow lips, and it seems that there is a big playfulness to deal with them.
However, he underestimated the ability of Emperor Tian Frame. However, in an unguarded moment, the sword suddenly shone brightly, and the sharp shock wave trapped him completely and pushed him closer and closer.
"I’m sorry!"
Lin Rexue low voice down a few poisonous needles in his hand with a strange white light disease toward the blood shadow hands to shoot, can’t kill him a little delay?
Then a few demons are all moving their hands and palms, and all of them are white light and qi qi towards the blood shadow.
Three blood clan elders were surprised when they were about to start work, but they listened to the blood shadow and folded it. Then a sharp weapon crossed the glass and saw a black light wave coming out of the blood shadow in generate and shattered the whole white aperture.
Blood shadow clothes are also messy and broken all over, as if they were separated by sharp tools. It is very eye-catching to carry a blood-red birthmark on the back of a slender wound!
Day frame emperor recently so instantaneous trapped by the black light waves could not move.
"Those who stand in my way die" blood shadow cold eyes, bony hands slowly clenched and black light gradually wrapped around the sky. When the Emperor touched the blood, it burst out, but it was quickly absorbed by the light.
"Si Ye is my son. I should really do something for him in my life." Emperor Tian Frame said lightly that he didn’t struggle again. He didn’t think that his life would end like this, nor did he think that he would finally see Shu Fei again.
"False" blood shadow suddenly clenched his hand with a smile.
"Don’t!" A sudden intrusion sound seems to be hoarse than crying.
A black shadow desperately broke into the mortal zone. It was a woman in black, masked with black satin and black gauze, so desperately stood in front of the Emperor Tian Frame.
"He is your father! You can’t kill him! It’ s hard for the child to find you! " She didn’t dare to touch him, so she stood in front of the emperor in the sky frame. The light in his hand ran through his heart, and the blood in his mouth kept pouring out for so many years. That’s why she never felt at ease with this red birthmark on his back.
"You were born in the mountains and were stolen as soon as you were born. Mom remembers seeing you with a red birthmark behind you!" Yin Niang stretched out his hand to hold the blood shadow, but the blood shadow was gone
Day frame emperor leng looking at blood shadow slow huanguo to god.
Blood shadow slowly frowned and the whole body light faded away. He didn’t seem to come and look at Yin Niang and then at the sky frame. The emperor’s line of sight finally fell on Gu Chaoyun.
Gu Chaoyun’s story will never be exposed. If you think it’s actually revealed in such a situation, it was she who stole Yin Niang’s child. This is her last bargaining chip to deal with the mountain. You never know, how could she know that this child would be a blood shadow or a blood clan leader!
"say it!" Blood shadow cold hum figure that fell behind Gu Chaoyun.
Gu Chaoyun intuitively wants to escape, but the blood shadow has already been on her shoulder, giving her one last chance to "say it!"
"yes! You are indeed a yin Niang child! " Gu Chaoyun has to admit
"What about Xiyu?" Blood shadow coldly asked
Voice down all didn’t come in vain.
"Where did Xiyu hide?" Blood shadow asked again
At this time, Xihe Feng had come with a group of troops, and Xihe Rain was behind him.
"The master deserves to die!" Take punishment before Xifeng
"Remember once that you can’t leave your post without leave even if she dies!" Blood shadow coldly said
"Yes!" Xihe wind nodded heavily.
Everyone doesn’t know what blood shadow really wants to do, and his temperament seems to change as soon as he says it.
And Gu Chaoyun is no longer able to speak at this time. He feels that the shoulder blood has been surging, and the shadow hand is getting more and more reorganized. He is unstable when he is groggy.
"Blood shadow you dare to make you dare …"
She couldn’t speak completely, staring at the shadow of blood
"From now on, my blood clan will respect those who oppose me!" Blood shadow and complete look at the hand of the demon who has already been hurt, and Gu Chaoyun was thrown out and slammed aside, not just on the shoulder, but with less than half a breath left in the bleeding.
And not far from her, Yin Niang was already dead and lying in the arms of Emperor Tian Frame.
At Yin Niang, the blood shadow didn’t stay much. A magic entered the East Palace, and when all the demons turned to chase, they found that they had already been trapped by the black blood curse and couldn’t get out.
Gu Chaoyun endured the last half breath and struggled to climb to and throw a long blood trail on the emperor’s side, which provoked the blood slave behind Xihe Wind to be restless.
"Dedicated … you tell me … tang … he …"
She wants to know what happened to Tang Wen. Where is he?
She didn’t know that she would be so obsessed with that gentle and somewhat weak man.
Maybe it’s because he’s really nice to her
Day frame emperor is laughing, laughing all over the wound pain blood obsessively.
"Tang … you tell …" Gu Chaoyun already don’t stay up.
"I’m telling you, listen carefully. You were beheaded at noon on July 15th. Tang Wen died long ago without coming!" Day frame emperor laugh is raging like a vengeance general heart.
Gu Chaoyun was so shocked when he was frozen, and the blood slaves behind him had long been unable to resist the acquiescence of Xihe rain, and all of them flocked to drown Gu Chaoyun.
And the day frame emperor and Yin Niang also soon disappeared.
"She is a blood shadow mother!" Lin Ruo Snow, don’t turn away and feel nauseous.
"He is no longer a ghost of blood. Ning Luo is right," said Luo Shuiji lightly.
Message to readers:
The plot is compact, and it can’t develop without the foreshadowing in front.
45 escape
Update the tyrant as soon as possible. I swear I won’t miss the latest chapter!

"Ha ha, Tianjun, well, today I am too vain to die at your hands, but I am too vain to regret the rebellion that year. A gentleman was born in the world, and it is important to die a fair death. I know that I can’t escape your clutches today, but I know that I did the right thing. I am rewarded by the kindness of others. Come Tianjun!" Suddenly, too the whole person became extremely violent, and the cassock of gray Se was directly torn by his arms and was tied to his waist. Too empty, the whole person looks unusually bloody.

Zheng slightly, Tianjun didn’t expect that this was too loyal to Guihui, and he was so calm even in the face of death. At the same time, he also thought at the bottom of his heart, did he really do badly hundreds of millions of years ago? So that people such as falling sky and residual blood are willing to die for returning to the market.
However, Tianjun laid hands on him without the slightest hesitation. He looked at Taixu coldly and said, "I don’t know what benefits the return to the market has given you, but one thing I can be sure of today is that you will die!"
"Ha ha, what’s the fear of death? Even if I die in vain today, I’ll die a fair death, and I’ll take you to my back and die! " Suddenly, I saw Se’s face was cruel, and then his body seemed to be burning with flames. The whole person screamed wildly: "Haha, Tianjun, you can’t escape!"
When the body shook, Tianjun understood his meaning in an instant when he saw Taixu was so crazy. Taixu was burning the energy in his body, and he was ready to gather the energy of his whole body at a peak and explode, in an attempt to end up mutually assured destruction. Tianjun had seen the deterrent of explosive when he was in chaos, which was absolutely powerful. Now Taixu’s strength has reached the later stage of Tiansheng. I was so close to reaching the holy one. At this time, compared with the master of the celestial world, he is tough many times. If he blows himself up, at least Tianjun can’t escape at all.
Face se upheaval, Xuan Ji and Kitty are also aware of what is about to be born, but they are all helpless. At the critical moment, I saw Tianjun holding the heavenly sword and suddenly splitting the space in front of me, directly tearing out a space crack, which is really Tianjun’s own different dimensional space. At the same time, Tianjun’s fearless body was close to Taixu, and his right hand was bleeding, which directly bound Taixu. Control his soul with soul-eating marks.
At present, when life is dying, all the minds of Taixu are on how to perish together, so there is no defense on him, which also makes Tianjun’s soul-eating seal March forward and directly control his soul. Then Tianjun suddenly raised his body with his hands and threw him into another dimension.
At the same time, Tianjun flashed in the direction of Xuanji and Kitty Hawk, full of haste: "Third, split your dimension quickly. This fellow’s energy is too full, and we are too close. I am afraid that my dimension can’t bear it. "
Knowing nodded, the eagle in Tianjun’s voice just fell, and he had already put away the plank brick in his hand. He immediately raised his fist and violently split the space in front of him. It was another light flashing without any stagnation. Tianjun and Xuanji plunged into the different dimensional space of the eagle.
Space cracks have just disappeared. Only heard a loud explosion in conan the destroyer, including a black Se smoke that destroyed xìng, which swept through the entire supreme sanctuary. The master below the Saint realm within a million miles of Fiona Fang was directly swallowed up by the destructive force created by the explosive explosion, and the ashes were annihilated.
Tianjun three people are hiding in the dimension of Kitty Hawk, so is Rao. Three people still feel a violent and powerful devouring force, which directly breaks the dimension of Kitty Hawk, and exposes Tianjun three people to the supreme sanctuary again before the smoke and dust are exhausted. But at this time, the energy spread has become a life threat to Tianjun three people, just forcing them to suffer a little damage.
Xuanji’s right hand was carelessly scratched by violent energy, and even her ice holy spirit was not blocked, and she was full of blood. Tianjun distressed and hurriedly hit Xuanji’s hand with an energy of cutting, and instantly healed the scar for her.
"Whoo-hoo, this fellow is really cruel. I didn’t expect him to do something so gray and annihilated that he almost lost my life!" Kitty hawk a face of concerned looking at what is still spreading rampant energy, said is full of shock.
"If you change Ri, you really need to ask Tianxian them well. What is the reason that makes them so loyal to Guixu that they can even die!" Tianjun said with a deep sigh.
Soul explosion involves a wide range, and all the masters in Fiona Fang are killed. It is conceivable that this war almost shocked the entire Supreme Sanctuary.
There was a sly light in his eyes, and Xuan Ji spread his hand and walked to the place where the explosion was fierce. He said with a twinkle in his eyes, "There must be a lot of treasures here, but we won’t get any points when there are more people coming!"
Hearing Xuan Ji’s lovely words, Tianjun shook his head helplessly, while the eagle sneered at him: "Haha, I’m afraid even the supreme device will be blown up under such a strong explosion. Sister-in-law will look for it slowly, and let me see it later."
"Hum, you just wait!" Seeing that Kitty Hawk didn’t believe in herself, Xuan Ji grunted in a cold voice, and he really didn’t believe in evil, so he looked for it. Tianjun seems to be thinking about something, but after only a few breaths, Xuan Ji exclaimed in disbelief: "Tianjun, look, I found a bracelet, which looks good!"
Xuan Ji said with some joy, while Kitty Hawk said with some disbelief, "No way, there is a bracelet under such a powerful explosion?" Let me see. " Tianjun is also very curious. If Xuanji really has a bracelet now, it is definitely not a mundane product, at least it is also an upper-order Buddha.
After being near Tianjun and Kitty Hawk, I saw Xuanji really holding a string of colorful beads in his palm, shining and dazzling in the sunshine. There are seven beads, including seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, each of which is as big as a bullet.
With a look of surprise, Tianjun reached out and took the beads from Xuanji’s palm with curiosity, and then absorbed them with the force of a soul, as if trying to detect the quality of the beads. After a while, I saw a flash of surprise on Tianjun’s grim face, unable to restrain myself: "If I didn’t guess wrong, this bead should at least be the supreme device, because I felt like HarmonyOS’s sword on this string of columns."
"Really? Really? Sister-in-law’s luck is really so good? " Kitty looked helplessly at Xuanji Road, and then she was shocked. It seemed that J Ο ng Shinto came: "Hey hey, I’ve looked everywhere, maybe I’ll find a supreme device later!" Kitty hawk said, and the whole person directly ignored the disdain eyes of Tianjun and Xuanji, and went out alone.
"Tianjun, is this really the supreme device?" Xuanji didn’t seem to wake up from the words of Tianjun, and asked with disbelief.

Chapter six hundred and five
"Ha ha, this I can cheat you? Being able to stay intact in such a powerful explosion is at least the supreme device. Xuan Ji, try to confess the Lord with your blood, so you won’t know? " Tianjun smiled and said according to Xuanji’s sweet shoulder.
"hmm!" Heavily nodded, and Xuanji said with delight that the beading was too feminine, so Xuanji didn’t shirk letting Tianjun own it. Directly from the fingertips to force a drop of delicate and charming blood, Xuanji carefully drops J and NG blood on the column. At the moment when J and NG blood collides with beads, a fascinating light shines, just like the rising sun, which makes people dare not stare.
Xuanji’s eyes were slightly closed, and the whole person was immersed in it, with a faint smile on his face, as if he were thinking about something. After a while, he saw Xuanji’s lips lightly open, as if reciting Buddhist scriptures: "Seven Se pearls, the supreme device of the upper order, the defense is the treasure, and there is no treasure to break through."
"Seven se accident bead? No treasure to break through? This, this is a bit too rebellious, Xuan Ji, your character is too good! " Tianjun looked at Xuanji with a face of surprise.
"Hee hee, thanks to this emptiness, otherwise these seven Se beads may not be born." Xuanji is full of excitement. At this point, many masters have come around one after another, all of whom were shocked by the movement made by Taixu. However, there seems to be a fierce battle from thousands of miles away, as if two people have shown a powerful magic weapon at the same time, and they are arguing at this time. All the people watched in the past, and then the news came out that it was now the supreme device.
Slightly appalled, Tianjun and Xuanji both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes, full of disbelief. They didn’t expect that two supreme devices appeared in the same place but Wan Li, which was really strange.
"Xuan Ji, put away your supreme device quickly, so as not to make people greedy, and we will join in the fun." Tianjun ourtenant looked at Xuanji and said, knowing a little. Xuanji’s mind moved, and the colorful beads were strangely attached to her white wrist, just like an ornament.
At this point. Tianjun seemed to see the clue of the struggle not far away, and frowned. After sorting everything out, Xuanji saw Tianjun’s worried expression and quickly asked, "Tianjun. What’s the matter? Did something happen? "
"The person who quarrels with others there seems to be the third child." Tianjun said faintly.
"Kitty hawk? Who are you fighting with? " Xuanji asked in surprise.
"Return to the market!"
"What? Why him again? Let’s point over! " Worried that the baby eagle had an accident, Xuanji took Tianjun’s hand and died in the struggle. Of course, Tianjun had already informed the major saints before this, and his ability alone was not enough to deter him from returning to the market.
"Hum. Returning to the market, you are at least a master of the sacred statue. You are so shameless that you found this sword first, and you are shameless! "
You said you found it first. You found it first? Who saw it? Boy, at best, you are a compound animal. Don’t think that I won’t kill you if your boss is Tianjun! "Two people who won’t let who, all is the fingertips overflow a blood column attached to the sword, but because it is two people at the same time to recognize the Lord. Instead, this long sword can’t recognize the Lord.

When everyone went to the tent, Quannai asked rudely, "Little General, you don’t know that your grain carrier was robbed, do you? Since your food and grass were robbed, why didn’t you take any precautions in last night’s battle, or did you relax your vigilance when you realized that there were only a few hundred people attacking? "

Quan Nai’s words made Jia Kangming feel ashamed. It was not that he didn’t get the news from Xia people, nor did he fail to notice the Xuanjiamen behind him. He just trusted his judgment too much and thought that what the Batman said was nonsense, which led to the present situation. In this case, in fact, Jia Kangming also had an unshirkable responsibility.
"How did your highness know so clearly about last night?" Questioning is Takeda Nobuo, and this time he didn’t react. Last night, the situation was so stalemate. How could a woman in Quannai walk out of the disorderly army unharmed?
"How should I know? Because I was captured by Xia people before? ! Do you know why they let me come back, because the leader in Xia people told me that let me think about the consequences of fighting with Daxia, or we will die ugly! " When he mentioned that he was captured, Quan Nai was full of anger, and it was all because of the unfavorable handling of affairs in Tian Zhen Village, which led to this situation.
Hearing that his sweetheart had been captured by the police, Jia Kangming stood up directly. "These summer people dare to talk nonsense, so we will attack Moping City and kill all their brothers."
Mu Qingfeng’s words are certainly not as ugly as what he said, but what women are best at is embellishing.
"Go to play? With what? I think you are out of your mind, too. What I just said went in one ear and out the other, didn’t you? We have even become a problem with food and grass now. If this matter is not solved, are you going to let our warriors fight with an empty stomach? " Quannai looked at Kangming with a face of contempt. I don’t know why the face that once looked pleasing to the eye now looks unbearable.
"That’s right, I’ll send a book to my brother, and then let him send a batch of hay by fleet …" Home Kangming closed his mouth before he finished, and he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, the summer people seem to have a very powerful warship.
"Your Highness, but as you just said, people in the summer have a ship like that, and they are not afraid of close combat. Our fleet is afraid of being no match." Jia Kang name said carefully.
"You don’t have to worry about this. I have my own way. Putting me on board is their biggest failure!" Quannai wine atoms vowed to say.
city with high walls
"Although the Xia people’s new weapons and the Black Armored Army are our biggest obstacles, we have no way to target them now, but this does not mean that they are invincible." Spring nai said slowly, "the last time your fleet was completely annihilated, the most important reason was that we underestimated our enemy. Also, their infantry and weapons were on board, but this time it was different. It seemed that we had lost a lot, but their decision was more stupid. Only a few hundred people’s black military can only play a role of surviving on the wall. All their equipment is on the boat, and we can afford it. As for the Pingliang Pill, it is better to deal with it. Without the black military, they will not be so invincible. They feel that they are saving from the mire, but they are actually digging their own graves. Once the two big killers are separated, they will be difficult to care about. It is a good opportunity for us to make enemies. "Quan Nai deserves the title.
"So what should we do now? Do you continue to attack Moping City to put pressure on them? " Takeda Nobuo wanted to continue to attack after hearing this, so as to save his mistake of running away from the enemy and leave a bad impression on the imperial daughter.
"Now don’t worry, our top priority is to keep our current camp, and all our energy should be put on the sea. As long as our next batch of food arrives, it will be the death of these summer people!" Quan nai gnashed her teeth and said.
For Jia Kangming, Quannai is the object of his secret love; For Takeda Nobuo, Quan Nai is the leader of his loyalty, so the Japanese who were originally divided actually reunited again. Mu Qingfeng’s hunch at that time was right. If he hadn’t put her back in the Japanese camp on his own initiative, there might not be so much trouble.
In the remaining few days, Moping City and the Japanese camp were peaceful. On the seventh day, the long-awaited food of Japanese people finally arrived. In order to send this batch of food, Jia Kangming asked his brother to send several warships. The "Broken Lu" didn’t see the fleet, but Sha Tongtian was not a fool, and he didn’t have the Xuanjiamen as the backing. Even if the bed crossbow and fierce fire oil of Huang Liang could sink some Japanese ships, Thinking of Mu Qingfeng’s entrustment and his oath, Sha Tongtian was anxious like a cat on hot bricks. He had advanced weapons and sufficient supplies, but he could only wander around the sea day by day. It was really uncomfortable.
"Mama of, the Japanese have dispatched so many fleets to escort. How many ships do they have!" When a batch of grain ships passed by, Sha Tongtian couldn’t help swearing.
This period of time is not without Japanese ships to provoke them, but the broken Lu has been transformed by thousands of machines, and its pursuit and escape are first-rate. After paying several Japanese warships but not even touching the hair of the broken Lu, the Japanese honestly escorted their own food, and they knew that this horrible warship would not dare to block one hundred anyway.
"I really want to fight with them directly. I still have so much fire oil and bed crossbows on board, so I can’t die with them!" Although Sha Tongtian’s mouth is fierce, his heart is like a mirror. He knows that he can never be brave for a while, and that he is completely annihilated. If the bed crossbow and fierce oil fall into the hands of the Japanese, he will be redeemed for his death.
"That’s right, these sons of bitches know that more people bully less people, so many people are dispatched every time, and they are not afraid of being copied!" A sea shark team resentfully scold a way.
The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. Sha Tongtian’s eyes lit up, and a bold idea suddenly appeared in his heart. "The Japanese people use all their strength to protect us, which means that their base camp must be extremely empty. If they take the opportunity to copy their hometown, they will not be able to send food any more, and they will have an account with Mu Qingfeng."
However, this practice of Sha Tongtian is very dangerous. If the Japanese are prepared, the raid will be tantamount to a trap, which is of great significance. Sha Tongtian felt that he could not make a claim alone, so he called everyone on the deck and let everyone make a decision.
Surprisingly, almost everyone agreed with Sha Tongtian’s decision, because the prestige of Xuanjiamen was so shocking that everyone wanted to join this sect for a long time. Although it was dangerous, as long as they could help them, these sea shark players still turned their backs.
"That’s settled! Brothers, let’s go and copy the hometown of the Japanese! But there is one thing I want to make clear to you first. This ship is the painstaking efforts and crystallization of our summer. In any case, it can’t fall into the hands of Japanese people. If it comes to the last minute, we must set fire to this ship! " Sha Tongtian’s eyes filled with tears when he said that he had burned the boat.
Only a few hundred people answered him with neat slogans. "sea shark!" "sea shark!"
The Broken Lu turned the bow and headed for the place where Japan was located. Sha Tongtian had a fight with Japanese pirates in his early years and generally knew the position of Japan. Now that he has set off, the rest can only depend on God to give him no face.
"elder brother! Sister-in-law asked you to go out with her to buy jewelry! " This time, in just a few days, the three girls became close friends with their future sister-in-law. Although beautiful women don’t like each other, such as Xue Lianer and Zhuo Nongyue at the beginning, there is no such problem with sister-in-law and sister-in-law. Now, the relationship between Xue Lianer and the three girls is believed to be sisters.
Muqingfeng chuckled. She had never heard of her favorite jewelry since she knew Snow Lotus. Besides her adoptive mother gave her as a gift for her daughter-in-law, Beiyan’s family heirloom, she didn’t look at the jewelry of those Xia people on the road. Today, she made a mistake. It was eighty percent that the dead girl wanted to buy it herself, but she couldn’t open her mouth, so she played the guise of Snow Lotus, but it was no problem. After all, it was rare to be at leisure, and the Japanese didn’t attack.
As for the dog’s egg, let him have a good rest. The rough work these days can make him exhausted. You know, although Moping City is not short of materials, it takes a lot of effort to make the trebuchet.
Just when the third girl tried hard to wear the hair clasp on her sister-in-law’s head, a street boy came running breathlessly and grabbed Muqingfeng’s sleeve.
"Little ShiShu! Master, they have something important to discuss with you. Go to the city wall quickly. The Japanese seem to be making big moves again. " The little Taoist priest said anxiously without wiping the sweat from the coming year.
"hey. Little Taoist, why do you call my brother Little Uncle? Is my brother very old? " Hearing being called Little Martial Uncle, Third Girl was not happy.
"No … no, no, Miss Jiang, don’t get me wrong. I am a disciple of Master Liu Liangchen. Of course, I have to call uncle Shi. I have no other meaning." These days, people including Wan Chungu have understood a truth, that is, never go against this "three girls".
"Well, girl, don’t be hard on him. Let’s see what happened first. Just tell the boss what you like, and I’ll have someone take it back for you later." Mu Qingfeng said helplessly, there is really no way to take this sister by himself.
When the three of them went up to the wall, they found that all the important people were here, even the Huangliang and Muzhong Mountain, which were built in the equipment camp, had arrived.
"Teacher, teach, what’s the matter? Are the Japanese going to attack? " Mu Qingfeng is curious about where the Japanese people come from and dare to fight with them again.
"Silly boy, see if the Japanese camp is different from the previous two days." Li Daoling pointed to the Japanese camp in the distance.

This makes Wu Chongyao worry that these weapons will not be able to get rid of their hands in the future, but Zhu Jinglun insists on at least five times the price.

Section one hundred and thirteen Napoleon’s ideas
From the perspective of power comparison between the north and the south, the north has an overwhelming advantage. There are 23 states in the northern federation? 2? With a population of 230,000, almost all heavy industry, arms industry and light industry are in the north.
The Confederacy has 11 states, of which 40,000 of the 90,000 people are black slaves. Most of the economy in the South relies on agriculture, and there are a few small arsenals.
However, the south has long been prepared for the war and secretly trained a small but well-equipped and well-trained army.
So they can March on Washington as soon as possible
On the first day of the war, Lincoln made a speech. He called on 75 soldiers loyal to the state to suppress the rebellion in three months by the federal government. In towns and villages, people from all walks of life recruited and equipped the army to raise funds. Almost every village and town had people joining the army. They solemnly vowed to crush the rebellion before mid-July.
No one, this is a long-term war. Both the North and the South of the United States believe that this is a short-term war. Wu Chongyao is also increasingly pessimistic. Zhu Jinglun is worried about the situation of weapons law. He sold a batch of 10,000 rifles that have been delivered to the Americans for 52 silver.
Then he decided not to speculate on weapons and invest in cotton futures.
But Zhu Jinglun ordered 50 thousand rifles, and he didn’t decide or dare to make a decision for Zhu Jinglun. These rifles were delivered by the British and then sent to the warehouse.
Wu Chongyao didn’t know that his decision made him inadvertently jump out of a rat trap. In the end, Zhu Jinglun suffered a lot from weapons and hit a large number of weapons in his hand.
In addition, the price of grain has also increased, but it has only increased by half. Bankers in London are not optimistic about the price of grain, because even if the Americans themselves smash the British Empire and want grain, they can be transported. No one dares to stop the British Empire fleet. Besides, Americans don’t sell grain, and Russians are the world’s largest wheat exporter in this era.
Wu Chongyao, who was advised to eat enough, threw away the hoarded grain and made a small profit a month after he arrived in Britain. It is better to talk than to save money and warehouse in pencil-sharpener.
At present, he has at least one million taels of silver in cash, and he actively invests in cotton futures. American cotton is still responding to the British market, because the American fleet has not been able to block the southern British merchant ships or its own merchant ships. The southern cotton is still intact and sent from new york to Britain, and new york is a city in the north.
Although the price of cotton has soared, the increase is not outrageous. The newspaper even said that this price increase was due to panic and the British government sold cotton to crack down on prices, which caused a general increase.
In this era, Britain has basically completed industrialization, but the industrial revolution in continental Europe is still in the ascendant. The cotton textile industry is the core department of the industrial revolution in all countries, not because of how high the technical content of this department is, but because it can solve the employment problem of the most people, and everyone should wear clothes.
Cotton is the best material to solve the problem. The output of woolen cloth is not comfortable enough, and the linen is too rough. It is a luxury for the poor to choose silk, so cotton cloth has almost become the only choice. As a result, the whole world needs cotton.
The United States is the best place for cotton production, and the land resources almost limit them to enjoy the benefits of cotton planting. In 13 years, Europe imported 720,000 bales of cotton from the United States and soared to 250,000 bales in 15 years, and reached 50,000 bales in 16 years last year.
Among them, 77% of the British textile industry comes from the United States, 9% from France, 6% from Germany, and even the land is equally vast. Russia also imports 92% of the cotton needed by the country from the south of the United States. As a result, the southern States of the United States have produced a cotton imperialism argument that a thin cotton thread can strangle the world, so that they can safely and boldly wage war, not because they are confident of winning, but because they believe that Europe will not sit idly by.
In the south of the United States, they controlled Europe, and Europeans didn’t just fool around with business and finance. London financiers were still new york financiers, and all countries withdrew from the cotton reserve policy one after another. Britain was the most perfect country, and their annual cotton reserve consumption ratio was 1: 5, which means that they had one-fifth of the demand for such a huge reserve, which almost made them control the cotton price. It was just like the oil-producing countries in the future could never compete with the capitalists to control the oil price.
That is to say, if the quantity of cotton in the market is reduced by no more than one fifth, the British government can control the cotton price, and at the same time, if the American war ends in one year, then the market will not be affected, because American cotton should be normal in 2008.
Wu Chongyao’s agent in London, a broker of Bahrain Bank, explained to Wu Chongyao that he was betting on whether the American war would end in one year or last for many years.
At this time, Wu Chongyao remembered that Zhu Jinglun’s judgment was less than three years. He was convinced that he doubted that history was not a life-and-death one year when the north and the south were unified.
Wu Chongyao resolutely put all his funds on cotton and asked his agent to help him eat as much as he could on bargain hunting. At this time, if the market price falls, Wu Chongyao’s funds will go in as if they were supporting the market, and the British government is suppressing the cotton price, which leads to people familiar with the situation saying that Wu Chongyao is gambling with the British government. Few people think that this will be a war that lasts for a year because they don’t think much of the fighting capacity of Americans. Many people say that China businessmen are challenging the British government. At that time, they wait and see and want to enter the market, and speculators are even going to look at it.
Weird results happened. Wu Chongyao smashed two million and two thousand dollars into the market, but there was no big fluctuation. He actually bought two million and two thousand cotton futures at an average price of one cent. Compared with the British government’s huge one-fifth, he really couldn’t afford a Shui Piao with this money.
After that, I waited for Wu Chongyao and couldn’t stay in Europe. He had already arrived in Paris.
The French are also very interested in the American war. Everyone is talking about this war. Of course, businessmen and other people have a knowing dance. What emperor invited a group of China people to have an anecdote?
Who would have thought that their emperor would invite these people? The newspaper has already cursed the emperor.
The reason is very simple. The newspaper broke the news that they had made it clear in Britain. This is not a formal diplomatic mission. It is a mission sent by the local government of China. The British women didn’t even meet them, and our emperor invited them warmly. Is this showing the British people across the strait that the French are inferior? No, it can be said that Napoleonic Pavilion itself is inferior to the Queen of England.
The newspaper atmosphere is the reason why Napoleon invited the Guangdong mission, because his opponents are increasing.
When Napoleon became emperor, he had opponents just like his uncle, but he didn’t have his uncle’s super ability and outstanding achievements, so the middle class became more and more opposed to Charles Louis Napolé on Bonaparte’s rule. Simple farmers supported Napoleon, but simple farmers didn’t know the words at all, so newspapers often played against Napoleon’s testimony
Including this attack on Peiping by the British and French allied forces, before the war, all the newspapers clamored for the victory of the war, but instead of praising Napoleon, they once again picked on Napoleon, the leading general sent by Napoleon. After returning to China, Napoleon got him a parliamentarian and gave him some annuities, which made the newspapers scold him. Montoban gave him a letter directly. The public said that Napoleon was not greedy and refused the annuity, but after the Franco-Prussian War, the people discovered that their emperor had kept his promise and quietly gave it to Montoban from Chinese reparations.
This is the era when Napoleon was in no absolute prestige. At the same time, newspapers have long been accustomed to freedom of speech. If you lose, they will scold you. If you win, they will still scold you. This government has no credibility, just like China in later generations. People don’t believe what the government says, and some people always come out to suspect that it is a conspiracy.
So when the Guangdong delegation arrived in Britain, Napoleon came to a special country mission to help him rule out of the idea of the United States, just as Emperor China always liked to meet the envoys of the foreign countries and then give them a lot of rewards. This was a good time to show his prestige.
But I didn’t expect to be scolded. If Napoleon didn’t come to France lightly, Chen Zhiting would probably still be scolded. At that time, it would be said that even a declining country like China ignored France under Napoleon’s rule, but people went to Britain but didn’t come to France at such a time.
It’s really worse for the emperor to treat it like this.
Similarly, it is not a good thing for the people to be irrational. They don’t know that Napoleon was forced by them in the Franco-Prussian War and then suppressed by Germany for more than half a century, and was completely destroyed in World War II.
Bad emperor, irrational national contradictions, the decline of France has long been doomed.
But at this time, no one can see this. Even if the French elite are dissatisfied with Napoleon’s rule, they will admit that France is a great country now, or that France has always been great. This is nothing like the Napoleon family. Even without Napoleon, they still have Louis XIV.
After half a century, I wonder if the defeated French miss the scenery that Napoleon took them across Europe.
In this contradiction, Chen Zhiting didn’t feel embarrassed to break into the court of the second imperial era in France.
Section one hundred and fourteen The backstage fell down
Lā Chen Zhiting was very angry. It wasn’t that the French court didn’t speak international etiquette and neglected him. Honestly, Napoleon III? 2o? ? Advocating the glory of the past, making the court as aristocratic as it was in the old days, he thinks this is the essence of France, and it is impossible for the British across the strait to have this kind of background
But after all, it is not the past, and now the nobles are not the nobles of the past. There are too many violent minions flooding the court, and they are bold and provocative, which makes Chen Zhiting unbearable.
When Chen Zhiting now every lady wants to pass by him on purpose and glance at him, it’s not a random sweep, but seeing his body from his face and seeing him from his body-
Well, what makes him angry is that there are already more than a dozen heavy make-up clothes that make him look at his crotch. He also saw a woman of a young age who specially put a monocle up to look at his crotch when she came to him.
This, this, this is outrageous. Chen Zhiting felt that he had received a great humiliation. He couldn’t help it. The French deliberately called him to humiliate him, so he left with a cold hum. He was just chasing after a lady translator.
Later, he saw Chen Zhiting angrily asking him what to humiliate him. The French explained for a long time. He was a second-rate translator and an amateur who studied Sinology. However, he was often involved in the French court and volunteered to be a translator for the national mission. However, he barely spoke Mandarin and could speak Mandarin. It was very difficult to communicate with Chen Zhiting’s Cantonese accent. At this time, I saw Chen Zhiting’s fire and didn’t understand what had happened.
Finally, Wu Chongyao chased it out, and then English communication made it clear.
Chen Zhiting was explained that foreigners are also very bold about this custom in female wind, but Chen Zhiting blushed and decided not to attend this cocktail party and asked the French to arrange for him to go back to the hotel.
On the contrary, a group of wealthy businessmen who are used to living in the streets and alleys in China are like a duck to water. Although the translators’ translation is not very accurate, they can also talk and laugh freely with French women through some body language. Frankly speaking, this is the first time that they feel at home during their trip to Europe and the United States, not in the American railway, not in the British ship, not in the church and university, but in the French court.
It was they who found a brothel here. I didn’t know what the French emperor would think when he knew it.
When these rich men later returned to China, their experience in the French court became their biggest talk, boasting that they let French women beg for mercy in the garden, in the back of the house and in the hidden stairs in the corner.
There are indeed many handsome rich men who have slept with French ladies, or have been slept with by French ladies. They feel that they are in charge of French ladies. Isn’t it a taste of French ladies? To put it mildly, the fact of the French in this era is that they discriminate against Chinese people. Ancient Roman ladies also sleep with slaves
It is not impossible for Chinese people to really want Europeans to throw themselves at each other, but at least now they are not working hard enough. Although a nation that eats old people is better than a nation that never eats old people, it is definitely not worth boasting that if Chinese people want to be first-class, they must work hard to create more splendor than their ancestors.

The benefits were enough, and the five chieftains were impressed by iron and blood. Under the combination of kindness and kindness, this simple, primitive social form of the dark forest was condensed by Li Feiyang.

The rest of the things is very simple. Li Feiyang entrusts all things to Mr. Tu and Mr. Shui, and then Mu Zhuoqing sits in the seat. I don’t think there will be any problems. Having seen his strength, coupled with the well-known identity of Mani in the future, it is expected that no one dares to rebel.
Besides, God’s memorial day is coming. If anyone tinkers with it at this time, it is estimated that others will be able to crush him without Li Feiyang’s hand.
After dealing with these things, Li Fei began his own "temple retreat" trip.
Of course, this is just his counterpoint claim. In fact, he entered the sixth floor alone to find the legendary "ancient magic dragon".
Flying royal sword flew for three days, is out of the fifth floor, into the sixth floor. It takes him so long to fly, which proves how vast the fifth floor is.
These three can’t be regarded as pleasant experiences. Facing the endless desert sea, I still feel spectacular for a long time at first, and everyone will feel monotonous and boring, even boring to make people crazy. Fortunately, Li Feiyang’s mind is very tenacious. After two years of training, he has already become accustomed to being alone, so that he will not feel too uncomfortable.
After entering the sixth floor, the scene in front of us is completely new, and then the vast sand sea is replaced by a piece of green. Tall trees and dense weeds get darker as they go deeper. From light green to dark green, it finally slowly turned into a strange scarlet.
This color is really hard to make people feel comfortable. And Li Feiyang feels more surprised than that. I don’t know why, but he can’t fly here.
A heavy pressure covered the whole sixth floor. As long as Li Feiyang flew, he felt like he was on a mountain, so heavy that he could hardly move. In desperation, he had to walk.
In the first three days, everything was normal, and Li Feiyang had enough food and water in the cultivation of immortals. But he still liked to eat and drink a few mouthfuls of water in his spare time. The reason is that it is difficult to give up what other people are used to.
And only in this way can he feel that he is still a person and not something else …
Continue to move in, the color of plants has become much darker or even as dark as ink. The trees are towering, walking in it. It always makes people feel uneasy. There wasn’t much light and these black plants set off. Li Feiyang felt as if he had entered the nether world. He always felt that he didn’t know when he might save the evil spirit Luo Cha next to him. With this in mind, Rao is Li Feiyang who has been fearless for a long time, and he can’t help but feel a little scared.
In fact, in the final analysis, the blood-red vertical eyes that cover the moon in his heart have become a heart disease for him.
There was a great silence in the Woods, and in such strange silence, it made people feel a little creepy. March for a long time, although still can’t hear any movement, but Li Feiyang felt that his ears were full of voices in a trance. It was a strange feeling of indescribable chemistry and mystery. It’s like something is shouting, calling, warning in his heart …
Finally, just when Li Feiyang’s mood was depressed to the extreme, suddenly there was a piercing animal roar not far away. Li Feiyang immediately refreshed and quickly swept away toward the position of the voice.
Even if he fights with the beast, he doesn’t want to stay in this oppressive environment any longer.
When I rushed to the crowd, I saw a huge fire cow swallowing the fruit of a big tree. This fire ox is much bigger than the one he killed on the fifth floor by array method. The color of the whole body is more vivid and looks more shocking.
Li Feiyang was taken aback. Because according to the law of fierce beasts in the dark forest, after entering a layer, the fierce beasts on the outside will be weaker, and the deeper they go, the stronger they will be. Not long after he entered the sixth floor of the Dark Forest, he met such a huge fire cow. It is conceivable that the fierce beasts inside should be terrible.
But since I’m here, there is no turning back. Li Feiyang never thought about turning back. Without hesitation, Li Feiyang took out the thunder Excalibur and rushed at the burning Luo Niu …
After a fierce battle, this fire cow was finally killed by Li Feiyang. But Li Feiyang is also not so easy. As he estimated, the fierce beasts here are not only bigger, but also stronger. As far as this fire cow is concerned, its ability to control the flame has been great. After a fierce battle, it almost led to a forest fire. If it weren’t for the water in the plants here, it wouldn’t burn well. I’m afraid Li Feiyang is in flames now.
After collecting the flesh and blood and various materials from Huoluo Niu into the cultivation ring, Li Feiyang took a break and continued to enter.
Unconsciously, Li Feiyang has entered the sixth floor for seven days. During these seven days, he met many fierce beasts, and each fierce beast was very powerful. Every battle is much more intense than when it is outside. But in the same way, Li Feiyang has gained a lot.
In seven days, his level has been upgraded to level 3, and the King Kong spell has directly reached the full level!
Li Feiyang’s current state is that his practice value is 198 for C force, 352 for spiritual strength and 526 for physique, and his posture is 1netbsp for good luck. The Vajrayana Mantra consumes the true qi to increase Li Feiyang’s physical defense by 1c times. After lasting for 3 minutes, he will be completely immune to physical attack within 2 minutes. Cooling time is 1 minute.

Chapter 180 The cat was revealed
On the eighth day, he never saw a fierce beast again. It was not that the fierce beast was extinct, but most of the fierce beasts seemed to feel his presence. As soon as they sensed his breath, they took a detour and didn’t give him any chance to kill.
Fortunately, Li Feiyang has finally adapted to the darkness and depression in the sixth floor, and no longer needs to use killing to vent his emotions, but he is also complacent and quiet.
On the ninth day, Li Feiyang came to a strange place.
To be precise, the whole sixth floor has become extremely strange. There is no longer any vegetation in front of us, but a dense fog. But the fog is like a substance, and it can’t enter it at all. It can only follow the periphery of the fog along the road. On the tenth day, Li Feiyang finally found the entrance of the fog.
This is a huge iron gate, with a height of more than ten feet, and two huge golden animal faces carved on the door, which look lifelike and want to be confused.
Surprisingly, the door is half-closed, and a gap enough for one person to pass through is just enough for one person to enter. But looking in from the outside, I feel red and foggy, plus a little bit of eerie, it is really impossible to know what is in it.
But Li Feiyang did not hesitate to go in, because after he got here, the strange voice of calling and guiding in his heart seemed to be more and more clear, so he couldn’t help but go in and find out.
After entering it, there was a hazy moment, probably a few seconds, and it was as long as thousands of years. Li Feiyang now appeared in a brand-new place.
I don’t know what material is used to build the promenade, which is shining with soft and touching brilliance. A wide avenue goes straight ahead, but it is a little surprising and strange that this fellow road is full of light, but the line of sight will always be blocked by something unconsciously, as if you will never see the distant scenery and outline.
Li Feiyang’s heart suddenly felt that the scene just now seemed familiar, and then it sounded. Before sweeping the floor, Mani took himself into the mysterious mural space, as if there had been a brief absence.
It just feels much shorter than just now.
Li Feiyang eyebrows a pick. A strange idea popped up in the book. If so, it can also be used as a standard to judge strength. Does that mean the people who built this space? More powerful than that mysterious sweeping mani?
Walk slowly down the channel. Turn a corner. In front of the scene. Li Fei Yang was taken aback immediately.

"Boom! !” Straight to the three war behemoth rushed out a hundred meters away, and the explosive power of the dark ball was completely released. The three war behemoths were still struggling to support, and they were directly blown out and fell into the mountains thousands of meters away.

One move, flying away, three war behemoths relieved a little pressure. Sirius made persistent efforts, and his paws were like a hook, and he attacked angrily. He staggered left and right, waving his paws to the point of exaggeration. Half-moon paws slashed his flesh. War behemoths were bloody and bloody. War behemoths were splashed with rubble, wooden bodies were splashed with sawdust, and so on. All kinds of war behemoths were forced back by greed, and at the same time, they left a series of shocking ravines in their bodies.
While sweeping the war behemoth’s body shape, the greedy wolf stared at the opportunity to make a decisive attack, revealing its horrible fangs, accurately and mistakenly biting the neck of a war behemoth, struggling to tear it off the neck of the war behemoth, and then directly opening its mouth, a small dark ball blasted out greed, and the part in its mouth directly turned to fly ash, and then the ball accurately and mistakenly went in from three places on the neck of the injured war behemoth, and then went forward and out.
The war beast fell on its back like a mountain, and the earth trembled.
Many war behemoths in the predecessor exhibition brutally killed the greedy wolf, and the second half of the body was not idle. A big tail like a waterfall wrapped around a war behemoth’s neck and rolled its huge body from side to side. It was used as a weapon to attack the war behemoth, and it also served as a shield to resist the offensive of other war behemoths.
The war behemoth is heavy and slow, and once it moves, it is difficult to close the move or change its direction halfway. As a result, it was sadly urged by Sirius and the two war behemoths. Instead of being directly attacked by Sirius, it was beaten to death by one of its own people.
It would not be so easy to be a war behemoth in its normal heyday, but now these war behemoths are hung up faster by Luan Er’s second resurrection skill with half of the original blood volume.
Dozens of war behemoths besieged a wolf and still hit this level. Although the wolf was in the wind, it did not show signs of defeat, which made Jiuzhong pleasantly surprised.
It’s amazing that the wolf has such strength to fight the trapped beast, but it still has the ability to resist the encirclement of dozens of war behemoths. If it can be allowed to play freely and fight, these clumsy war behemoths will never be a wolf-hungry opponent even though there are many people. Happiness is that the stronger the wolf is, the greater the value of it will be if it is harvested nine times.
"Luan son call you big troops back! Don’t call them sacrifices. There’s something else about keeping them! " Jiuzhong started to tread and ran straight to the wolf.
"Well, I know!" Luan promised a motor to retreat and called back the puppet of the war behemoth.
The city was just shaken, and the giant battles in Shan Ye have already been tourist trap. They are all huddled in every corner of Sirius City and dare not come out. From time to time, they lean out their heads and look outside the city.
Seeing that the war behemoths have receded, although it is late at night, players in Vietnam still feel that the whole day is bright. "Wow, haha is awesome! That’s awesome! We protect the country, the god beast, the wolf, and repel the enemy’s war behemoth army! Repel! !”
Just halfway through the cheers, players in Vietnam saw Jiuzhong appear in their field of vision and are rapidly approaching Sirius City. "Oh, no! Fang Sheng is coming! !” Suddenly it was a mess again.
Gen didn’t notice that he was entertaining himself in the city and had fallen into a semi-crazy state. Players in Vietnam rowed nine times and nine times and dragged a long tail flame to pounce on the wolf.
"Ho … ho …! !” When Jiuzhong approached it, the wolf had already noticed the huge wolf’s head clinging to the ground, such as mans eyes, staring at Jiuzhong and making threats and growling to scare Jiuzhong away.
Jiuzhong, of course, won’t buy it. No matter how the wolf grins at him there, he will still force the wolf in front of him.
"roar! !” At first glance, you can’t scare the nine-fold greedy wolf, decisively and preemptively raise your right paw across the nine-fold, and swing out a criss-crossing exaggerated claw curtain, as if the sky and the earth were coherent and inevitable, and the nine-fold roared and punched in the past.
"Hide the golden body! !” In the face of the wolf’s size comparable to that of ideal city’s super-large behemoth, it is difficult to effectively combat it. The nine-fold direct launch of the "Hidden Golden Body" is a huge figure, and it is no less than the wolf giant holding the Buddha’s "King Kong Ba Body! !”
Three times the defense and nine times the blessing, the wolf swung out to cover the sky, and the film and television saw it, and directly slammed its head and hit it.
"Boom-! !” Countless claw shadows fell on the golden body in the underground, and the nine-weight body exploded and the nine-weight body was submerged in the rolling waves.
After the attack of the wolf’s claw curtain ended and the smoke gradually subsided, the nine-fold huge figure emerged from the clouds to look like a god overlooking people and business.
I didn’t even scratch my skin when I hurt Mao.
“……!” See nine heavy incredibly unscathed Sirius Wolf city was taken aback and screamed for a moment. One by one, the mouth was marked by an attack. A huge dark ball tore up and rolled up like a tornado. air billow bombarded nine heavy.
"Buried hand print! !”
"blare! !” Before reaching the palm of nine hands, a big golden handprint was pushed out, and the windward surge suddenly turned into a huge canopy, which enveloped the wolf as if it were the Tathagata Buddha Wuzhishan.
The huge dark ball spit out from the wolf’s mouth hit nine times and hit the "hidden handprint" as if the gas hit the south wall and the moth threw herself to the fire.
"blare! !” Hang the wind and hide the big handprint, crashing down, and actually shooting at the wolf body, I heard a "burst", a wolf full of enthusiasm, and the whole body was lying in Sirius City, and the center of air billow Sirius City rushed around.
I want to protect Sirius City, but I was caught by the palm of my hand, but I was greedy, but my body was like a mountain. I pressed Sirius City into a sparse building, and the meat pie hid in the building. Players in Vietnam even turned into meat pie.
"Ow blare-! !” The wolf fell to the ground and could not help but let out a cry.
Chapter four hundred and thirty-seven You are still tender
"Era" Games Vietnam General Agent Game Department Computer Room
Looking at the big screen, the wolf was slapped by nine heavy slaps, and the technicians in the computer room seemed to be in the same mood as being photographed by nine heavy handprints.
"This sacred strength te also abnormal condition again so limit the greedy Wolf action don’t let it play out the strength is too passive! The situation is worrying! " A technical personnel expression dignified way
"But have you ever thought about …!" Technical director eyebrows locked way "once let the Wolf back to freedom from Sirius city words that day Wolf city is dangerous! Now it is impossible for players to keep Sirius City! Once Sirius City changes hands again, our war zone will be completely finished! "
"But now, according to this situation, going to the wolf-greedy city will eventually be finished!" Another technician is very pessimistic and speculates.
"In fact, I think … we can try our best to lift the restrictions on wolf-hunting!" Someone suggested, "You found that without this party, it was very arrogant. He let the players of the Holy Alliance and the war behemoth troops stand aside to watch the battle, in order to defeat our war zone by himself to protect the country, the beast and the wolf! So I think he won’t let the holy alliance players and the war behemoth troops show their actions before defeating the wolf again! This creates an opportunity for us! Fang Shengren is the leader of the Holy Alliance, and his success or failure will affect the morale of the whole Holy Alliance army. I think we should let the wolf fight hard. If we want to put Fang Shengren away, the morale of the Holy Alliance will definitely drop. It is impossible for them to defeat the highest fighting force in Huaxia, and they will finally retreat! "
"Before all this, it was the sacred alliance players who were wrong and the war behemoth troops did not take action during the sacred wolf fighting! Do you think it’s possible? !”
"Then we can take a gamble. Anyway, we will definitely die if we don’t lift the restrictions on the greedy wolf!"
"What’s your opinion? !” The technical director’s eyes swept all the technicians present.
"In favor of the left and right sides is a dead bet! !”
"Well …!" The technical director gritted his teeth and stamped his foot. "The horse lost his subconscious mind to the wolf. He can act freely if he doesn’t stick to the wolf city!"
"yes! !”
In the game world
Nine times slaps the greedy wolf, and then looks solemn and sincere, and looks like a magic stick to the greedy wolf. "Put a butcher’s knife and become a Buddha!"
I feel a little sick after talking about Jiuzhong.
"roar! ! !” Lying in Sirius City, the greedy wolf’s eyes suddenly swelled and his hair soared, and his body strength soared fiercely. Finally, suddenly, a blasting was dark and black, and he broke through and hid a big handprint on his body.

I miss the purple princess bed in the room!

"I’m tired, too. I’ll sleep with you." Yue Xuanyi hurriedly posted it to arouse people’s disdain eyes.
"Well, let’s go." Xingtianmo or go to the second floor arm in arm with Yuexuan Yi. She can’t wait to have a date with Duke Zhou.
Early the next day
"Why is the headmaster in such a hurry to find us?" Xingtianmo wanted to catch up on sleep and wake up naturally, but she was awakened by a strange word. It turned out to be the old man of the principal.
"I don’t know" Yue Xuan Yi Yi didn’t wake up just like Xingtian Mo.
The headmaster was so anxious to find them that he said that if they didn’t go, he would die = …
"Knock knock" Xingtianmo habitually knocked on the door.
Unexpectedly, there was no response from Yuexuan Yiyi, so I impatiently kicked the door and thought it was habitual.
The door was hit and the headmaster was talking to a man, Kan Kan.
Xing Tian Mo and Yue Xuan Yi walked in unhurriedly to see that the man was Xing Lengyu.
Seeing his impatient face, it is estimated that the headmaster will be angry if he doesn’t stop. If he is angry, the consequences will be very serious …
7 exchange learning
"The headmaster …" Star day foam called a he didn’t respond estimation is too absorbed.
"Principal!" Star day foam shouted a pity that he finally had a reaction.
"Hey, what are you doing here? Can I help you? " The headmaster inexplicably asked with a face of koo.
Xing Tian Mo and Yue Xuan Yi suddenly had a black line on their faces. The old man forced them to come here early in the morning. Now he asked them what they were doing. Is this old headmaster selective and forgetful? !

Are you lucky enough to go against the sky? Monty’s conclusion after careful observation. There must be some monster living inside him to help him stabilize. Otherwise, Yuan Shen will surely break up. Haikui told him before the combination. It must have something to do with Zhou Lin who was sealed in the body by the real Wuyang.

Monty looked at Haikui seriously and said, "I don’t know if you will be distracted after waking up this time." In that case. It is a deep blessing. "
On the other side. A middle-aged man frowned slightly. Now close your eyes and count for a while. Looking at the distance. "Actually took my distraction. Hey. That’s too much for you. More and faster chapters, please go to. You are just a tripod furnace and you want to go against the sky. "
Monty wants to think about it. Only this one is logical. He sat cross-legged again. After looking at Haikui’s eyes, he closed his eyes and meditated.
On the east coast of China. Xue Zheng Xiu and Stuart Yuan Wu are probing carefully. Xue Zhengxiu suddenly looked up at the sky. Eyes a dignified. Then he turned to Stuart Yuan Wu and said, "Stuart Yuan Wu. I have more important things to do. When you find the old man. Baojia and Ziruyi are all yours. I want the old man’s yuan god. "
Stuart Yuan Wu gloomy looking at Xue Zhengxiu. Heavy voice asked: "Xue Zheng xiu who are you?"
"You know the old so long still don’t know who I am? The old man is just a casual repair. " Xue Zhengxiu hey hey smiled.
Stuart Yuan Wu’s eyes were full of pitfalls. "I don’t think so. You take a break. I know so much about the various factions in the spiritual world. And people who are Taoist are even more familiar with it. Who will believe you if you say it? I think you are like … "
Stuart Yuan Wu seems to have noticed something. One-handed pinch tactic carefully staring at Xue Zhengxiu.
Xue Zhengxiu looked at Stuart Yuan Wu cautiously. Laughing. "Stuart Xiaoyou thinks too much." He said and disappeared.
Stuart Yuan Wu looked at the place where Xue Zheng had just disappeared. Eyes show the color of meditation. Frown. Think twice and continue to search for people in Donghua.
Stuart Yuan Wu came to Daofeizong with all the fighting power of Wanmo Palace. I got an imperial edict. This imperial edict comes from another world. Another powerful world. Stuart Yuan Wu dare not disobey. Whether the imperial edict is true or not. He has to come. And he is expected to soar. In urgent need of powerful help. The promise in the imperial edict. Success or failure. There are rewards.
Stuart Yuan Wu suspected that Xue Zhengxiu was from another world.
Xue Zhengxiu appeared in Jialing City at this time. Since he was separated from Stuart Yuan Wu. A few minutes. He came to Jialing City. Didn’t hide his breath. A powerful breath filled between heaven and earth. Mortals can’t feel it. But the practitioners here can feel it.
What exactly is Xue Zheng’s practice? Haikui guessed that he had a state of distraction.
Soon. It’s time to hide It’s time to appear.
At this time there are dozens of people in front of Xue Zheng Xiu. Fix for the lowest infant period. Two distracted periods. They looked at Xue Zhengxiu cautiously. One of the distracted monks asked, "Who are the Taoist friends? Why call me? "
"I am a celestial messenger. I was ordered to arrest a man. I order you to scrape three feet to find this man. " Xue Zhengxiu looked down at the crowd and said.
"It’s a loose tongue." Xue Zheng Xiugang finished. The friar said in a cold voice at the end of a dollar baby.
Xue Zhengxiu’s eyes looked sharp. In the later period of Yuanying, the friar only felt the sudden lag of Zhenyuan in the body and then became tyrannical.
The power of a glance. Let him be really unstable. The heart of Tao is shaking.
"Fairy angel. It’s really the first time I’ve heard it. " During the distracted period, the friar moved lightly and stood in front of Xue Zheng Xiu. Blocked his eyes.
The monk’s back was cold and sweaty in the later period of Yuanying. Heart andao fortunately. Hurriedly take a step backward. Pull away.
Chapter 299 are looking for.
Xue Zhengxiu glanced at all. "Which one is a descendant of the Sect that has existed for more than 3,000 years?"
A distracted person stood up. Xue Zhengxiu threw him a jade slip. "Look at it."
The distracted person picked it up. After a glance. He said to the crowd, "Dear Taoist friends. This is indeed a celestial messenger. "
Everyone was surprised. Everyone wants to know what’s in the jade slips. But Yu Jian was taken back by Xue Zhengxiu.
"Don’t ask anything more. Let you know what you know. If you don’t know, you will be killed if you want to know. " Xue Zhengxiu took a look at them and said coldly.
Everyone shuddered. They all shut up honestly. The celestial world is the supreme existence in their hearts. And they also aim to soar to the celestial world. How dare you offend the celestial messenger?
"To find this person. Dig a thousand feet and find it. " Xue Zhengxiu waved his hand. Haikui’s image came out. Sure. Is what he looked like before he changed his body.
Zhou Lin can’t communicate with Haikui after being sealed by Wuyang real person. Haikui changed his body. He doesn’t know it yet.
The people kept the appearance of Haikui in mind. Xue Zhengxiu flicker disappear.
A few minutes after Xue Zhengxiu left. After a distracted person confirms it. He said to the crowd, "Let’s go."
"Zhao predecessors. What do you see? " Someone asked the distracted person who saw Xue Zheng’s jade slips. First time update
"The seal of the fairy world." Friar Zhao’s distracted period said.
"Feng Xianwen. What is that? "
Friar Zhao’s name is distracted. "After successful soaring celestial. The fairy world will appear on the fairy list and admit that you have stepped into the ranks of immortals. Then you take this fairy list to Huaxianchi. Into the fairy pool. The true elements in the body are transformed into immortal elements. Since then. You are a real fairy. "
Brother Zhao said. Many people are showing the color of suddenly. Someone has heard of it. Someone hasn’t heard of it.
"That day? Armageddon is not the real element that helps us refine the body. " One person did not understand and asked.
"Armageddon is natural selection. More and faster chapters, please go to. Get rid of those who can’t survive the disaster. This is one of its intentions. Second. People who have survived the natural disaster. The cultivation will grow in the Armageddon. You can bear the cleaning of the fairy pool. The fairy pool turns the real yuan into the fairy yuan. The flesh is the container of immortals. If it is unbearable, it will collapse. Still failed. So people who have survived the natural disaster. It will be able to withstand the cleaning of Huaxianchi. " Brother Zhao explained carefully and said, "Look at those people who have crossed the sky through the ages. Most of them rely on strength to survive. Lucky to get help from others. Or a magic weapon to resist. Ascended to the celestial realm. That is also the lowest fairy. People who can’t stay for three days after entering the fairy pool. The whole body can’t be completely transformed. Such people can’t get along in the celestial world. "
Some people didn’t know this kind of thing before. Someone immediately showed a pessimistic expression. "If according to zhao predecessors said. After soaring, isn’t it a change of environment to continue to practice and practice again? "
Brother Zhao looked solemn. "Yes. I sent my predecessors to soar. Ten times as hard as you can in the lower bound. Work hard in the celestial world to stand in front of people. Today, I’ll tell you about it. In fact, the fairy world is not as good as you think. "
In the crowd, the face of a monk in the later period of Yuan Ying immediately collapsed. "I thought I could be free and unfettered in heaven and earth after I became an immortal. Listen to you. Is the struggle in the celestial world more fierce? "
Brother Zhao sighed and remained silent. But everyone knows.
After a while. Brother Zhao said to the crowd, "Let’s follow what the messenger just said. Find this person as soon as possible. If you can’t catch him alive, don’t startle him. Signal to wait for the arrival of the messenger. The emissary left a rune signal. I will give it to everyone. " He said, with one hand, he definitely drew a few pictures in the air with Zhenyuan. Hold on a second. "In the last five fingers spread out with true yuan before pushing. Runes will automatically look for the messenger’s adult. Remember. "
They wrote down the runes and dispersed. Brother Zhao also flew in the same direction. Heart andao: From the first generation of soaring predecessors. A person of the younger generation. Must be suppressed. You can’t cross the sky until you can’t suppress it. In this way, the actual strength to survive the apocalypse is much stronger than the strength to go all the way directly, to be distracted and to soar in Mahayana. After soaring. Win at the starting line.
The battle between the immortals is more fierce than expected. Update the first time where there is a paradise. Where there is no immortal happy. It’s all bullshit But once you have set foot on this road, you can’t back down. The elders of the sects in the celestial world are still waiting for the younger generation to soar to increase their strength. Hey.
Brother Zhao’s face gets lower and lower as he thinks about it. But he shoulders the mission of sects. Shoulder the mission of becoming cannon fodder or elite to the celestial world. Let him have no other choice.
Haikui is still in a coma underground. And in Jialing city and even nearby. There is a great uproar among practitioners. Are looking for haikui. Trying to dig up the ground and find him out. But what more people know is that Haikui is the person asked by the celestial messenger. After finding it, you can exchange it for the interests of the celestial messenger. The alliance of cultivating immortals is also looking for the people who slaughtered the Hao family. These two things are the most important things among practitioners in Jialing.
Xue Zhengxiu appeared in the place where the Hao family was slaughtered. There are policemen and soldiers everywhere now. Fiona Fang is blocked for miles. The news was also blocked. But the mayor of Jialing needs to give an explanation to the above. Not only did half the police come. The subordinate army division also sent a battalion of soldiers to station and assist.
Xue Zhengxiu looked at the vehicles flashing the alarm and the big green truck with a slight frown. "This is the place where the last induction. I don’t know what happened. "
Xue Zhengxiu glanced at the people below. The soldiers are resting. You can also walk around. He appeared below in a flash. Update and control a soldier’s mind in the first time. The soldier’s eyes were confused. Turn to yin. He walked up to the policeman who was whispering and asked, "Brother. What happened here. "
Two policemen looked up. There is a strange color in his eyes. One person asked, "You don’t know yet."
I don’t know. The soldier shook his head.
"I heard that the rich family Hao family here was slain by people. A big fire left no residue. Look at this. Everywhere is blackened. Maybe the place where we are standing now is the ashes burned by the dead. " The policeman said. The tone is slightly low. Finally, it was found that the other party was a soldier. I can’t scare him with this tone. Hey, hey, smile. "We don’t know the details. More and faster chapters, please go to. I came as soon as I was informed. Waiting for the investigation. "
"Oh. Thanks a lot. " The soldier smiled.
"You’re welcome." The police also waved generously.
The soldier turned around. The expression of eyes was gloomy. Suddenly, my eyes turned into confusion again. Strange. Look around.
Xue Zhengxiu once again appeared over the original address of Hao’s family. Not only dark eyes. My heart is also gloomy. He’s sure it was Haikui. But the dead didn’t even leave a soul behind. So he can’t know what was going on at that time.
He used his magical powers to explore carefully for dozens of miles in Fiona Fang, and there was no sign of Haikui. Except those down there that are not living. Nothing else was found. Xue Zhengxiu thought for a moment. I don’t think Haikui can stay here. After killing people. There must be a monk here to explore. I’m sure it’s bad luck to stay here But at this time, there is not a soul of the Hao family. He doesn’t know where Haikui has gone. After looking in four directions. The figure disappeared into the air.
Most practitioners speculate on Haikui’s trace with the heart of ordinary people. Many people think we should hide in sparsely populated or barren hills. And the so-called big is hidden in the city. Haikui is now under a hotel in the center of Jialing City. So they can’t find Haikui in a short time. Moreover, the monty flag hides the breath of him and Haikui. Even if someone is looking in the city. It takes a little effort.