☆, Chapter 9 Kneeling request

Mu Jia was in a mess. Yang Qiang couldn’t stop crying. Mu Beiping was lying on the sofa. Mu Jia’s private doctor and hospital doctor were giving him first aid. His face was pale and his lips showed a shocking purple color.
Qiao Huan knows that this is the characteristic of heart patients when they are sick.
Qiao Huan’s guilt rose again in her heart. She thought that Mu Bei wouldn’t be so excited if it hadn’t happened with her and Mu Bei, and she wouldn’t have a heart attack. If Mu Bei really died, her generation would not feel at ease and have nightmares every night.
Muna looked at Mubei with a cold face.
Is he doing it again this time? Do you want to die to meet his requirements?
"I’m sorry, I like Qiao Huan Qiao Huan. I like your mother. I want to marry Qiao Huan. I want to marry Qiao Huan." Mu Bei whispered painfully, clutching his heart.
Muna body slightly a stiff face cold meaning and much a few minutes Qiao Huan is motionless there some obtained.
Was she confessed by Mubei? In this case, Qiao Huan has a sudden dream feeling funny and funny.
Yang Qiang looked at Mubei’s tears and cried and said to Mubei, "Xiaobei, my darling wants you to get better and mom will definitely let you get married."
Qiao Huan Xiumei picked her eyes and fell on Yang Qiang’s face. She admitted that she felt guilty about Mu Bei, but it didn’t necessarily mean that she was going to marry him, especially when he was Munan’s younger brother. It was impossible for her to marry Mu Bei.
If she can’t do it, she can’t face the man she loves and suddenly become her uncle.
"Brother" MuBeiLi painfully open your eyes a face of begging to see Muna "elder brother you give Qiao Huan to me? Elder brother I beg you "
Mu Bei struggled to get up from the sofa while talking in his mouth.
Muna sipped her lips and said nothing. Her face was frosty. He looked at Mubei coldly.
"peony, you promised to small north? Mom, please, you promise Xiaobei "Yang Qiang is in a state of collapse. She looked at Muna with tears in her eyes.
"I can give him anything but Qiao Huan. I will never give it to him." Muna stared at Yang Qiang’s eyes very slowly and firmly.
Qiao Huan suddenly burst into throbbing tears uncontrollably. She bent her head slightly and covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying.
"ah! Ah! " Mu Bei suddenly screamed in pain and his body trembled with a jerk.
Dr. Zhang said to Yang Qiang with a serious face, "Mrs. Mu’s second husband is very ill. Don’t stimulate him any more."
"peony, I know it’s hard for you to do this, but xiaobei and Qiao Huan have happened, and your roots can’t be together anymore. peony, mom, please give Qiao Huan to xiaobei, right? You can’t watch Xiaobei die, can you? " Yang Qiang cried and said to Muna
When Yang Qiang’s words came out, everyone’s eyes were intentionally cast on Qiao Huan.
Munan’s face became extremely ugly, and his fists were tightly held together.
Qiao Huan lost all color in her face and her body trembled slightly, and her heart sank to the bottom. There was an idea in her mind that everyone knew that she was Muna’s girlfriend but she had sex with Mubei.
Now in the eyes of everyone, she is a shameless woman who seduces her boyfriend and brother.
"Mom, I repeat that I will never give Qiao Huan to Mubei. Besides, Qiao Huan is not the goods." Muna said coldly with a black face and took Qiao Huan’s hand and walked away.
"Munan, do you have to force me to kneel for you before you agree?" Yang Qiang’s sharp voice sounded behind Muna and then "dong", Yang Qiang’s knees were soft and he fell to the ground.
This chapter is a bit heavy. I pity Munan!
☆ Chapter 1 A farce
Everyone in Mu’s family was stunned by Yang Qiang. Muna’s body was suddenly stiff and his grip on Qiao Huan was tighter.
Qiao Huan turned white again and looked back in disbelief at Yang Qiang, the first lady in the central city of the living room, who had a baby. She actually knelt down to the big son.
Muleshan strode towards Munan with a livid face. With a wave of his hand, "pa" was crisp and Munan’s face was severely slapped.
Munan’s face was beaten with a bloody smell, and his hand was covered with blood. He pursed his lips and said nothing, but looked up at Muleshan with a cold face.
Without saying a word, Muleshan turned and grabbed Yang Qiang from the ground and said angrily, "Do you know what you are doing?"
"Leshan, it’s all my fault!" Yang Qiang fell in the arms of Muleshan, sobbing. "I know it’s wrong to do this, but I really can’t watch Xiaobei leave me. I can’t stand this blow. If anything happens to Xiaobei, I can’t live."
"What are you talking about?" Mu Leshan took a sharp tone and handed Yang Qiang to the servant. "You help your wife to go upstairs to rest."
"I don’t want to go. Xiaobei needs me. I don’t want to go." Yang Qiang screamed at Mu Leshan and cried and rushed to Mu Leshan. He grabbed Yang Qiang’s hand and slapped him in the face.
Everyone in the living room was shocked and looked at Muleshan with incredible eyes. No one expected that he would hit Yang Qiang.

She knows Lili.

However, she is no longer as gentle with Lili as before.
Know but have no feelings …
"Elder sister …"
Na Lanqing stretched out his hand and grabbed Lili’s neck. He heard Lili’s neck with one hand and found the bone. She really strangled the present.
Jika quietly emerged from the darkness and the dagger struck her wrist …
NaLanQingSong lily a boxing to ji Cagica body flying … Lili fell to the ground and coma due to lack of oxygen …
Chi surrounded her with a dark guard …
Don’t let her leave.
There is a group of spiders spinning silk in the abdomen of the ceremonial banquet. The original Nalanqing left a blood hole to stop the bleeding slowly. The wound seems to be spit out by spiders and sewed up like blood is no longer like a fountain …
She lay on the ground and stared at NaLanQing. Suddenly, she took out a bottle of blood and gave it to Longze around her. "That’s enough. Let her drink this …"
What’s wrong with her?
Long Ze LingLan glances Long Ze took the bottle of two people look at the killing dark WeiNa LanQing immediately went over …
Surrounded by dark guards, Nalanqing’s master Hao shows no mercy. She is like an emotionless puppet with murder in her eyes.
Kill, kill, kill.
Kill Long Ze!
Kill him and you’ll be free!
Feel someone sneak attack behind NaLanQing back to Long Ze that absolutely brilliant face, she picked up a sword and stabbed at Long Ze …
Long Ze figure soon although seriously injured in the face of her, there are still some malicious hands everywhere at a disadvantage.
But NaLanQing really can’t stab him for a while …
Holding Nalanqing’s sword with one hand, blood dripped from his palm, and she pulled a few times. Long Ze held it too tightly to pull it out.
Ling Lan quietly appeared behind him. He wanted to point her acupuncture points …
Welcome everyone to pay attention to moonlight, Weibo warm moonlight 16
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Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
715 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (2)
715 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (2) Hold Nalanqing with one hand and stab the sword. Blood dripped from his palm. She drew a few strokes. Long Ze held it too tightly and couldn’t draw out the watermark advertisement test. Ling Lan quietly appeared behind her. He wanted to click on her acupuncture point, and the crossbow shot straight into Ling Lan’s shoulder. He still paused, kicked Long Ze and stabbed Ling Lan with the sword in his hand. Unstable figure, falling back and falling to the ground, holding a sword, approaching Ling Lan step by step. It’s annoying that these people stop her again and again! "Go to hell!" Holding a sword in her hand, she shuriken cut into Ling Lan. There was no hesitation in her eyes. Holding up her hand, she felt the murderous look behind her. Na Lanqing turned back and saw a sword and a sword sinking into Long Ze’s side waist. He reached out and held "I got you!" Long Ze, regardless of the pain in the side waist, reached out and grabbed Nalanqing’s shoulder and held her in her arms. She kissed her lips fiercely. Nalanqing was surprised and felt something pry her mouth. The hot and humid fishy liquid entered her mouth. She realized that she swallowed "ahem" and pushed Long Ze Nalanqing’s cruel luster. "You" suddenly her face changed, and she bent down and knelt down as if her body had been greatly impacted. She didn’t even get up for a ceremony. Soon Nalanqing’s blood in her eyes dissipated little by little. She looked up and a little bit emerged. Long Ze put his arm around her and sent her back to the room. The chaos ended when Ling Lan bandaged the most seriously injured ceremonial banquet and then looked at Long Ze Long Ze. He sat in front of Nalanqing bed, stretched out his hand and touched her sleeping face. His eyes were sore. Sitting on the soft couch, she looked in the direction of Nalanqing while dressing the wound. She said, "She has confirmed the mutation. You just saw it." Well, I saw it all. "Xiao Qinger remembers me but she has no feelings. She seems to be familiar with strangers!" Long Ze sat on the edge of the bed, her voice was very depressed, and she was holding her in a deep sleep. Na Lanqing gently touched her face and was in pain. To think that she just tried to kill her eyes, his heart was as painful as being stabbed by a knife. It was worse than death. "Not only that!" The ceremonial banquet shook its head, and it was rare for the fundus to have a positive color. It was inadvertently swept away and condensed and said, "She didn’t lose her feelings for you and she lost her feelings!" Long Ze looked at her while Ling Lan was fierce. "In the face of Lili, she faced Jika with her dead hand, but she was even more merciless. And Ling Lan’s guards, she had the intention of killing, which means that she completely lost her feelings." "Not only love, but also family and friendship!" The ceremonial banquet stretched out his hand over his abdomen and thought of the way NaLanQing looked at her. She was very sure to say"So she can kill so many soldiers without mercy, which can lead to floods to kill the enemy and sacrifice the people at the same time. This is one end. She will lose people’s feelings a little until she becomes just like this." She will become a shell with no feelings, and all memories will lose her feelings for others. This is a negative emotion, such as murder, such as destruction. For example, "This is a new mutation that I have never met and never heard of, and even my brother has never told me about." Listening to the finger ceremony is very tricky. "My brother has long been unable to leave me." Long Ze asked him if he could send someone to look for a ceremonial banquet, but she didn’t hide it. She answered truthfully, "The ghost doctor is old!" Long Ze heard a familiar name, and he suddenly got up, and a serious look appeared in his eyes. "You send someone to contact Yan Heng, and you must ask about ghosts!" If I remember correctly, the ghost in my past life memory is from Yan Heng’s side. "Do you know where my brother is?" The eyes of the ceremonial banquet lit up. "I don’t know. Yan Heng may know!" Do you like Yan Heng at the ceremonial banquet? Well, she remembered that Long Ze Gongyi talked about many films about how long it will take for Unalan to lose his feelings step by step, but how much blood can be delayed a little. She didn’t know how much time there was. Suddenly, a bang, Ling Lan suddenly fell down, and he fell to the ground, his eyes closed and his face was pale. What happened to him? The ceremonial banquet reluctantly walked over and listened to Ling Lan’s pulse. What the hell is this? She’s never heard of such a chaotic pulse. Can a person still be alive? All kinds of air currents in the body pass through one by one in a messy and destructive way. All kinds of forces? It’s impossible to have a strange luster under the eyes of the ceremonial banquet. "Too much blood loss and more tonic!" Because of the Nalanqing incident, the whole April building was injured, and each one was more seriously injured than the other. Nalanqing woke up early the next morning and she looked around curiously. Is it Siyue Building? When will you be back? She remembers that reaching over her head hurts and there is some confusion. From time to time, a virtual shadow flashes to make her feel dizzy. "Sister, are you awake?" I heard Lili’s voice. Na Lanqing turned to Lili and worried. His eyes were soft. "Why am I here?" "Sister, don’t you remember?" Lili tilted her head and bit her finger. "Brother Long brought my sister back. My sister seems to have lost her way in the mountains. It took Brother Long a night to find her. My sister is sick and has a fever." It turned out to be like this. It seems that it was really like this. I got lost and had a fever, and then I was saved by Bai Xi. I met Long Feng. Then Long Ze appeared and her memory was here. There was no memory at all, but Lili and them didn’t look at a small silk scarf on Lili’s neck. She stretched out her hand and pulled it. Lili quickly protected herself and retreated like a treasure, and then she looked alert. "This is Lili’s silk scarf for her sister!" Na Lanqing Nai, she doesn’t have to grab things with a child. Lily ran away from Na Lanqing quickly. She covered her neck with a small silk scarf and breathed a sigh of relief. Brother Long said that she couldn’t let her elder sister find her neck wound as if nothing had happened, otherwise it would stimulate her memory and remind her of these bad things. My elder sister was ill. Those sick pains don’t need to be left after she got well.———Welcome to note moonlight. Weibo warm moonlight 16 = Do you have a ticket? Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight! Yaoyaoda = Welcome everyone to join the group. The waves are soft and the moonlight is soft. You can tease Sister Qing’s story 53371262. Sister Qing’s story 53371262/p
716 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (3)
716 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (3) Lili quickly ran away from Nalanqing. She covered her neck with a small silk scarf and breathed a sigh of relief … Brother Long couldn’t let her elder sister find out that nothing had happened to her neck wound, otherwise it would stimulate her elder sister’s memory and remind her of these bad things … After she got well, she didn’t need to leave those sick pains … Nalanqing woke up to see one weird dress in front of her. She had a black line on her face. "What happened to your waist?" Seeing that the ceremonial banquet didn’t look like it, she curiously asked the ceremonial banquet and glared at her. "Can’t my mother too much sex hurt her waist?" Stabbed by this dead woman, she almost really hurt her waist. Na Lanqing couldn’t help laughing. Seeing her with a fork in her waist and a pale face, she knew that she didn’t tell the truth, but she still laughed. "How many small men did you find?" Brave enough! " "get out!" The ceremonial banquet was full of anger and a roar was like becoming angry from embarrassment … Ha ha … Na Lanqing smiled and patted the ceremonial banquet shoulder, which made her grin … Psst … Uncle! It hurts me to death. Seeing the pain of the ceremonial banquet, Na Lanqing finally let her sit at the table and sipped the medicine from Lili Wolf Snow. Long Ze walked over from one side and looked very pale … "Psst … I said … why do you all look like ghosts?"In particular, Long Ze’s pale face looked like she was particularly weak. Long Ze walked up to her with a pale face and saw that she didn’t seem to want to drink medicine. "See what I do?" "Banquet last night, I couldn’t keep my back straight. You look pale like a ghost. What did you do last night?" Listening to her, she looked at her face carefully and looked at her face. She was relieved to sit in front of her and reached for the medicine bowl to stir her eyes. "Are you in the mood for jokes?" "Not bad!" Na Lanqing propped up Ba She squinted her eyes and suddenly asked, "Did you die?" Long Ze’s agitator answered truthfully before the wolf snowed, "King Lin ‘an didn’t die … I wanted to check whether he really escaped when he died …" That shot didn’t hit? She has a feeling between the eyebrows … absolutely can’t live to drink Long Ze handed me the medicine. She looked at Long Ze from left to right. "Are you hurt? Is it also a bite? " She doesn’t know much about what happened before she got lost. She put all the blame on eating herself and not letting NaLanQing know that she had done something. If she knew that she had tried to kill Long Ze, she would be sad and ordered everyone to remember this matter so badly that NaLanQing shook her legs and drank the medicine handed by Long Ze. She gently tut-tut, "Life is stronger than cockroaches!" "Don’t worry, if you can’t kill him this time, it will be the second time!" Because something happened at that time, it was a pity that I didn’t make up a knife to let Chi escape, but now the important thing is that she "has your wound been bandaged?" "Well, Ling Lan took medicine!" "Hey? Ling Lan is back? " Na Lanqing’s eyes lit up and said that Ling Lan Ling Lan saw that Ling Lan had not changed at all, and she felt at ease. She was wearing a forehead guard. She smiled silently. "Ling Lan, have you recently gone to the Jianghu to be a hero?" The silver-white forehead belt is worn between the eyebrows. It looks like Jianghu people are dressed in thick Jianghu style. Linglan glanced at her coldly. "It seems that you will not die for a while!" "that’s always king kong is not bad!" He put up his arm Yang Yang xiu showed that she had no muscle at all, and a spoonful of medicine was put into her mouth by Long Ze, a fighter. She immediately spat out her tongue medicine, which was really bitter! Ling Lan naturally sat beside her and looked at her expression carefully and then changed the subject. "You’re not divorced, are you? How can you run back again? " Na Lanqing a listen to slap the table … "Yeah, you didn’t come back until I left? I am so annoying you? " "noisy!" LingLan nod a serious NaLanQing "…" Friends! "Now the situation here is not only me, but they are also expected to move reinforcements … When Chinese soldiers reach a limit, they will seek allies … There are some nomadic tribes in the four countries and some ethnic groups in Cangshan … These are all forces … whoever borrows more will win!" Na Lanqing calmly analyzed this matter and she had to deal with it, but it was delayed because of improvisation. "I’ll go with you!" Don’t worry that she is alone in Long Ze. It’s also good for him to stay away from the imperial city immediately. Without face-to-face war, she won’t be tempted to be bloodthirsty. * * Being an envoy to negotiate with all ethnic groups, although there is danger of facing blood, it’s less than here in Beijing. It’s okay to stop the war until she finds a ghost to solve the problem for her … Na Lanqing doesn’t know Long Ze’s idea. If he knows it, he will definitely scold him. Does the sexual war stop? And now the situation is good. Once we stop making a comeback, it may be even more difficult to deal with "You are the emperor now …" "Xiaoqinger, you have two choices, either don’t go or take me!" Long Ze attitude is very firm. He will never allow Xiao Qing to venture alone. Na Lanqing stared at him with a face of anger. "Is there such a sex in the world?" What will the ministers do when you throw away the throne? " "What is it to raise them?" Long Ze a face of disdain this thing can’t do well to keep them? Ok! What can I do after all this? She must go to Cangshan for a walk of all ethnic groups. After coming into contact with some ethnic groups, she has a somewhat understanding of the ability of those ethnic groups. It would be better to kill them. Once they take refuge in the enemy, it will be a great worry. Finally, she can compromise. After Long Ze is healed, she will take Long Ze to the border and leave the big things to Yu’s adult and Nan Qing to deal with. At the same time, if someone dares to make trouble in China and North Korea, Nalanqing will harass Ling Lan from time to time. Second, because Ling Lan rarely comes back, she is much easier to get along with than before. Na Lanqing slammed the door and Ling Lan saw that his door was abruptly kicked down. He twisted his eyebrows and twitched his muscles. How many doors were destroyed by kicking? Ling Lan got up with a cold face, put her hands in her armpit, fork her out like a fork child, and then slam the door …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight! Yaoyaoda = Welcome everyone to join the group. The waves are soft and the moonlight can tease Sister Qing’s story 53371262. Sister Qing’s story 53371262.
717 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (4)
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
717 Wake up the ghost Long Ze Ling Lan from a deep sleep (4)
"Na Ling Lan, please teach me how to make drugs?" Na Lanqing slammed the door and Ling Lan saw that his door was abruptly kicked down and he twisted his eyebrows intensely.
Facial muscles are slightly pumping
How many doors have been kicked down?
Ling Lan got up with a cold face, put her hands in her armpit, fork her out like a fork child, and then slammed the door …
Bang, bang, bang …
Force knocked on the door "LingLan what do you mean? You imprisoned me when I was not your apprentice, but now you don’t want me to send you to the door … Are you blind? "
"I was blind to let you stay for half a year!" Ling Lan cold voice sounded some teeth from the room.
"Cut!" Na Lanqing kicked the door with a light kick. She raised her voice. "I can do without teaching. When I am accidentally poisoned, I will turn into a ghost to find you!"
No one around can cook. She came up with this idea when she was recovering from her illness in Long Ze.
Poison is the best way for black hands.
It’s worse to be an emissary and go out to negotiate.
So she wrapped up Ling Lan …
Ling Lan will never teach her to make drugs. Because of making drugs, she will be contaminated with poison. For her body, she must not touch it.
It happened that she didn’t have the consciousness …
Kicking the room like a robber …
It was so noisy that Ling Lan slammed the door and put a baggage in her hand with a sentence "Get out!"
Bang the door again.
Na Lanqing was stunned. She untied the baggage in her hand and saw a lot of bottles and jars inside. She picked up one of them and carefully looked at the corpse water with the label on it!
Corpse water?
She turned the bottle and found that the other side had written detailed information taboo.
Pick up another bottle and look at it with a label on it!
On the back, the information says that the poison melts into the wine and is poisoned for a moment!
Na Lanqing eyes bright counting … One bottle, two bottles, three bottles, ten bottles … Eleven bottles, twelve bottles … Twenty bottles …
Twenty bottles …
There are twenty bottles of different poisons in all.
She grinned as if she had received a baby
so many
Great harvest

Of course, Jiang Xuanxuan also knows that Qing Xue likes Liu Chengyi. Jiang Xuanxuan is not very optimistic about this, but there is nothing she can do. After all, people like her and can’t interfere.

Jiang Xuanxuan persuaded Qing Xue in the car for a long time to make a clean break with Liu Cheng. Don’t experience this kind of thing again. Fortunately, Jiang Xuanxuan and her bodyguard are here today, otherwise I don’t know how it will end!
In the end, Cheng Feixue came at that momentum, but it was just a fight that hurt people and made them notorious. Now the network is so developed that every minute it takes to get online, it’s just a curse.
Xue Qin is not married, and even the object is not yet. This kind of determination has a great impact on her blind date.
Now life is happy, and Jiang Xuanxuan worries a lot about Qing Xue. She is afraid that Qing Xue will ruin her life and still feel that she is right.
Qing Xue didn’t say anything, but she listened to Jiang Xuanxuan, just like a mother. She nodded and dealt with it in a few minutes.
"The Mary …"
As Jiang Xuanxuan expected, things didn’t pass so quickly this time.
At about 10 o’clock in the evening, Jiang Xuanxuan saw her and Qing Xue’s name in the hot search in Weibo, and they both took the word "tearing" behind them …
Immediately, Jiang Xuanxuan’s head was stunned by her anger. "What …"
Just after two shots, she looked at the face and forwarded the comments. She couldn’t help but remind her mouth. "Unexpectedly … no one scolded me?"
It’s been ten times before the hot search, and a whole row has been forwarded to scold Jiang Xuanxuan. There are few people with that additional video. Almost% of people are scolding Cheng Feixue, 17% are speculating that Qing Xue and Lu Chengyi are even more loyal, and 3% are very generous.
Jiang Xuanxuan has never enjoyed being praised by so many people. She feels that her mouse is paddling in that row. The more she looks at it, the happier her mouth is. "Is there anyone who says that I am domineering?"
"Ha ha ….. what’s the name of Xuanbao ~ it’s even so called ~" Compared with the other room, Qing Xue’s side Jiang Xuanxuan looked at the news from the Internet in a wonderful mood, and the sun hung over her head.
Jiang Xuanxuan ordered another video to watch the scene of her domineering quarrel from the beginning to the end. Then she touched Ba herself and praised "I am really handsome today … really handsome! Even you have to be fascinated by yourself! "
Just then Jiang Xuanxuan suddenly looked intently and saw that many people loved Gu Chen and asked him to see his wife’s handsome appearance …
"ah!" Immediately, she cried her head and blew it up. "He won’t see it! No? "
Jiang Xuanxuan was afraid that Gu Chen would see her making trouble outside. When Gu Chen came to see her once, he urged her not to go out often and told her that it was better for her to stay at home and stop thinking about going out to play.
At that time, she promised …
Now that he sees this video, isn’t that a slap in the face?
The more Jiang Xuanxuan thought about it, the more frightened she became. She clicked on Gu Chen’s Weibo again to see if he had any news.
I wonder if Gu Chen is used to visiting Weibo. I hope he is not …
Jiang Xuanxuan prayed and swept Gu Chen Weibo more closely. Weibo is like a job number. It is the latest technology of the company’s production and forwarding of the latest games … Anyway, he has forwarded the company’s official account information. In the past half month, he has forwarded five 4d technologies to send out somatosensory games. There is news.
Does this mean that he doesn’t have a Weibo account? His Weibo account is actually controlled by the information department of the company, right?
Thought of here, Jiang Xuanxuan put some peace of mind on this hanging high.
But when she rowed further, she saw the wedding photos of the two of them appear in the picture. Is this kind of thing also distributed by the Ministry of Information?
Jiang Xuanxuan’s head is really a bit stupid. I wonder if he will watch Weibo.
There are also netizens who are constantly searching for the topic Aite Gu Chen in Jiang Xuanxuan. When Jiang Xuanxuan saw that the number of Aite increased again and again, her sorrow also increased.
"What should I do … Do you want to talk to him directly?"
"Even if he doesn’t look at Weibo, someone will wake him up?" Jiang Xuanxuan drummed his mouth and analyzed the status quo. "Anyway, he will die anyway, or he will die early and admit that he should not be too angry?"
Those crazy netizens not only visited Gu Chen, but also visited Xi Aite, opened newpys official website account and gave Aite everything that could be linked to Gu Chen’s Weibo account.
It seems that netizens want to pull Gu Chen’s water and let Gu Chen get into this muddy water for a big fight.
Gu Chen has been widely watched on the Internet recently.
Yugong’s new 4d technology game is about to be released, but the United States will sell it at the same time, but the limited number is 10,000. The game suite will be put in official website, and everyone will snap up just 10,000 sets. Everyone will be ready for it on the day of release.
Section 547
In private, he and Jiang Xuanxuan just got married and immediately joined the work. Jiang Xuanxuan’s figure also disappeared around him. Many netizens teased him if he was going to help Jiang Xuanxuan for a generation and not let people see it.
Including now that Jiang Xuanxuan suddenly became popular on the Internet, netizens knew that Gu Chen had sent Jiang Xuanxuan back to the country after her wedding. At this moment, Jiang Xuanxuan’s personality is still so provocative.
A few months ago, Jiang Xuanxuan tore Bai Mu by hand. Now in the video, Jiang Xuanxuan tore Cheng Feixue again. Her bold personality is familiar and inexplicably makes Jiang Xuanxuan have many fans.
Gu Chen’s family belongs to people who are not in the entertainment circle but are often popular in the entertainment circle. The reason is that Gu Chen is good at network resources.
So Jiang Xuanxuan think about it and think she’d better not be naive.
How could Gu Chen not watch Weibo? And even if he doesn’t look at Weibo, he won’t be ignorant of the news.
"Alas …" Sighed Jiang Xuanxuan or called Gu Chen.
She dialed the words directly before she thought about how to tell Gu Chen.
Jiang Xuanxuan bit her lip and felt nervous that the words would be picked up soon. She quickly sent the words to Kyle’s ear playing with toys.
The little guy raised his round eyes and looked at her. Jiang Xuanxuan grinned. "Dad wants to talk to the baby."
"Well …" Naiying, the little guy.
But after waiting for a long time, I couldn’t get through.


Chapter one hundred and ninety-three Camouflage
Chapter one hundred and ninety-one Camouflage
At this time, Meng Qi naturally didn’t notice the small change of swords and smiles. After everyone went out, Meng Qi couldn’t wait to come to Yao Xing and asked, "Senior Yao, what’s going on?"
Yao Xing opened his eyes, was revealed bloodshot pupil. Meng Qi was surprised. Just now, I saw that Yao Xing seemed to repose peacefully. I had no idea that he had such tired eyes under his nose.
Yao Xing saw that Meng Qi seemed to have some strange eyes. He smiled and said, "It’s better to do something, it’s better to do something, but the offensive of the Magic Gate is too fierce these days."
Meng Qi stopped talking. A baby brother would have such symptoms. I don’t know how tired he is physically and mentally.
"On the second day after we came back, the magic door was launched again. And this offensive is more fierce than last time, and there are a lot of demon families in the magic door.
This demon race has a leader, and that demon’s cultivation is one point higher than mine. Even with the help of the Alexander array, for the man and Chen Hai, the old man still …
Alas, I’m afraid I’m out of luck this time, but I’ve only brought trouble to you and my nephew Dao. "
Meng Qi carefully looked at Yao Xing, this is not the appearance of Yao Xing deliberately made, as if he really felt hopeless.
"Yao elder why say so, there is always a way. Otherwise, we are going to get rid of another person like the other day? " Meng Qi frowned. He worked so hard for so long. Is it such an ending?
Yao Xing shook his head and said, "Last time, they were trapped while they were unprepared. If they were prepared, how can we trap them again?"
Eight _ zero _ power _ sub _ book _ w _ w _. t _ x _ t _ 8 _ 0. _ c _ o _ m
Yao Xing is not without considering what Meng Qigang just said, but it is impossible.
"Is there really no way?" Meng Qi unwilling asked.
Yao Xing just shook his head, look very depressed. Then he closed his eyes. He wanted to take time to rest, but the other side didn’t know when he would attack again.
Meng Qi was very dull and came out of Lingxu Temple, and then he met a sword smile in front of the temple. Sword smile at this time of expression is relatively indifferent.
After seeing Meng Qi, the sword smiled at him and asked, "Brother Meng, what did Senior Yao say? Do we …"
Meng Qi only had a wry smile on his face, and then said, "Brother Dao, I’m afraid this time we are …" After that, Meng Qi bowed his head in despair.
Sword smile first one leng, then there is silence. The two of them went to their own residence. On the way, they suddenly said, "Actually, there is another way."
Meng Qimeng turned his head and asked, "What is the way?"
The sword laughed at first in silence, and then after a half-ring, he said, "Now many demon families have joined the battle. If we attract the attention of those high-ranking monks, then Brother Meng, you can find a chance to sneak out of the spiritual virtual Sect …"
Hearing this, Meng Qi shook his head and said, "No, now their low-level disciples have increased." The blockade network has become more and more strict. "
The sword smiled and then said, "I don’t want Brother Meng to sneak out directly, but I want Brother Meng to blend in with the demon clan and then take the opportunity to go out."
Meng Qi suddenly stopped, then bowed his head and began to ponder whether the method mentioned by the sword and smile was feasible. After half a ring, Meng Qi looked up and said, "I’m afraid this method won’t work. Those demon families won’t even know their own people."
Seeing Meng Qi’s conation, the sword smiled, and then took out a silvery white bead and said, "This is a magic bead, which can help Meng Xiong transform into any image. It is absolutely perfect, and it is absolutely impossible to see it below then."
Meng Qi took the magic bead, and after a little thought, the prototype of a rough plan was generated. If it really goes well, I’m afraid I can really escape from the blockade of the magic door with eight points.
However, Meng Qi looked at the sword and asked with a smile, "Since there is such a thing, why doesn’t Brother Dao go in person? You know, I still have two ladies, and I really don’t want to leave them unless I have to."
Sword smiled and shook his head, saying, "This pearl can only conjure up the appearance of the same race, and it can’t change the essence of aura. Even though Meng Xiong’s spiritual power is different from that of ordinary demon families, it is still a kind of demon spirit."
After listening to the explanation of the sword and smile, Meng Qi nodded. If this is the case, it makes sense. However, Meng Qi remembered what Yao Xing said today. I wonder if Lingxu Gate can still hold out until reinforcements come?
If Meng Qi invited reinforcements and was greeted by ruins, Meng Qining would like to be buried here with his wife.
Therefore, Meng Qi picked up the magic beads, then smiled at the sword and said, "Brother Dao, I’ll go to Lingxu Hall again."
Sword smiled and nodded. He knew what Meng Qi was going to do, so he went back by himself.
Meng Qi returned to the Lingxu Temple. Yao Xing was still resting in the Lingxu Temple with his eyes closed. He found Meng Qi coming back again and asked, "Why did Meng Xian’s nephew go and return?" The tone is very light, but the voice is full of something called despair.
Meng Qi’s heart sank. If it is like this, it is absolutely impossible for Lingxu Gate to support himself to move back to reinforcements. Therefore, Meng Qi stepped forward and said, "The younger generation now has a way to break out of the blockade of the magic door."
Because Meng Qi had brought Yao Xing a surprise the previous time, Yao Xing opened his eyes and looked at Meng Qi expectantly and asked, "What can I do?"
Meng Qi told Yao Xing about the magic beads and some general ideas of his own thinking. Yao Xing listened, thought for a while, and said loudly, "Good!" Although he only said one word, Meng Qi could hear the hope contained in Yao Xing’s tone.
To tell the truth, Meng Qi is somewhat incomprehensible. If Yao Xing is bent on escaping, I’m afraid there is still a great chance to escape. Why did he choose to live and die with Lingxu Gate?
But at this time, what Meng Qi wants to say to Yao Xing is not this matter. He wants Yao Xing to cheer up again and must insist on coming back.
"Senior Yao, when I go here, it will be half a month long and ten days short. Please ask Senior Yao to support me until I come back." Meng Qi’s expression is very serious, which is related to the life safety of Cheng Rewei and Hu Xianer. If Meng Qi comes back and finds out …
Meng Qi can hardly imagine what to do.
After listening to Meng Qi’s words, Yao Xing suddenly cheered up and said, "Meng Xian’s nephew can rest assured that even if I fight for this old bones, I will keep the inheritance of Lingxu Gate."
Then Yao Xing seemed to think of something and said to Meng Qi, "Don’t worry, nephew Meng, I will take good care of my two nieces."
Meng Qi waited for this sentence, nodded, turned around and went. It seems simple at this time, but the risk is not small at all. And Meng Qi is going back now. If he wants Hu Xianer to say goodbye to Cheng Rewei, because this time it may be forever …
Back in the residence of Lingxu Gate, Meng Qi told Cheng Rewei and Hu Xianer what he was going to do.
After hearing what Meng Qi said, Hu Xianer was very nervous and grabbed Meng Qi’s arm for fear of losing Meng Qi. Cheng Ruowei, on the other hand, suppressed the fear and worry in her heart and said lightly, "Xianggong, don’t worry about me and Xianer’s sister. Go, Xianer and I will wait for you here. If anything happens to you, Xianer and I will go down to accompany you. "
Cheng Rewei tone is light, but there is a kind of decisively in it. Meng Qi was very moved in his heart, but at the same time he hoped that the two women wouldn’t do this. Meng Qi hoped that if he fell, the two women would be able to live well. However, this feeling of being cared about is really good …
Meng Qi pulled the two women into his arms, and then whispered, "Don’t worry, you’re" xianggong "and I’m a Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed. You must wait here for me to come back. If I don’t see you when I get back, I don’t know what to do, okay? "
Cheng Ruowei and Hu Xianer nodded cleverly, and then leaned on Meng Qi’s shoulder to feel the sadness of parting.
Hua Huan looked at the fierce fighting in the distance and burst into a spiritual flame. There was only infinite joy in her heart. He is just a small snake that can’t build a foundation. He should have been filled into the huge meat ground as cannon fodder.
However, because he has a compatriot’s brother, he has already had a later period of enlightenment. This kind of cultivation is already a medium-sized leader under their big leader. Men in charge of hundreds of small demon, is also a small strength.
Moreover, his brother’s task is to blockade with his little demon. Compared with the task of killing people in front of the mountain gate, although the current task has less harvest, it is extremely safe.
Although his brothers and sisters don’t have a good relationship with him, they are still willing to help with such a small matter as transferring themselves to his staff.
Of course, for the arrangement of the task, his compatriots and brothers are somewhat dissatisfied. After all, he is quite confident in his own cultivation, and he is full of wants to be neutral in this battle. So as to get more rewards.
But for Hua Huan, it is better to block the task like this. After all, it seems that he is such a repairman. If he just touches it, it is estimated that even the body can’t be left.
Huaheng hung on a stout branch and quietly unfolded his thoughts to ensure that no one could easily go out within his own responsibility.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-four The war of the little people
Chapter one hundred and ninety-two The war of the little people
Of course, it is useless for him to cultivate nature at such a low level, but in order to completely block the spiritual virtual door, all the places outside this place are set up in a position.
The role of this appearance is to give up all the abilities of our own monks to read the rest, in exchange for greatly strengthening the detection power, so that even a monk then may be found if he does not pay attention.
However, although he is doing his duty faithfully, Hua Heng’s heart is actually quite disapproving. This time they demon race joined the battle, so the end of this spiritual virtual door is already doomed.
Moreover, in such a dense blockade network, how can anyone escape? Once the trail is found, there will be two monks of the demon family who will come to deal with it. I think it’s impossible to escape even if Brother then comes.
Flower constant half narrowing her eyes, the sun at noon is really some diabolical, although hiding in the shade, but flower constant still feel what should have been no temperature of blood is a little boiling.
But even though Hua Heng didn’t care much at this time, he didn’t dare to be lazy. After all, the rules of the demon race are extremely strict. If you are found to be lazy, if nothing else, even his brothers will not let him go. At that time, the countless tortures of the demon race, even death, are extremely happy things.
However, even if Hua Heng concentrated his thoughts highly, he could not find that in the shadow of the big tree where he lived, a pair of eyes were looking at Hua Heng.

See Yang Jian that a face of fake smile expression; There is a feeling that I want to punch the past on Sunday, but; That kind of behavior is to think about it on Sunday; Really want to do, Sunday don’t think Yang Jian will really honestly stood there and let him beat.

On the contrary; After listening to Yang Jian’s words, although I clearly know that at this time, both sides are probably cursing each other in their hearts, but on Sunday, I still have to pretend to be kind and answer to Yang Jian: "It’s really hard for my nephew over the years, and now I can have a rest, but you, uncle, have to stay in this place for one hundred years before I can go out, and I don’t know how to live this one hundred years."
"There are many things that seal the magic hole; A hundred years of dealing with a few accidents will pass, and you don’t have to worry about feeling lonely, Uncle. " Say a set; Yang Jian’s heart is secretly sneer at, in don’t know the beginning Buddha has been issued to let them the whole Sunday one person stationed in the magic hole in one thousand orders, Yang Jian don’t think there is a chance to get out of the hole on Sunday. There may have been; Yang Jian is just going to close Sunday after one hundred years to help clear water nun 1 out; This matter will be forgotten.
But before Sunday’s performance, Yang Jian has been completely offended, and now Yang Jian’s heart is only an idea; That is to keep Sunday locked in this magic hole until he runs out of gas; One thousand years and ten thousand years don’t give Sunday a chance to leave, so let Sunday know what happened to him.
However; Yang Jian’s heart is full now. If he knew the order issued before the beginning of the Buddha, it would be impossible for him to have such an idea now.
After the two sides talked with each other; Yang Jian informed Zhou Tianhou about some facilities and responsibilities of the magic cave; Then he left directly.
Speaking of it; The matter of guarding the magic cave is not busy; But say something easy; But it’s not easy at all. It all depends on the reaction from the underworld. Sealing the magic cave is another small space, where all the disciples who come to experience are fighting. But there is a magic weapon at the mouth of the cave to convey all the pictures in the space, large and small, if there is a disciple in distress; Or when a powerful Taoist priest appears in the magic-sealed space, Sunday needs to go in to help the disciples or kill the powerful Taoist priest.
After understanding their responsibilities; On Sunday, I couldn’t help but be relieved at that time, and immediately I was relieved at that time.
Originally, I thought on Sunday that guarding the magic cave needed constant fighting, so I had already made preparations for a hundred years of hard work before I came. I didn’t expect that now that I am stationed in the magic cave, I have some responsibilities, compared with the original idea of Sunday; What needs to be done on Sunday now is naturally easier. I don’t know how many times, if I am lucky; Even a hundred years can complete the task without doing anything, in this case; On Sunday, naturally, I feel relieved.
And then; In the next time, the situation was similar to what Sunday thought, although Sunday could not leave the magic cave because of his duties; But what needs to be done is really not much. Maybe I don’t trust Sunday’s strength. When Sunday took over nòng Jian’s position, the disciples who came to seal the magic hole were much less. Plus there was no powerful magic monk in Ma’s side, and Sunday had nothing to do. After a few years, I have been practicing there constantly, not so much guarding the magic hole; The feeling for Sunday is more like a retreat and vacation there.
Moreover; Even in front of the guards, Sunday, who is bored, runs a small shop and does some small business with those disciples who come to experience every day; It is also very unhappy.
Pure is nothing to find another job to do, and there is no shortage of fairy stones on Sunday, but under boredom, seeing that those disciples who come to experience need to run far away to buy Dan medicine after running out of Dan medicine every time, and then come back to practice, the heart will move and there will be such a Dan drugstore.
Sunday’s space produces its own medicinal materials; And now the space has the ability to mass-produce Dan medicine, and the Dan medicine in Sunday’s hand is never lacking. Every day, some of them are sold, which makes it convenient for those disciples to explain their teachings. On Sunday, they have a little more fun. By the way, I earned a little fairy stone.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-six Wear it again?
Chapter two hundred and seventy Wear it again?
"What the hell is this? It won’t be a demon, "reflected in the figure of Zhou Tianyan; The most is a creature that looks like a western demon, and those creatures that can be regarded as demons are now doing things that are constantly killing the fleeing people there and looking at the mutilated bodies around. On Sunday, I first felt a bad taste, but then my heart gave birth to infinite pitfalls for those demons. No matter what the situation is now; On Sunday, it’s impossible to see an alien killing his own kin without reaction. Since Sunday saw such a picture, those demons have long been doomed to no good end.
Just; There is no hurry to attack those demons here on Sunday, but I don’t want those demons to find Sunday first at that time.
A demon with a cow’s head doesn’t know when it is standing behind Sunday, holding a huge axe; It is in the case that Sunday seems to be unaware; Directly is an axe toward Sunday split in the past.
And Sunday didn’t make any resistance in this process, under the attack of the tauren demon; Directly and let the other side of the axe to cut the waist.
Only; Different from what the tauren demon thought, the tauren demon wanted to come, relying on Sunday’s weak body, under his axe attack; On Sunday, nature will die at once. But actually; When the attack of the tauren demon finally fell on Sunday, it did not cause any harm to Sunday, and there was a crunchy sound; The axe of the tauren demon did not slay Sunday. Instead, it was directly collapsed by Sunday’s powerful body because of its excessive force.
Even a fool; At this time, it should also be known that it hit a strongman, and the tauren demon gave a strange cry of fear; He was ready to run away.
However; Sunday’s counterattack is faster than the escape speed of the tauren demon. The tauren demon just turned around and didn’t come to rush. With a wave of his right hand on Sunday, the tauren demon was directly halved by Sunday.
The situation here is that all the creatures in the place are shocked at once. Before the death of the demon in tauren, both the demon and the terran slaughtered by the demon seem to have discovered the existence of Sunday. In the case that the Terrans shouted’ Xianshi’ and rushed towards it, the demons were one by one, staring at Sunday; Slowly surrounded by it.
"If we know the word XianShi, so although I don’t know how these demons appear, but from the current situation, I’m afraid these terrans should be a small world like the fix true world where they originally lived, whether it is like this or not; Now that we’ve hit this thing, we can’t ignore it anyway, demon; Hum, hum; Today, let you see what a real demon is. "After a few cold grunts; On Sunday, after taking out a fairy-level broadsword from space, he rushed directly at those demons.
Sunday now knows nothing about why he will appear in this position, and Sunday’s last memory just stays on the picture that was sent to the gap in space by the powerful Ma. Now I don’t know where I am on Sunday; I don’t know how I got here, let alone what happened in this process. But these are not important. No matter how puzzling those things are, they will need to be considered later. Now there is only one thing to think about on Sunday. How to kill those demons, as long as they are killed; Sunday has plenty of time to investigate things that are not known yet.
That’s it; In the case of a sneer expression on Sunday’s face, it directly collided with those demon armies, and then; What greeted those demons was a complete massacre.
Although Sunday doesn’t know anything about how he came over, he doesn’t mention those things; Sunday’s strength has not been lost, and it depends on Sunday’s five turns of Xuangong’s cultivation. The sword is hard to hurt, and those demons’ cultivation methods are different, but in Sunday’s view, they are the most cultivated from Du Jie to Mahayana, and the cultivation between the two sides is so big, although there are many demons, but even so; However, it is still impossible to have the strength to confront Sunday, so when fighting Sunday; Those demons’ attacks have no effect on Sunday, but every attack on Sunday can kill several demons, in such a case; Not for a moment; On Sunday, it is easy to kill all the demons within sight.
"ShiShu; This Dan medicine is too expensive for you. It’s more than ten percent more expensive than the outside. It won’t be long before we go out to buy Dan medicine. What you are doing now is simply killing people. "A new monk explained that when he saw the guard selling Dan medicine at the mouth of the magic cave on Sunday, he looked at the price of those Dan medicines out of curiosity. Is can’t help but directly and also toward the Sunday rang rang.
For such a thing; Sunday is already a habit, and there is no idea of arguing with each other at all; After a casual glance, I replied to him: "Love to buy or not; This is the price of Dan medicine here. If it is too expensive, you can go out and buy it. "
Listen to the words of Sunday; At that time, the disciple was ready to get angry, but after thinking about Sunday’s identity and calculating the gains and losses, he had to put away his anger; Opening his mouth, he replied to Sunday, "Give me ten bottles of Xianyuan Dan and three bottles of Cao Huan Dan". That disciple took out the corresponding fairy stone and handed it to Sunday.
For such a situation; Sunday is already a habit, so I didn’t say much; After collecting the fairy stone; It will also pass the Dan medicine that the other party needs.
Throw the fairy stone into the space; On Sunday, after watching the disciple leave, my heart felt helpless at that time.
Although Sunday earned a lot of fairy stones in this place by relying on the ability of space, it depends on Sunday’s strength; It is not easy to earn immortal stone. Today, Zhou Tiankai’s shop is not really to earn immortal stones, of course; Nor is it for the convenience of those disciples, but the purpose is simple; I opened the shop on Sunday only because I was too bored, and I went looking for trouble, which led to such a business.
After the initial exciting period; Now, if you do this business on Sunday at this time, you will have no feeling. What I want to happen most on Sunday now; Is the Ma side hurry up nòng some reaction, but now Sunday is very boring, if now Ma side can send a few stronger magic monks to accompany their boredom, it can also be called a way to kill time for Sunday.
As Zhou Tianxin flashed some ideas; I don’t know if the other party really heard Sunday’s prayer or if Sunday had a crow’s mouth, anyway, when Sunday just gave birth to such an idea; Less than a minute; Originally, the magic weapon of Sunday’s hand has been without any movement suddenly changed dramatically, and Sunday, who knows something about his opponent’s magic weapon, naturally knows it; A magic weapon with such a reaction can only mean one thing, that is, there are magic monks who have exceeded the strength limit, and Sunday understands this implication; Nature is immediately and at that time.
Those second-generation disciples who were upset about explaining teachings on Sunday; After all, it was not long ago that Sunday suffered a loss in their hands. However, although those second-generation disciples who are not happy to explain their teachings, since Sunday’s identity is now the keeper of the magic cave; Then the responsibility for your present position; Sunday still didn’t want to deal with it, s and hatred is s and hatred; Sunday won’t affect your work because of a little s and hatred. Originally, others have already questioned his strength. Sunday doesn’t want to really let the magic monk nòng come out with something huā when he guards the magic hole. That Sunday today this face but also lost big.
Hold that idea; Magic weapon there has just had a reaction, and on Sunday, it immediately rushed through the magic space in the first time, flying towards the place where the magic monk appeared …
A fight; From Sunday, it was discovered that the Taoist priest invaded and rushed to the other side. The whole process was just huā for less than a minute, but it was under such circumstances; When Sunday arrived at the farm, it was still half a beat slow.
The underworld and the underworld have been sworn enemies since the birth of the underworld, and the celestial cultivators in the underworld will not let each other go when they meet the Taoist priests in the underworld. In the same way, as long as the monks in the underworld meet the monks in the celestial world, they are almost directly killed.
When they enter the magic space, they should also know that they have no hope of survival when they enter the celestial world. So; Often, as long as those magic monks enter the magic space hopefully, they will kill the monks nearby in the first time, and then consider the problem of escape at that time.
Although most sects like Explaining Religion have sent people to guard the magic space, after all, this behavior is only passive defense, even in the past; There are also regular disciples who are beheaded by monks who are far beyond their own strength when fighting in the magic cave. For those disciples who are dead; Generally speaking, the evaluation given to them is a "fate" probably in the eyes of those powerful monks. If those disciples are really expected to grow up, then they should be able to escape from the hands of those magic monks instead of being struck. Now that they have died in each other’s hands; That can only be said to be his fate.
So; At ordinary times, even the guards will not feel anything when they see that their disciples have been killed by those magic monks. In general, most of them will not feel anything after arriving at the place. What you should have done in the first time is to kill the invading Taoist priests. As for those disciples who were killed or injured, they can help to bury their bodies afterwards. It can already be said that it is a very kind person.
However; Those performances are only relative to those of ordinary guards, but Sunday is very different from ordinary monks, at least psychologically; There are not many things that Sunday has experienced at the moment; It is far from polishing a heart of stone. Meanwhile; Sunday’s age is not too big, and the anger of young people has not dissipated. When I saw those disciples being killed by the Taoist priest during their own time as guards, the reaction was inevitable and it was a bit hot.
I didn’t even see what the other person looked like on Sunday; When he arrived at the property, on Sunday, just because he saw several bodies on the ground, which were obviously the reasons for explaining the disciples’ bodies, he was furious and attacked the Taoist priest.
"The soul is pale; Since you dare to kill my disciples; Give me die die die … "A nu scold; On Sunday, Cao, who had placed a fairy-level broadsword in his own space before, cut it one knife at a time toward the magic monk.
Facing Sunday’s attack; At the beginning, the first reaction is to open a defensive magic weapon and prepare to borrow the defensive ability of the magic weapon to resist Sunday’s attack. Only; In the end, it is inevitable that the monk will be disappointed. On Sunday, even the strength is just the bottom corner of the second generation of disciples, but it is put in the celestial world; More or less, it can be regarded as a small high hand. Now this magic-sealing space has corresponding restrictions, and the powerful magic monk can’t pass. Now there is an accident, which is even a rare thing. If you want to fix it; If Zhou naive town not a son; Yuan Shi Tian Zun probably won’t let him come here to accept such a position, will he?
So; Sunday’s first blow was nothing unexpected, and it went down with a knife; The defensive magic weapon of the Taoist priest was broken on Sunday. If it wasn’t for the other party’s quick reaction, it was almost killed by a knife.
And after flying away from Sunday; The magic monk wiped the sweat on his forehead, but at that time he looked cautiously at Sunday and knew that he had met the enemy. I won’t treat Sunday as an ordinary monk before.
The magic monk who is ready for battle is not the one who can easily kill on Sunday. After all, before that, under the condition that the magic monk despised Sunday, since he failed to kill it on Sunday, such a situation is enough to explain part of the strength of the magic monk. In such a case, when the other party goes all out to fight against it; The demonstrated strength is naturally stronger than before.
However; Sunday is obviously not in the mood to consider those problems, even know that the magic monk’s strength? Sunday is angry now, but at this time; On Sunday, I just want to kill the monk in front of me to vent my anger. As for other things, I have no idea at all.
Strike no; When I saw that the Taoist priest had fled away; On Sunday, after a huff, regardless of it, it was at that time that he chased after the convenience.
Just; The other party is obviously ready for Sunday, and Sunday once again rushes to the other party, waving a broadsword and preparing to split the other party with a knife; The name of the magic monk is in the case of knowing what kind of monk Sunday is, ready to drive Yunfei away from Sunday, and then use a magic weapon to nullify Sunday after pulling away.
Although there are not many people fighting like Sunday, it is not difficult to meet, whether it is physical training or sword training; The way of fighting is similar to that of Sunday. Although the underworld is isolated, its practice system is in the same strain as that of the celestial world; After seeing Sunday’s performance, the demon monk; Nature is immediately and at that time will all the ins and outs of Sunday to guess.
Knowing that Sunday is an enemy who is good at melee; According to the monk’s reaction at the moment, there is nothing wrong with each other’s actions. Monks who are generally close to physical training have no chance of winning. It is the most correct move to open the distance between the two sides and then use a magic weapon to nullify Sunday. But; That magic monk happened to meet on Sunday, and as a result; It was a very correct move, but it did not make it win this battle, but let it die.
Generally speaking; The movement ability of physical training will not be very fast, which has a lot to do with the fact that physical training only practices combat skills, but rarely practices the skill of driving clouds. It is for this reason that although the combat capability of physical training is not too much weaker than that of sword training, it is even better than that of defense, but because of the existence of the weak top of speed, it makes the reputation of physical training far less than that of sword training.
And the way that the magic monk is now used to cope with Sunday, if it is used in physical training; That is naturally the most correct reaction. But now the problem is; Sunday himself is not the kind of physical exercise mentioned above in the traditional sense, so his original correct response naturally makes it impossible to achieve any results.
Although many people regard Xuangong as a method of body cultivation, it is actually a method of proving Tao, which is far from what ordinary monks can imagine.
When it comes to defense; Turning Xuangong is more than a hundred times better than ordinary physical exercises, but all the weaknesses of some physical exercises are made up by magical powers. At present, this is the case when facing the response measures of the magic monk, and when the other party flies back; Sunday is just a somersault cloud flying; In an instant, he also caught up with the magic monk, and then in the other side’s surprised eyes, he didn’t give him a chance to respond, and he didn’t even have a chance to offer a magic weapon. The magic monk was cut off by a knife on Sunday.
After successfully killing the magic monk; Sunday is not relieved at that time, although it is a waste of some hands and feet. But in the end, the magic monk didn’t bring too much trouble to Sunday, and now he died after Sunday’s hand; Sunday arrived and successfully completed the task.
Now that the task has been completed; On Sunday, there would be no need to stay in the same place. I took away the storage bag of the magic monk, and after a spell burned his body to ashes, on Sunday, I was ready to go back to the mouth of the magic hole and wait for the next accident.
But I don’t know what’s going on. Before Sunday, I kept on sealing the magic hole for half a day. But a demon monk with excessive strength didn’t appear. Now, as the monk who was killed on Sunday, Sunday has not come back to the mouth of the cave, and the magic weapon of Sunday’s hand has begun to report to the police one after another at that time.
An alarm shows that a magic monk with excessive strength appeared in the magic space. Now, the magic weapon of Sunday’s hand is alarmed so frequently that it can only explain one thing, that is, a large number of magic monks with excessive strength have entered the magic space, and this situation is for Sunday; There is no doubt that it is absolutely unwilling to see it.

When Fang Lingling heard Meng Qi say this, she first nodded, then shook her head and said, "Unfortunately, if everyone in the clan shared your thoughts, we black emperor clan wouldn’t have so many things."

See Fang Ling ghatpot, Meng Qi roughly guessed what happened in Zongnei recently, but he was not qualified to take care of it. When he saw Fang Ling ghatpot shake his head, he just bowed his head and didn’t talk.
Fang Lingling sighed for a while and then said to Meng Qi, "How many high-level lingshi do you have now?"
Meng Qi didn’t know why Fang Lingling suddenly asked this question, but he calculated the number of high-level lingshi in his hand and said, "There are about twelve more. Miss Li suddenly asked this question."
"Twelve pieces? Barely enough. " After hearing the number of high-level lingshi of Meng Qi, Fang Lingling hesitated in a low voice and said, "If you are promoted to then, plus the high-level lingshi provided by Zongnei, it will be enough. However, I still want to tell you that there are some ways to earn high-level lingshi. Are you willing to do it?"
"oh? ! Can earn high-level lingshi? What is it? " Hearing such a good thing, Meng Qi couldn’t help but have a bright eye. After all, who would think Lingshi was hot?
When Fang Ling Ling saw Meng Qi, she shook her head and said, "Don’t worry, just hear me out. Originally, this was a special job for disciples and elders like you who needed promotion. Every time you complete a task, you can get a certain amount of high-order lingshi according to the difficulty of the task.
Of course, not every task will be rewarded with a high-level stone. If you don’t have enough, you will write it down for you. After accumulating one, you can collect it yourself.
These tasks are dangerous to some extent. Now that you have so many high-level lingshi, you don’t have to do these things, but it depends on your meaning. How about that? "
"I see." Meng Qi bowed his head and thought: Listen to Fang Ling Ling Ling’s words, this lingshi is not so easy to earn. However, it seems that he has nothing to do now. It is better to do some simple tasks and exchange one for another. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient if Wei and Xianer don’t have enough high-level lingshi when they break through.
Thinking of this, Meng Qi looked up and said, "Miss, I’d better do that task and earn some lingshi. You can also hone my cultivation and mood, and maybe there will be a breakthrough. "
Hearing Meng Qi say this, Fang Lingling nodded and said, "In that case, if you go to the magic temple tomorrow, someone will take you to the place where you will take the task."
Meng Qi nodded and asked, "Miss Da, do you have any other orders?"
Fang Lingling shook her head and said that she had nothing to do, but after a pause, she said, "That’s why I called you here today. By the way, when you go there tomorrow, if you meet the old man you met when you went to the magic temple to find me, you’d better be respectful, which may be beneficial."
"ah? Ok, I wrote it down. Since there is nothing to do, I will be leaving now, young lady. " Meng Qi got up and said.
Fang Ling ghatpot nodded and waved, indicating that Meng Qi would leave on his own.
After Meng Qi returned to the bamboo garden, Cheng Rewei was already awake. She has learned from Hu Xianer that Meng Qi has come back, so she has been sitting in the yard waiting for Meng Qi.
When Meng Qi came back, she also jumped into Meng Qi’s words. Don’t talk, just quietly holding Meng Qi to express his lovesickness.
Meng Qi also tightly hugged Cheng Rewei, so two people hold for a long time is separated. Cheng Rewei word, just pull Meng Qi, walked into the room.
Meng Qi had no idea that Cheng Rewei would be so active. After the reaction, Meng Qi smiled and hugged Cheng Rewei horizontally and strode towards the sweet little bed.
As the saying goes, when the golden wind meets the jade dew, it is even better but there are countless people in the world. The so-called lightning strikes the fire, and the goat meets the swing … Ahem, I said it.
Cheng Ruowei lay prone on Meng Qi’s chest, hooked Meng Qi’s neck with both hands, and replied in a tired and satisfied voice: "I want to ~"
Meng Qi smiled, and then said with some melancholy, "I’d like to, but I’m going out again tomorrow."
Cheng ruowei stood up at once and a half, and asked with some unhappiness, "Are you leaving again? Where to go? "
Meng Qi pulled Cheng Ruowei down, climbed on his chest again, told what Fang Ling Ling Ling said today, and then continued: "Although my high-level lingshi is barely enough, you don’t have it, nor does Xianer. Therefore, I have to make plans earlier. "
Hearing Meng Qi’s words, Cheng Ruowei was a little touched, but when she thought of the danger that Meng Qi said, she couldn’t help worrying. She said, "But, isn’t there danger?"
Meng Qi interrupted Cheng Ruowei’s words and said, "Everything is risky. You" xianggong "and I are so clever and rough-skinned, so I will be fine. I promise you, I will come back safely every time. "
Cheng Rewei’s heart is full of deep happiness. How happy is it for a woman to find a man who thinks for herself and cherishes herself?
So Cheng Rewei can only nod, and at the same time pray silently for Meng Qi in her heart, hoping that he will be safe.
That night, naturally, it was another madness. The next morning, Meng Qi slept until he was in the sun. While Cheng Ruowei is still asleep.
Meng Qi didn’t want to disturb her, but quietly went out and said goodbye to Hu Xianer.
When I heard that Meng Qi was leaving, Hu Xianer naturally kept Meng Qi lingering for a while, and then left Meng Qi with pity. Meng Qi, this is going to the enchanted temple.
Entering the magic temple, Meng Qi looked around. Yesterday, Fang Ling Ling said that someone would take him to the place to pick up the task.
Just after Meng Qi stayed in the magic temple for a short time, a Confucian scholar-like figure wearing a blue shirt and a square towel came towards Meng Qi.
"This is Meng Qimeng’s younger brother?" The Confucian scholar walked up to Meng Qi, looked at Meng Qi’s eyes, then nodded and asked.
Meng Qi guessed that this man was probably the one who came to lead himself to the place where he took the task, so he handed over and said, "It’s the younger brother. I wonder who this senior brother is?"
The Confucian scholar said with a smile, "I’m the same as my younger brother, and I’m the one who’s going to take that task. I didn’t know him before, so I need to get closer now."
Chapter one hundred and sixty Meng Qi’s bad taste
Chapter one hundred and fifty-four Meng Qi’s bad taste
Therefore, Meng Qi asked Fang Chen in surprise, "Brother Chen, is this fragrant tea house? !”
Seeing Meng Qi’s amazing appearance, Fang Chen was a little surprised and asked, "What happened to Brother Meng?"
Meng Qi pointed to the plaque on the top of his head with a strange expression on his face. What’s wrong with this world? I actually felt the indescribable rhyme in front of a teahouse on the street? !
Grass, it’s not Chinese cabbage in the field!
Fang Chen looked at the plaque above his head and suddenly remembered something. Then he looked at Meng Qi with a more amazing expression and said, "Meng Xiong, you should not see anything, right? !”
Looking at Fang Chen’s weirder expression than himself, Meng Qi didn’t respond for a moment: "Why, Chen Xiong can’t feel it?"
Fang Chen looked at Meng Qi with a monster expression and said, "Of course I can’t feel it, not only I can’t feel it, but I’m afraid no one in the street can feel it."
"ah? What’s the matter? " Meng Qi doesn’t understand. Although the rhyme on this plaque is not so obvious, it’s not too difficult to understand it.
Fang Chen shook his head and said, "Go in first. I’m telling you about it slowly." Fang Chen seems to be trying to calm down the mood, but look at Meng Qi’s eyes is still a bit strange.
Enter the room set by Fang Chen, everyone takes a seat, and tea snacks are also brought up. But now Meng Qi’s mind is not on this, just take a sip and want to ask Fang Chen just now.
However, at the entrance of the clear tea, Meng Qi’s eyes lit up. I didn’t feel anything at first, but it was only a second, or even a shorter time. A strong fragrance was scattered in my mouth, and Meng Qi felt that his whole body was washed out.
That clear and refreshing feeling gives Meng Qi an unprecedented feeling.
Meng Qi’s attention was actually transferred to this tea. After tasting it again, Meng Qi had a long aftertaste, then looked at Fang Chen and asked, "What kind of tea is this?"
Fang Chen seemed to have foreseen Meng Qi’s present appearance, and said with a smile, "The name of this tea is Qingsi, which is one of the signs of this fragrant tea house. Anyway, I didn’t let you down. "
Meng Qi shook his head again and again. This is the best tea he has ever drunk in his life. Compared with this tea, those so-called good teas in the past seem to be dull.
Looking at Meng Qi, Chen Fang smiled and then said, "Well, let’s talk to you about the plaque just now." Said the matter, Fang Chen seems to be very sigh with emotion.
Hear Fang Chen about this matter, Meng Qi hurriedly concentrate, even one side of Chen Qingluan is a curious appearance, but that DJ Jane, is still a wooden appearance.

At the same time, it is very close to him, and Purple Yan has come to him with a cold smile. He will definitely come up with the strongest strength to deal with him, but he has a left arm to deal with Purple Yan’s attack.

It seems to freeze for a moment and then return to normal in an instant!
"hey! ! !”
A low and fast impact sounded red on the right side of the dragon wing’s head, and the bullet hit it!
The whole body of the dragon wing leans sharply to the left and the head leans to the left even more, as if it had broken its neck!
A fist-sized blood hole has already appeared with the disappearance of the red light bullet. Everything in the hole is swallowed up and evaporated …
He fell to the left in front of him, and his left arm was almost out of control. It is impossible to protect him as if he could play before he died. He blocked his left arm in front of his neck …
And at the same time, there is a purple light on his left chest, which seems to be exploding!
The purple light passed away, and his body quickly turned into purple-black Se and rose rapidly. When the right chest was slightly farther away, there was another purple light that seemed to explode!
But purple Yan has rushed over, and her right hand, which makes men eat bones, is slightly bent into a claw and extends to the part where the dragon wing is about to light up!
"roar! ! ! ! ! !”
What happened next even got a fright when Xiao Wen, a mountain 500 miles away, Okawabe Louis drowned the purple Yan with purple and black breath, and then the explosion speed of purple and black breath was not enough. The expansion speed of a black Se giant was instantly dispersed by the black Se giant!
A monster as high as 20 miles appeared on the north bank of the big river, and just rose in the south. The red magic moon moonlight is crazy in the cool and comfortable wind at night, rolling by the water! !
The monster is half human, but its body is inflated and deformed, which is both like a human being and a crocodile. A bipolar, wide, black Se hard wing slapped behind him once and set off several miles of high waves in the south river, but he failed to fly.
He roared in agony like crazy, but it was his weirder head! At this time, he actually has two heads, the one on the left is the original skull that has been blown off, and it is this head that growls, while the right head and neck are extremely long but hang down in front of him, and the head is like a dragon!
As soon as this remarkably powerful dragon head appeared, it seemed as if it were dead, but only the rest of the people’s heads were blown off and some of them were unconscious. At this time, the dragon wing, no matter how powerful it looks, has actually fallen into a desperate situation
He is crazy and purple, but he is calm!
At this time, purple Yan’s right hand, which is parked in the distance, is holding a heart, the dragon wing, the second heart, and the acquired forging body is condensed into the powerful heart of the demon arrival!
Throw away the heart with purple Yan and rush to Long Yi again. She also has purple gas, which explodes along the river. One of the giants, who is about 16 or 17 miles tall, rushed out!
Even a giant at this time, Zi Yan’s figure is still concave and convex, but she has changed into a cold, cold and pure black Se armor, and her temperament has changed greatly!
At this moment, she is no longer the purple Yan that Xiao Wen knows well. She is the famous evil queen in the underworld!
There is a field in front of her, and that is death! ! !
Violet Yan punched out her right arm and was blocked by her left arm.
"whoosh! !”
Purple Yan’s right fist still stopped at the left arm of the dragon wing, but something was pulled out of it. When the original light and shadow had not disappeared, it bombarded the dragon wing again!
Then it’s still a purple Yan right fist! But at this time, the purple Yan speed is too fast, and the ghosting of her right arm is still clearly left in the dragon wing to set up her left arm! At first glance, it looks like she has an extra right arm!
"Cut! ! !”
Purple Yan second punch firmly hit the Louis chest immediately to a chest ring! The dragon wing has broken ribs!
"whoosh! ! !”
The ghosting of the first punch disappears, the ghosting of the second punch is still clear, and the third punch of Ziyan has been blasted out!
At this time, although Ziyan is a head shorter than the dragon wing, she is like a cold killing machine, punching forward at a constant rate, and every punch is so fast, so stable and so powerful that she will never stop until the goal is met!
In the distance, Xiao asked to see the cold sweat. He couldn’t help but say in his heart, "Is this the real purple Yan …"
Then at this moment, a flustered shouted in Xiao Wen’s mind, "Come on! ! !”
Xiao asked finally to react a teleport appeared in the Louis!
His arms raised red light to the right and flashed across the exquisite fire, and the fierce sword appeared in his hand and suddenly split obliquely!
The exquisite fire sword that has been sacrificed to six and a half floors has grown rapidly in the process of splitting the arc. The original three feet have been more than two miles long when they split halfway, and finally it has been five miles long in front of the dragon wing!
It’s still a sword, but it’s already an amazing sword!
The five-mile-long exquisite fiery sword is about to be chopped obliquely in the dragon wing’s head, and the dragon wing can block with its left arm!
"hey! ! !”
The blade cut directly into the meat and even touched the bone!
And because Louis raised his arm to hold this sword, he missed the defense in front of him. "Hey" and "Hey" sounded twice, and two punches hit Louis’ chest! Except for the blood hole in the heart where the right chest was cut out by Purple Yan, the dragon wing is now sunken in the whole chest, and the sunken part has a tendency to become bigger and deeper.
At this time, maybe even if she and Xiao Wen stop attacking Louis, they will die because of their injuries.
But purple Yan xing, and shall let him die of natural causes?
However, at this time, some people hiding in the distance finally reacted from the shock.
All this actually happened in a very short time. If Xiao Wen and Zi Yan were not the masterminds, they would certainly be shocked.
Those who are hiding in the distance are the dragon wings accompanying the purple Yan out, and their hands are gesturing behind their backs, so that Wu Lao can call three Asian gods in magic dragon Temple, and then Wu Lao is four!
"Quick!" Purple Yan press a way
Xiao wengen did not directly make the smartest move!
Seeing that the four Asian gods are about to teleport, it is rare to see the blue breath in the underworld, which spreads from Xiao Wen to cover more than 500 miles in Fiona Fang!
So the four inferno gods failed to teleport successfully!
After being dazed for another time, they can honestly rush into the blue atmosphere as quickly as possible.
And this has given Xiao Wen and Zi Yan enough time!
Even if you can forge two hearts, you will still die if your brain is damaged and your heart is destroyed!
Louis has a total of two hearts. The first inferno’s heart has already exploded, but the second one has been refined to be stronger the day after tomorrow. magic dragon’s heart has been removed by Purple Yan, and its vitality has been reduced by half. Louis, the magic dragon’s first head collapsed directly, but it was smashed by Xiao Wen’s sneak attack for nearly four points. After repeated calculations, Violet Yan smashed those broken ribs on his chest, shattered his dirty fists. At this time, he was actually quite weak, that is, relying on that strong body and vitality to hold on.
"pa! ! !”
Seeing that the four Asian gods rushed for the first time in history, Zi Yan didn’t punch, but changed his fists and claws to buckle the left wrist of Louis! Her physical strength may be smaller than that of the dragon wing, but the black armor of her wrist gives off a cold and frightening breath, which shows her strength!
At that moment, the left arm of the dragon wing was actually pulled back!
In madness, the dragon wing raised its right fist and smashed it at Ziyan!

"What, the guide, you said you were the guide?" Luo Ya was in a daze, and he was led by a Taoist priest. That was one of the six great saints of the Great Wilderness, the archbishop of Western religion, and an awesome figure!

"Exactly, don’t Taoist friends think I’m cheating you?"
"No, this is not true. One is that I have heard of Brother Dao’s name for a long time. The other is that I have never met by chance. I don’t want to meet him today, so I am rude. Brother Dao should not be surprised." Luoya quickly fooled. After all, people are destined to prove that Hunyuan is a saint. Although he is not a saint now, he can’t live too low. It would be bad if he leads an unhappy person to destroy himself!
"Taoist friends have praised me, so I’m ashamed!" Obviously Jieyin is an out-and-out honest man, and after listening to Luo Ya’s words, he quickly said.
After the two exchanged pleasantries, the docking of Luoya became more and more admired. People’s understanding of Tao is a thousand times stronger than their own rookie. No wonder they can become a saint of heaven!
"I think the ontology of Taoist friends is the innate wood. Taoist friends may wish to use ontology as a medium to practice a magic weapon or defend themselves!" Followed by a kind reminder to Luo Ya.
"I know that, but I don’t know about the refining method," said Luo Ya, with a pale face. !”
"Why is it difficult? I’m a little familiar with refining. If Taoist friends don’t dislike it, I can pass it on to you!"
"So good, thank you, brother."
"You’re welcome." The words sound just fell and I saw Jieyin beating a piece of green light into Luoya’s mind. After fully absorbing the information contained in that piece of green light, the docking leads to more worship, which is to be sanctified in the end. If such a brilliant refining method is called rough, then the so-called treasure refining experts in later generations should be ashamed to blow themselves up.
"Thank you, Brother Tao, for protecting me. I’ll forge it!" After saying that, Luoya made another salute to the docking.
"These are some innate things that I have gained from traveling in the wild over the years. It’s no use for me to keep them. Now, if Taoist friends want to refine the utensils, give them to Taoist friends!" I took out some glorious things and handed them to Luo Ya. At first glance, Luoya, darling, there are as many as seven kinds. These are all innate things. It can definitely greatly improve the power of magic weapons when used for refining. It is impossible to say that he is not moved, but he still declined, but he couldn’t take it.
Luo Ya forcibly removed a branch from his own body, and then quickly operated the whole body’s mana to refine the tree branch according to the method of receiving and introducing it to his own refining device, and receiving and introducing it naturally set a ban on dharma protection for him.
In this way, Luo Ya has been spewing mana and one of his minds is constantly refining the tree, and whenever Luo Ya’s mana is not good, he will take his own mana as the guide to quickly restore it. After about a hundred years, his first refining was over with a loud roar from Luoya! Looking at the greener branches in this hand, no, it is now a good innate treasure. I saw that all the seven kinds of congenital treasures presented by him were adorned on it by force. With the blessing of these seven kinds of congenital treasures, the power of this magic weapon must be the bane of the magic weapon of congenital treasure. Of course, it is impossible to achieve that effect now, which depends on Luo Ya’s continuous refinement in the future.
Looking at my first magic weapon, Luoya, I feel as if I have seen it there, but I can’t remember it for a while. "Congratulations on the success of Daoyou’s treasure refining. I don’t know what the name of this treasure is?" Then lead mirth asked Luo Ya. Luo Ya first made a kowtow to Jieyin to express his gratitude, and then said, "This treasure was successful thanks to the help of Brother Dao, and I hope Brother Dao will give it a name!" After introducing Luo Ya’s sincerity, he bowed his head and thought for a moment and said, "Daoyou’s ontology is an innate bodhi tree, and this treasure is supplemented by seven kinds of innate treasures. It’s better to call it Qibaomiao Tree!"
"The wonderful tree of seven treasures, good, is called the wonderful tree of seven treasures." Suddenly Luoya remembered it. No wonder it looks so familiar. Isn’t the wonderful tree of seven treasures a magic weapon for the Taoist priest? How can I get one? No, no, the proper ontology is the innate bodhi tree, and my ontology is also the innate bodhi tree. Besides, he has seven treasures and wonderful trees, so do I. Besides, it’s Zhunti’s brother who receives the quotation. I called him brother, too. Don’t, don’t, I am a quasi! "What, I am a quasi? !” Luo Ya not only cried out. After all, Zhunti is simply a shameless spokesman in the eyes of later generations. How can such a shameless scumbag be himself?
"quasi-mention?" After hearing Luo Ya’s scream, Jieyin had a delicious meal. "Yes, it’s a good name, just in line with Taoist friends!" As soon as Daoyou took shape, he had the cultivation in the early days of quasi-holiness, and Daoyou’s body was the innate bodhi tree, so it was most appropriate to use Zhun-ti’s name. "
Forget it, just mention it, at least we will become saints in the future, and now I mention it, so I will definitely not be as shameless as Zhun-ti. Luo Ya’s mind suddenly felt much more comfortable when he thought of this, so he made a kowtow to Jieyin and said, "Well, if you can mention it, you can mention it. You must have seen Jieyin!"
Seeing that Luo Ya received the quotation in this way, he quickly bowed his head and returned the gift and said, "I’ve met a Taoist friend!"
"Brother Dao doesn’t have to be like this. You and I will be like brothers in the future, and now I am helped by Brother Dao, who will be my brother in the future. I must have seen my brother." Luo Ya sincerely said kotow again.
"This should be the case, but it is not necessary for my brother to do something. You and I are no different in size. Isn’t it beautiful to seek the avenue together?"
"No, absolutely not, the young and the old are orderly, and the elder brother has done a lot for me. This elder brother deserves it." Luo Ya said and bowed deeply to the leader. Take the lead to support Luoya and refuse to let him bow down. However, Luo Ya was determined not to get up, but only agreed, so Luo Ya stopped her hem and straightened up.

The first volume The lich’s quantity of robbery The fourth chapter takes the treasure and causes and effects.
Said Luo Ya since I knew that I was the one who was despised by the later generations, although there was some wry smile, he soon accepted the fact. He and the leader talked about Tao in Razer, confirming their understanding of Tao. In fact, if you want to say that the understanding of Tao is not as good as that of Jieyin, otherwise Jieyin would not be a senior, what’s more, now Luoya is not a quasi-reference! However, his quasi-mention was made by later generations, and those Buddhist classics and novels in previous lives were not read for nothing. So, the scene they talked about gradually became Luo Ya’s solution!
"Daoyou, I’m just beginning to practice, and I realize the method of three times. There are still doubts in it, and I’m full of energy, so it’s difficult to adjust the five elements, so I visit a man of profound morality in the East, in order to reconcile the five elements, and three times are now light. I have put forward many times that it is possible to solve my doubts! "
After hearing the quotation, Luo Ya smiled and said, "Brother Dao, it seems that you and I really have a fate. I once got the three lights and a blue flag in chaos. Together, these two can help Brother Dao reconcile the five elements." After Luo Ya finished, she let out the magic water, and the water vapor merged into the golden body. At this point, the gold was moist and the golden water was clear, and then she took out the violet treasure flag, and the wood spilled water vapor to neutralize the golden gas. At this point, the golden body could not be born and died, and she was fully absorbed.
After the golden body achieved great success, the receiving mind was quite excited and said, "I was born in chaos. After hundreds of millions of years of practice, my Taoist career has taken shape by leaps and bounds." Now Taoist friends have helped me achieve great success in a day, and I … "
"Brother don’t have to be so, you and I are brothers and friends, and it is only natural that I help you. Besides, with the great power of Brother Dao, even without my help, it is just around the corner to achieve great success. What’s more, brother Dao has the great kindness to help me transform. If so, he really doesn’t take me as a brother! "
Luo Ya went on to say: "As for the Tao born from the heart, it mainly depends on the word enlightenment. Enlightened heart is clear, and the heart is born! "
After hearing this sentence, I really admire it and can’t help but sigh: "Classic, the absolute classic among classics!" But he knew that this was not Luoya’s own understanding, but moved out from the Buddhist scriptures of later generations!
After hearing the quotation, Luo Ya was happy. Ha ha, I can’t believe it. It turns out that not only mortals like to kiss up, but also immortals can kiss up, and now they still kiss up to this ancestor of the universe.
"People’s cultivation, cultivate the heart first; Enlightenment to reason, kindness; March the world to save people’s suffering; Eliminate demons and monsters, turn demons into stubbornness; People are grateful and kind; Kindness and compassion, empathy; Compassion is the foundation, and the road shows itself! ….. "Luo Ya talks endlessly, constantly telling what he knows about the Buddhist classic sentences about cultivating the heart.
After listening to Luo Ya’s words, he caused a deep sigh: "It’s really my blessing to meet a Taoist friend. Now I can achieve it!"
Luo Ya was stupefied and immediately asked, "Brother Dao has found his own way now. I don’t know where to go next?"
Then he said to Luo Ya, "Please mention Daoyou, I have learned something about bodhicitta now, and I want to go back to the west now. What are Daoyou’s plans?"
"Brother, where to go, I must mention where to go! I will go back to the West with you and cheer you up! " Luo Ya paused and still said.
It’s a great pleasure to hear Luo Ya say so, and to be honest, he doesn’t want to be separated from Luo Ya. However, he still doesn’t understand what Luo Ya said about revitalizing the West. He thinks that although the great magical powers in the West are not as good as those in the East, they can barely be regarded as fairyland. Why do Taoist friends have such a saying? However, out of the excitement in his heart, he still didn’t ask Luo Ya, only thinking that Luo Ya had never been to the West and thought that the West was very barren.
So the two men rushed to the west with all their strength. The vast world is really amazing, and it took a hundred years for Eloya’s magical power and access to reach the western boundary. After arriving in the west, Luo Ya was completely dull, not because he saw how barren the west was, but because what he saw was just the opposite of those novels from later generations, and the aura of the west was almost not weaker than that of the east. What’s going on? Is it another novel that harms people? However, he did not delve into the attitude of being safe when he came. After traveling in the west with Luoya for many days, Jieyin finally found a high mountain in the west. The magic of this mountain is that it is not outstanding from afar. Only when you enter this mountain can you feel that the mountain is tall and majestic, and this mountain is the ancestral vein of western aura. It is indeed a rare spiritual place, and it is called Xumi Mountain.
Luoya and Jieyin set up a Dojo in that Sumi Mountain, and they talked about whether they were happy or not every day. One day, when Luoya was receiving an introduction, he suddenly saw eight colors of auspicious light in the southeast direction of Xumi Mountain, heading straight for the sky.
"Is there a congenital Lingbao born?" Luo Ya’s heart moved, and she opened her eyes and looked into the eight-color treasure light. I saw eight precious stones in the treasure light, which were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and gold. The eight rosy clouds are radiated from those precious stones, and these eight precious stones are the innate things. Luo Ya rushed over and said, "Brother Tao, how about taking a chance when the treasure is born?" Lead nodded his head. So they set up Xiangyun and rushed to the gem.
Just as they were about to get close, a light cloud flew out from the side of the gem and came straight at them. Jieyin and Luoya were all surprised, so they quickly turned around and avoided the past.
It was only after Luoya settled that I saw that the light group turned out to be a person, who was dressed in black and black with a heavy rage. The man who received the quotation bowed his head and said, "A Taoist friend is polite, but a poor one receives the quotation. Just now, I saw a treasure that is sophisticated and must be visited by Taoist friends. I didn’t think this treasure was already taken, but I hope Taoist friends will forgive me. I don’t know how to call a friend? "
"Bah, shameless and villains, trying to take my treasure and defending it. Tao ye Luo Wei is also! "
"What. Are you Luo Wei? " Luo Ya was shocked after hearing the name of this person. Luo Wei is the ancestor of the magic way who can compete with the ancestors of Hongjun. Why are you so back? It happened that you met him!
The man in black said angrily, "Will Master Dao cheat you two nobody? How dare you take my treasure? I will take your lives today! " It was the ancestor of the magic way, and he wanted to kill people because of this misunderstanding.
Luo Wei took out a murderous knife as soon as the words sound just fell, and led the attacker to meet Luo Ya. Luoya and Jieyin can’t only take out magic weapons to deal with it. Suddenly Luoya brushed the wonderful tree with seven treasures at Naluo, and under one brush, seven colors of brilliance kept pouring out. Jieyin also erected the building of Jieyin God on the top of his head, and stood in a bucket in Luo. In this way, the three men showed their magical powers in Sumi Mountain and fought.
Although the wonderful tree of seven treasures claims to have nothing to brush, it can be brushed on Luo Wei’s knife, but it can’t be brushed off Luo Wei’s hand. Moreover, every time after the Qibaomiao tree comes into contact with the knife, Luoya always feels that the loss of mana in the body will be accelerated. It’s good to take the lead in the defense, but the attack power is nothing at all. In this way, if you hit Luoya, you will hit a real fire, and you will never care about anything again. Pity a great sumeru mountain was devastated by the fight of three people. Looking at the consequences of the fight, the face is getting more and more bitter.
Gradually, Luoya and Jieyin began to fall behind due to lack of mana, and Luo Wei suddenly and fiercely accelerated until he cut Luoya. "Don’t hurt my brother!" Knowing that Luoya’s attack on the seven treasures and wonderful trees was more than defensive, Jieyin shouted in a hurry, and a teleport blocked Luoya’s attack. Suddenly, the God-connected building flew far away under the knife of Luo Wei, and the golden body of the God-connected building was cut out with a wound about two feet deep and ten feet long. After receiving the praise, the original body appeared from the air and fell. Looking at the regret in Luoya’s heart, why do you want to covet the treasure? When Luo Wei saw that Luo Ya was distracted, he cheated on him with a knife. Just as the knife was about to fall on Luoya, a green light blew it away.
"Hung-chun, you’re ruining my good deed again!" Luo Wei shouted angrily into the air. This sound also made Luo Ya return to absolute being.
I saw a figure slowly emerging in the air, and the figure was so compatible with this world. Luo Ya knows that this person is the later ancestor of Hongjun, but he has not yet become a holy road.
"Luo Wei, you and I are born opposite each other, and you are destined to bring endless rage to this world, which is not allowed by heaven." The Taoist said slowly.
Luo Wei was furious: "Hum, don’t you say no? I’d like to see what your cost is? " Say that finish before hung-chun answer is a knife cut in the past. I don’t know how much more powerful this knife is than the one that was just cut to lead. With a wave of his right hand, Hung-chun waved his big sleeve and easily blocked the knife. Then hung-jun raised his hand and hit the knife again, only to see it fall into pieces with the knife. Luo Wei obviously didn’t expect Hong Jun to have such a skill. In a surprise, he was bounced on his forehead again. Under this bullet, only Luo Wei shouted, "I’m unwilling!" It turned into a little black smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth, but there was not even a trace of Yuan God left. Not the kui is a Taoist ancestor, although he has not yet become a saint at this time, he can’t resist one over ten thousand by himself. It seems that he will have to be careful in the future, so as not to let him find out that this anomaly has destroyed himself!
After Luo Wei was destroyed, Hung-jun flew into the receiving body with a piece of green light. With the help of Hung-jun, the receiving injury healed immediately, and most people woke up. When Jieyin woke up, he and Luoya saluted Hongjun together and said, "Thank you for your help. I hope you can give me a large size someday!"
Hung-jun said faintly, "I should go now. I’ll see you again someday, and then you’ll know." After that, I left Changhong without paying attention to them.
After watching Hung-chun leave, Luo Ya’s heart was lifted, and she hurriedly asked about Jie’s injury. Jieyin looked at the devastated Xumishan’s face and said, "I don’t have any serious problems. I just need to cultivate for more than a hundred years." However, the ancestral vein of my western aura is seriously damaged and difficult to repair. If it goes on for so long, the western aura will become increasingly exhausted, and I am afraid it will fall far behind the East in the future.
When I heard this quote, I felt a pang in my heart. It turned out that the poverty of the West was because of this, and it was all because of myself. This time, the cause and effect with all sentient beings in the West was a big one, and I couldn’t stay in the West to educate all sentient beings in the future. Luo Ya said guiltily, "Brother Dao, it’s all my fault this time. However, Brother Dao doesn’t have to worry too much. There must be a chance in a few days. We may not have a prosperous day in the West, as long as you and I strive for it! "
Jieyin nodded and said, "That’s all we can do now. Let’s repair Xumi Mountain first!"

Watching her play like a child, Atobe Keigo couldn’t help muttering that she was not gorgeous and then picked up those white sandals and ran to her.

Today, both of them are naive. They pushed a pile of sand to make a sand castle, but they rushed to break it and picked up many shells, but they were buried one by one, and then they were found out and buried again or thrown into the sea.
In this crazy way, two people finally lay down on the beach exhausted.
"Xiaojing … Are you happy today?" Sitting on the beach, I looked at lying on the beach and Atobe Keigo asked with a smile.
"Uh-huh, it’s not gorgeous, but it’s ok." Although Atobe Keigo said that, he was satisfied and laughed.
"Scene, we are really rare to be presumptuous …" Atobe Keigo and her are similar in some places. Many people are nervous every day, and occasionally entertainment can’t relax their subconscious nerves. This crazy game really makes them … rare to be presumptuous.
"Ah, uh, Huai" She called him Xiaojing, so he wouldn’t be melodramatic and call him Miss Xia.
"… Xiaojing, shall I be your sister?" Look at that endless sea, I said with a smile
For a long time, Atobe Keigo didn’t call himself Xiaojing so kindly. It turned out that he was a younger brother. It really hurts his self-esteem. Is his masculine charm finished before her?
"If you want to be me, it’s enough." He still couldn’t say it, and he said that after only one day together. His gentleman really didn’t allow him to say it.
"… well," see yourself more like a friend? Friends are good, too
【 Fei appeared after don’t know the taste funny natural to stay Huai sauce! 】
Atobe Keigo got up and sat on the beach with Xia Huai and looked at the sea. The blue sea is no longer the same color as the sky. The sky has gradually turned into a wine red that has been brewing for a long time. Although this scenery is not the first time to see it, it is particularly beautiful because they are rare to be presumptuous today.
No, no, no, it’s rare to be presumptuous. I guess it’s just eating chocolate
Kunimitsu Tezuka hum is too careless.
No. Where’s Minister Fei?
It’s rare for Kunimitsu Tezuka to be crazy about her.
No, I don’t. The minister really likes Xia Huai very much.
Kunimitsu Tezuka Feiye
No, Fei?
Kunimitsu Tezuka love.
No Fei … (covering her face ing) Youth …
[Fragments-Deep Love]
"That’s enough! Dad, please don’t break mom’s things again. It’s mom’s legacy, dad! Please! " These words sound so heartbreaking in my ears that I have never begged for something, but this is something I can never give in to.
"Since you said that, you can break this sogeum. I can move all these things into your research room and don’t ask these questions." The man is covered in alcohol and bloodshot eyes. How terrible it looks. The original handsome face is twisted and scary.
"I …" This sogeum is her favorite. She clearly remembers her mother’s warmth, holding her hand and pulling the sogeum. This sogeum has a mother’s taste and is the only clearest memory of her mother and herself.
"What are you trying to say?" To get drunk, the inside of Danfeng’s eyes was changed to be cold, and his whole person smelled of danger.
She also knows that even if she doesn’t break the string, he will break it and break it.
Trembling as if she had been sprinkled with one thousand catties of powder, her hands were so slow to move.
Tears accumulated in her eyes for a long time and finally fell straight. This drop was like a gate, which made her tears wet all the time, and her bloody little face wet the periphery of Xiaoqin.
Black hair and long hair have been hovering around the floor. The elegant white dress is so pure, but it seems to be soaked in black atmosphere here, but it is just obvious that the crying little girl is thin and thin.
She resolutely broke the strings and then slammed the piano, so it fell apart.
For this move, the man who smelled of alcohol acquiesced and staggered out of the door.
Only she knows that what she treasures most has been abandoned and destroyed by herself, and painful tears have flooded her sight and her world again.

Moreover, its body is much larger than that of ordinary tree demon, and the strangest thing is that it has a very ferocious face.

Thick trunk, two lanterns-like eyes, a huge mouth and long fangs dripping with saliva, looks disgusting and terrible.
Especially at this moment, its body has been stabbed and its look is distorted.
No! They suddenly found a more strange place.
That is, its wound was sprayed with blood, red blood.
This happened at a time, but at that time, people didn’t feel like it. Now, when they see that the source of the blood rain is a tree demon, they are really horrified.
Do tree demons bleed, too?
It’s incredible. In an instant, everyone was shocked.
And at this moment, Qianfeng’s body has jumped to a height higher than that of the tree demon flying in the middle.
The sun shines on her for a moment and people can’t look straight.
At this time, she has already launched an attack.
Cold and charming, drinking her body, in the middle of a flip, the aura surged, and the end of her right arm burst into a devastating light.
Brilliant knife light, she has swooped towards the tree demon.
Time seems to freeze at this moment, and at this moment, she is the only picture in this day.
No one can deny it or deny it, especially these men who look up at her at this time.
This tree demon is suspected to be the king of tree demons.
No other tree demon dares to stay here in its territory.
It has the peak strength of the spirit emperor, and there are some tree demon kings who have the ability
But even the tree demon king is still a tree demon.
How high can you ask for the wisdom of a demon?
It would be really strange if a elm head were smarter than a human.
It didn’t expect that it would attack it just after it appeared, and it was still so fierce
The most important thing is that the speed of this blow is very fast, and the flint seems to be as fast as a blink of an eye and as fast as a flash, and when the root doesn’t respond to people.
The demon king of the tree didn’t come to protect the aura in vitro, and the gas mask had already suffered from a thousand chickens breaking the moon.
I have been brewing since just now.
Condensed a lot of spiritual force until just broke out hand knife.
Scary wounds, large tracts of blood, screaming and screaming, the demon king of the tree has swooped down from the height of the moon and wants to launch an attack on the demon king of the tree
In this world, at least for hundreds of years, there has been no creature except tree demon in this forest for a long time, and bossing around a group of tree demons has already made the tree demon king have a dominant consciousness.
I am in charge of the sky, but I have the feeling that I dare not disobey it.
This feeling has been imperceptibly influenced by every cell in its body, and today someone actually challenges it to be a king.
Not only that, but also when he just appeared, he sneaked on himself.
A despicable human being with no dignity and spirit
For hundreds of years now, the sudden contrast has raised the anger in the heart of the tree demon king, and the anger will be extinguished if it is exhausted.
It’s angry! It’s completely angry!
It will tear up this human who dares to challenge it and hurt it, instead of turning it into nickel powder to nourish this land.
Thousands of phoenix broken moon has rushed over, and the lich king roars and gives off a little green light, suddenly moving towards the front and gathering away quickly.
Green fluorescence has become a glittering and translucent torrent in an instant.
Like nine days of divine water falling in the sky, this glittering torrent is spinning wildly, like an angry sea roaring and spinning, turning into a whirlpool and sweeping away towards a thousand phoenix and breaking the moon.
Thousands of phoenix broke the moon, and a flash of light flashed through her eyes. Her right arm was dragging a long light blade, and Guanghua was bright and suddenly moved, and she had already split out.
Draw a sword and cut off the water, and suddenly it seems that the waves are divided into two parts. The glittering torrent is divided into two parts in a moment. The attack of the phoenix breaking the moon is not only the surge of aura, but also the light of the knife is once again full of mapping, and the cold face of the phoenix breaking the moon is crashing towards the tree demon king
Fang Ming night suddenly froze. I don’t know what. He suddenly had an illusion that at this time, thousands of chickens broke the moon and their strength was much worse than when they met just now.
Of course, in his view, this is also an illusion.
943 Chapter 943 Ghost Night