In the face of the emperor’s anger, Duguye was heartbroken, but when he saw the girl around him, he summoned up his courage. "There is always a way to make the East pay you a price. If I can do it, I will definitely do my best."

Emperor Zheng looked directly at the eastern Zetian, and the expression "I want thirteen towns in the northwest alone"
That’s the northwest barrier of Qin, including Yangzhen. If it falls into the hands of Chen, it’s too dangerous qR1.
If we start a war, we will be able to keep the danger, and the Chinese horses can directly enter the enemy city in the hinterland of Qin State.
Du Guye refused to "don’t even think about it" without thinking.
Blood can flow to the city, but it must not be allowed.
Never give in easily in the face of right and wrong.
Oriental ze day looked at him coldly "then fight"
The atmosphere between the two is stagnant, and who won’t let the hostility surge.
The emperor frowned and gave Duguye a hard stare. Duguye didn’t seem to see Lin however, not afraid, and stood proudly.
"Oriental too will light war end? It is not a good thing for the people of both countries. Why don’t you sit down and talk about it? "
"Who will talk about it? Are you? " Oriental Zetian disdains ridicule and arrogance
One is too, and the other is an emperor and nephew. Their status is not equal.
Duguye pursed her lips and took a deep breath. She just wanted to talk but was beaten by the emperor.
"Ridiculous and ridiculous, I’ve already made a letter to Su Linlang. Life is your death, and it’s your ghost. The two countries are like a family … It’s just that my little nephew didn’t want to marry Linlang, so he played a trick. You can rest assured that they didn’t have an affair."
He lied with his eyes closed, and the young couple proposed in public. He can still pretend that nothing happened. This is the emperor.
Duguye gasped. I can’t believe his eyes are wide open. He is an admirer. It’s like this.
Oriental Zetian is not an ordinary emperor’s mind. "Since many dissenting Confucian promised that the orphan should be disciplined for the time being."
The body client can also talk nonsense and care about the result.
The two men reached an agreement, and the emperor was satisfied and smiled, "That’s natural."
Duguye was dumbfounded as if he had met them for the first time.
It’s a huge shock to him. How can a man be ashamed to be like this?
Emperors are shameless guys? Or do you have to be shameless to ascend to the throne?
Suddenly, his sense of identity with the royal family and his loyalty to the emperor were broken to pieces, and he could no longer find his original heartfelt feelings.
He held the beautiful things tightly as if it were the last salvation.
"I’m serious. I want to marry Su Linlang."
The emperor’s patience with him was exhausted, and he was more afraid of angering Oriental Zetian. "What did you marry?"? Jin Wangfu throne? Or thousands of lives in Jin Wangfu? "
This is a threat to threaten Jin Wangfu. Duguye gasped. I can’t believe I’m looking at my loving uncle.
"Uncle Huang, you won’t do that."
The emperor’s eyes are as cold as ice and snow in winter. "Do you want Su Linlang to be alone or to protect Jin Wangfu? Protect your father? "
The dignity and pride of being an emperor do not challenge even one’s own relatives.
As soon as this statement came out, all the feelings vanished, and the family ties disappeared for more than ten years. Du Guye was so sad that his eyes were red with "Uncle Huang".
What is the feeling of the emperor’s mask frost? The last thing in this world is the feeling "I count to ten, you choose one, two, three …"
He’d like to see if this so-called relationship can stand the test?
How long can the so-called true feelings last in the face of affection and responsibility?
Duguye felt cold when she was poured with a pot of cold water. She looked to the Queen Mother for help.
The queen mother, who has always been kind and kind-hearted, is cold and "national affairs"
Like a punch, it stung Du Guye in the chest, and he was heartbroken.
For the first time, I tasted being hurt by my trusted relatives, betrayed and threatened.
When I count it, he looks around the room at a loss. How many people are sincere?
In the past ten years, it seems that I have lived in vain and in lies.
With a tight hand, he looked down at the girl around him.
The eyes are clear and bright as a pool of autumn water. "No matter how you choose, I won’t blame you."
"Linlang" Duguye’s eyes are red. He has her!
Full of beautiful things gently held his body soft appeal.
"Meeting you is the best thing in my life. I really gave and loved this life without regret."
Her voice is very low, but there is an unrepentant affection.
Firm, brave and calm, this is her love.
Duguye hugged her with tears in her eyes.
He loves such a beautiful girl. He is alone.
The two embraced each other affectionately. The scene was beautiful and romantic, but it hurt many people’s eyes.

If not, Yang Zaixing really can’t figure out how this Tibetan monk can appear in the Daikin Army and will also be effective in Daikin.

What Lenovo words Yang Zaixing dare not imagine how many of this big Jin Jun came from the Tubo strong.
Tubo inheritance can be described as a long time since the Tang Dynasty, and it has been confronted with the Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years. After that, Tubo split into large and small alliances. Now, although it is not as strong as Tubo in the past, it is also a very powerful force.
With this background, it is conceivable that there is no shortage of strong people in Tubo countries. If Tubo really joins hands with Daikin, it may not be impossible to send several statues of Heaven and Man to help Daikin.
These thoughts flashed in my heart, and Yang Zaixing, who was full of confidence, could not help but give birth to some worries at the moment. After all, although this part of the army said that there were many military forces, everyone would win the battle more or let the heaven and man be strong.
Even if Daikin is strong, it has experienced several defeats. The day after tomorrow, the level of the strong is still a few, even if Daikin can play in heaven and man, there are no more than five people.
And Chu Yi’s hand alone is not as strong as ten statues, and everyone is not worried about the outcome of World War I.
But at the moment, with the appearance of Tibetan monks, there seems to be a little uncertainty in this world war I, which can be called the fate of Dajin Guo.
Although Yang Zaixing is full of thoughts, it does not prevent Yang Zaixing’s golden gun from sweeping towards the golden cavalry ahead.
Will see a sharp strength swept to watch hundreds of cavalry rushed ahead, but a figure dressed in leather armor like a giant appeared in front of the roar, with a punch out leng Yang Zaixing that gun strength to shock.
"Xixia Li Juren is here"
Yang Zaixing’s eyes shrank and his breath was locked on the other side. At the same time, he took a step towards Fang Jie and approached Fang Jie. "There is something wrong with Fang Jie’s situation. I’m afraid there is collusion between Tubo, Xixia and Daikin. I don’t know if the main manager has got the news. We must have someone put the news on the main manager."
Fang Jie is not stupid. Now he also realizes that something is wrong. Smell speech nods to Yang Zaixing. "Yang Zaixing, you are fast. I will stay here and temporarily stall them. You will return to Zhongjun as soon as possible, and you will change here."
At Fang Jie, Yang Zaixing didn’t say much and went straight to the rear.
Giant Li said that he couldn’t help but be one leng and then reacted. His face was somewhat irate and said, "Cowards and rats should leave."
Is haven’t wait for giant Li to take a step to see a sharp strength hit not Fang Jie and people.
Fang Jie’s hand painted a halberd and chopped it towards Li Juren. "Silly big guy, let’s talk about it after Fang Mou first."
Giant Lee and A Mu made a wrong look at each other, and they attacked Fang Jie in order to see that A Mu made a wrong hand and pinched the bottle seal. Suddenly, the vitality was turbulent and a large fist seal was faintly visible to suppress Fang Jie.
Giant Li, like an ancient giant resurrected, has a strong fist and throws it at Fang Jie.
Fang Jie’s eyes flashed with a dignified color, and his mouth was broken and he saw that his body was like a swelling up. He suddenly drew a halberd in his hand and stopped two people from attacking him.
Deng Deng stepped back a few steps. The earth shook and terrible cracks appeared. Fang Jie stepped back one after another before releasing the terrible force that swept into the earth.
Li Juren’s eyes showed a somewhat brutal color when he saw it. He clenched his fist again and smashed it at Fang Jie, but A Mu was wrong. This time, he swung the magic pestle and swept through with Fang Jie.
In the face of two strong men of the same level, Fang Jie, who often fought with Manichaeism in the past, had the experience of two enemies, so he was barely able to resist when facing A Mu’s wrong giant Li.
That is, at this time, another figure appeared in the line of sight of Fang Jie, which suddenly fell from the sky. This man bent his bow and arrow and found an arrow broken.
It is also a statue of the strong heaven and man, which means that Fang Jie has to face three statues of the National People’s Congress at the same time. At one time, Fang Jie’s whole body hair stood on end, and he was able to swing an animation halberd to chop down that deadly arrow. At the same time, an iron bridge avoided the magic pestle, hit the middle and lifted his foot, and kicked Li Juren’s fist.
I heard a splash. Jie leng was stung to the ground by giant Li’s fist. Suddenly, the earth was full of cracks and a deep pit appeared.
Spit out a mouthful of blood. Fang Jie’s breath is not declining, but it is getting stronger and stronger. I reached out and wiped the blood from my mouth. I heard Fang Jie laugh. "It’s really fun!"
In fact, Yang Zaixing and Fang Jie, together with Li Juren and A Mu, were wrong at the right time, and several statues of heaven and man in the army dozens of miles away looked at it in the direction of the vanguard army.
Before several figures appeared in the carriage, Chu Yi walked out of the carriage with his hands behind his back and looked into the distance. His eyes were faintly surprised.
"This turned out to be the breath of Tibetan Buddhism!"
Chu Yixiu is, of course, able to induce the breath revealed by A Mu’s wrong hand. After all, he had a meeting experience with Jiu Mo Zhi, and then Chu Yi specially sent people to spy on Buddhist information that was too hidden.
Chu Yi has always been curious about what the Jin people have, and how they dare to fight a decisive battle. After all, according to the news they received, the Jin people lost Yan Hong Zongwang, Yan Hong Zonghan and Yan Hong Yinshu, but after the heaven and man were strong, the big Xu Jin Guo was able to get the hand of heaven and man, which was only a few people.
In this case, Emperor Wu Begging to Buy Daikin should learn from the remnants led by Yeleshi.
Until now, after Chu Yi sensed the Buddhist breath from Tibet, Chu Yi’s face showed a sudden color.
"Report this breath …"

In addition to being nervous, there is still a little different emotion at the moment, such as anxiety and reluctance.

Uncle has arranged everything. After today, Chi Muhan will die.
Father Taiwan twittered and announced that Yu Xi didn’t have the heart to listen to her. What will happen after today?
When the priest heard her name, Yu Xi shook his head slightly, and the light fell on the cold and elegant man in front of him. Today, he is dressed in a black Armani suit and graceful. A face over three years old can’t see a trace of time. His eyes are deeper and deeper, adding an extremely mature charm.
The priest announced the exchange of rings. Chi Muhan picked out a diamond ring from a small red box.
However, she thought that this man used to cling to her hand like this and gently put the ring into her fingertips.
He also said-from now on, my name is Guan and your name protects my wife’s eyebrows for life.
But I never thought it was life and death, but his protection was Xiao pity.
Her body was tightly stretched, and she was trembling gently. Her long, stiff hands were held by Chi Muhan and placed in his warm palm. Her heart became more and more uncomfortable and she had to close her eyes to restrain her complicated feelings.
Section 3
Suddenly there was a loud and hoarse cry from the crowd, "Chi Gong …"
The woman’s voice was sharp and familiar. Yu Xi opened her eyes in surprise with a shock.
And Chimuhan is also a woman with a quiver and a tight look at the platform.
☆ Chapter 351 I have news of Shen Mei Wu.
Everyone searched for the source of the sound and looked at the church door in succession.
See a woman wearing a wedding dress and a white gauze in a wheelchair, get closer and closer, and wait until you can see the ugly face of that woman, and it is none other than a recent car accident that caused her broken leg to be destroyed.
Yu Xi was equally amazed that Xiao Lian was sent to a mental hospital after she came out of the hospital. How could she be here?
"Miss danger is surprised to see me? Are you wondering how I escaped from a mental hospital at the moment? How can it appear here? "
Yu Xi was as cool as a cucumber. Looking around Xiao Lian-er, I could see that Xiao Lian-er was prepared, but judging from Xiao Lian-er’s manners, she didn’t look like a person with mental problems.
"Miss Xiao when it’s really bad to pretend to be crazy and fool everyone, but she can still escape from a mental hospital to my wedding scene with Chi Gong." Yu Xi raised her eyebrows from her charming smiling eyes, but she flitted over or scorned lightly or heavily. "But what’s worse? Even if you wear a wedding dress, it’s still me, not Miss Xiao. Don’t you believe me? "
Not three years ago, not three years later.
Xiao pity son smiled coldly and pressed the wheelchair driver, and continued to let the wheelchair slide forward and run over the bright petals on the ceramic tile floor until Xiao pity son stopped at the podium.
Chimuhan’s expression was cold and harsh, and his eyes were slightly folded to look at the woman in the wheelchair.
"Poor son, did you go to the police station to surrender yourself or should I call the police?"
"Ha ha … do you think I will turn myself in so easily?" Xiao pity son laugh make public and harsh as if ready to fight back the Jedi. She lifted her veil and glared at Yuxi. "Mu Han, look at my face. It’s ruined by this smelly woman."? Do you think I will let her go easily? "
Xiao pity son that wrinkled half face after being burned is really disgusting, but Yu Xi still has a good time when he looks at it.
"Miss Xiao can eat things indiscriminately, but you can’t talk nonsense. You have a car accident and ruined your face?"
Chi Muhan doesn’t want to talk nonsense with this woman any more, and directly asks Liang Hao to call the security guard to "send this woman to the police station!"
"Mu Han you are really cruel? I was in a car accident and I was waiting for you to come to see me in the hospital. You didn’t come. I was sent to a mental hospital or waiting for you to come and see me, but you still didn’t come. If it weren’t for your big brother, I think I could really spend my life in a mental hospital. "
ChiMuHan cried a surprised "what? Have you seen Chi Zhongyu? "
"How do you get nervous with your eldest brother? Look at me wearing an expensive wedding dress and sitting in a state-of-the-art wheelchair. How can I escape from a mental hospital? " Xiao Lian-er smiled and said that there was malice and madness left in those eyes that once looked forward to brightness. "Oh, by the way, Mu Han, your eldest brother also asked me to bring you a’ gift’. Would you like to see it?"
A gift?
Hearing this word, Chi Mu-han stared at Xiao Lian-er in a cold and alert way. "What did he want you to bring?"
Xiao pity son spread out the palm of his hand as soon as he hung his brow.
The first reaction to seeing the object in her hand, Chi Muhan, was to protect Yuxi behind her and stare at Xiao Lian’s face with cold eyes. "Xiao Lian, what are you going to do?"
Yu Xi is very close to Chimuhan and deeply feels Chimuhan’s tension.
Xiao pity son’s hand is just a small remote control. What’s scary?
Chimuhan is so protective of Yuxi. It’s really eye-piercing.
Xiao pity son rubbed his eyes and took the exquisite remote control words in his hand as a revenge.
"What am I going to do? I still want you, Mu Han. "
To this point, Xiao pity son can’t tell whether she loves Chimuhan or not, but she just wants Chimuhan.
If Yuxi isn’t Shen Mei Wu, she can also give Chimuhan away generously.
But Yu Xi just can’t die without Shen Mei Wu.
She can’t lose this contest with Shen Mei Wu. Never!

Originally, Meng Sixian thought that Meng Qi would agree to his request next, but when he asked such a sentence, he suddenly calmed down, thought for a moment and said, "In fact, the senior brother and his party have been informed by the general gate of all the scattered disciples. Plus, in fact, I have a little relationship with the Meng family in the clan, so … "

Meng Qi didn’t think that he had become a little celebrity in the black emperor clan. In fact, this is just setting an example, and its intention is to encourage people in the clan to work for the clan. Such propaganda has spared no effort in all walks of life.
After testing so much, Meng Qi didn’t bother to say anything else to the point: "You can see from my daytime problems that I am at odds with Feng’s family. You are very smart and can wait for me here quietly, and you are not anxious. You are very good, but this doesn’t mean that I will cooperate with your Meng family. However, I may find time to visit your Meng family. When are you free?"
Meng Qi’s words were full of twists and turns, which made Meng Sixian’s heart constantly churning. After listening, he was relieved, and then there was a surprise. He didn’t expect Meng Qi to cooperate with him directly.
He is already quite happy to have such a reaction. So I immediately said, "There is time, there is time at any time."
Meng Qi smiled and said, "Don’t worry, wait until you take a break. When is it probably? "
After being mentioned by Meng Qi, Meng Sixian also felt a little too anxious and embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said, "Thank you for reminding me, but I was in a hurry. My next day off should be three days later. "
"Three days later? Then three days later, come to me in three days, and I will go to Meng’s house with you. " Meng Qi patted Meng Sixian on the shoulder. Although this Meng family needs his help, he also needs the support of this Meng family. Otherwise, it is not so easy to get revenge by Meng Qi alone.
Meng Sixian was very satisfied with Meng Qi’s promise. Moreover, he had to inform the family members. After all, this was just his own move, and he had not yet obtained the consent of the family. However, this opportunity passed, so where did he have time to inform?
However, although he is not sure to get all the elders in the family to agree, he can convince his ancestors that as long as he agrees, it is useless for the rest of the people to have any opinions.
As for why we can convince our ancestors, Meng Sixian smiled. He is the direct grandson of the ancestors.
After Meng Sixian left, another figure appeared next to Meng Qi, which was Cheng Rewei.
Meng Qi stepped forward and hugged Cheng Ruowei gently and asked, "Ruowei, what do you think of this Meng family?"
Cheng ruowei thought for a moment and said, "since we all have the same goal, we can cooperate, but that boy is just building a foundation. How can he decide such a big event?"
Meng Qi gently took Cheng Ruowei’s slender waist like a willow branch and said, "In fact, I have some doubts, but since he told me this, he should be able to talk in his family. Besides, didn’t I give him three days?" If it doesn’t work then, forget it. "
Cheng Rewei pointed her finger at Meng Qi’s chest and said, "You guy, you have a lot of twists and turns in your stomach. You are so smart, but you are so lazy. I have to ask people to help you think about things, annoying! "
Meng Qi caught Cheng Ruowei’s finger with a smile and said, "Hey, isn’t this Ruowei you?"? I don’t need to think about that when you’re here. "
Cheng ruowei was flattered by Meng qi, but cheng ruowei asked curiously, "who is this Zhuge?" Very famous, why did he describe me? "
At this time, Meng Qi slipped his tongue and told the story of his last life, but he couldn’t help explaining it. He had to say, "This Zhuge is a character in a miscellaneous book I have read, in which he is the embodiment of wisdom, so he is used to describe Ruowei you."
"What miscellaneous books? Show it to me, Xianggong. " Cheng Rewei is a little curious.
Huh? Romance of the Three Kingdoms, of course, but where is Meng Qi going to show it to Cheng Ruowei now? Had to say: "this kind of miscellaneous book, after reading it, will be thrown away. Now where can I find it?"
However, the more Meng Qi said so, the more Cheng Rewei wanted to read it, because she knew that Meng Qi would never throw away the book. If he didn’t take it out, there must be a ghost.
Seeing that Cheng Ruowei didn’t believe in himself, Meng Qi was quite helpless and had to say, "Well, well, since you want to hear it, I’ll tell you about it, but I don’t remember it very clearly."
Seeing that Meng Qi insisted on not taking it out, Cheng Ruowei didn’t force it, and it was good that Meng Qi was willing to tell it to himself, so Cheng Ruowei said in a sticky tone, "Then tell it quickly ~ ~"
Meng Qi shook his head helplessly, thought for a moment, smoothed out the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and then said, "This is a long story. Once upon a time, there was a big country with a vast territory called Han …"
Well, Meng Qiyuan didn’t think girls would like to hear about the Three Kingdoms and so on. She thought that if she was not interested, three or two sentences would be over.
But now the situation is wrong. Meng Qi looked at Cheng Rewei beside him with a face of listening with relish, and his heart was very disappointed. Because Meng Qi couldn’t remember too clearly, some details were missed, and he was pointed out by Cheng Rewei one by one, and through his own inference, he also said the correct exhibition of things …
Meng Qi’s mouth is dry, and he has drunk pot after pot of tea, and his stomach is propped up. Therefore, after Meng Qi finished a small chapter, he said to Cheng Ruowei: "This Ruowei, the night is already deep, let’s rest early." Well ~ "
I didn’t know that Cheng Ruowei, who heard the rise, suddenly puckered her mouth, then hugged Meng Qi and said, "No, Xianggong, you are going to have a rest until you hear that Zhuge come out."
Hear Cheng Rewei, Meng Qi almost gushed out with a mouthful of old blood, until Zhuge came out? ! Oh, my god, when will that be? At this time, he has just started.
Meng Qi said, "Ruowei, it’s still early for that Zhuge to come out. Can we talk about it later?" Take a rest today. "
Hearing what Meng Qi said, he touched Meng Qi’s stomach again, then "sloped" and laughed, saying, "Well, well, forget it today, and continue to talk tomorrow."
Meng Qi suddenly hugged Cheng Ruowei and couldn’t help but cry, "Long live the lady!" Say that finish with a swish drill into the bed. Thought, finally can sleep.
Of course, people who cultivate immortality are not so exaggerated, but Meng Qi is just faking it.
Cheng Rewei also went to bed, but his mind was full of doubts. Meng Qi told this story, but he had never heard of it, the dying Han Dynasty? It seems to be familiar.
At this time, a pair of salty pig hands hugged Cheng Rewei, suddenly interrupting her thoughts, and then, um, the following three thousand words were omitted …


Chapter one hundred and ninety-three Camouflage
Chapter one hundred and ninety-one Camouflage
At this time, Meng Qi naturally didn’t notice the small change of swords and smiles. After everyone went out, Meng Qi couldn’t wait to come to Yao Xing and asked, "Senior Yao, what’s going on?"
Yao Xing opened his eyes, was revealed bloodshot pupil. Meng Qi was surprised. Just now, I saw that Yao Xing seemed to repose peacefully. I had no idea that he had such tired eyes under his nose.
Yao Xing saw that Meng Qi seemed to have some strange eyes. He smiled and said, "It’s better to do something, it’s better to do something, but the offensive of the Magic Gate is too fierce these days."
Meng Qi stopped talking. A baby brother would have such symptoms. I don’t know how tired he is physically and mentally.
"On the second day after we came back, the magic door was launched again. And this offensive is more fierce than last time, and there are a lot of demon families in the magic door.
This demon race has a leader, and that demon’s cultivation is one point higher than mine. Even with the help of the Alexander array, for the man and Chen Hai, the old man still …
Alas, I’m afraid I’m out of luck this time, but I’ve only brought trouble to you and my nephew Dao. "
Meng Qi carefully looked at Yao Xing, this is not the appearance of Yao Xing deliberately made, as if he really felt hopeless.
"Yao elder why say so, there is always a way. Otherwise, we are going to get rid of another person like the other day? " Meng Qi frowned. He worked so hard for so long. Is it such an ending?
Yao Xing shook his head and said, "Last time, they were trapped while they were unprepared. If they were prepared, how can we trap them again?"
Eight _ zero _ power _ sub _ book _ w _ w _. t _ x _ t _ 8 _ 0. _ c _ o _ m
Yao Xing is not without considering what Meng Qigang just said, but it is impossible.
"Is there really no way?" Meng Qi unwilling asked.
Yao Xing just shook his head, look very depressed. Then he closed his eyes. He wanted to take time to rest, but the other side didn’t know when he would attack again.
Meng Qi was very dull and came out of Lingxu Temple, and then he met a sword smile in front of the temple. Sword smile at this time of expression is relatively indifferent.
After seeing Meng Qi, the sword smiled at him and asked, "Brother Meng, what did Senior Yao say? Do we …"
Meng Qi only had a wry smile on his face, and then said, "Brother Dao, I’m afraid this time we are …" After that, Meng Qi bowed his head in despair.
Sword smile first one leng, then there is silence. The two of them went to their own residence. On the way, they suddenly said, "Actually, there is another way."
Meng Qimeng turned his head and asked, "What is the way?"
The sword laughed at first in silence, and then after a half-ring, he said, "Now many demon families have joined the battle. If we attract the attention of those high-ranking monks, then Brother Meng, you can find a chance to sneak out of the spiritual virtual Sect …"
Hearing this, Meng Qi shook his head and said, "No, now their low-level disciples have increased." The blockade network has become more and more strict. "
The sword smiled and then said, "I don’t want Brother Meng to sneak out directly, but I want Brother Meng to blend in with the demon clan and then take the opportunity to go out."
Meng Qi suddenly stopped, then bowed his head and began to ponder whether the method mentioned by the sword and smile was feasible. After half a ring, Meng Qi looked up and said, "I’m afraid this method won’t work. Those demon families won’t even know their own people."
Seeing Meng Qi’s conation, the sword smiled, and then took out a silvery white bead and said, "This is a magic bead, which can help Meng Xiong transform into any image. It is absolutely perfect, and it is absolutely impossible to see it below then."
Meng Qi took the magic bead, and after a little thought, the prototype of a rough plan was generated. If it really goes well, I’m afraid I can really escape from the blockade of the magic door with eight points.
However, Meng Qi looked at the sword and asked with a smile, "Since there is such a thing, why doesn’t Brother Dao go in person? You know, I still have two ladies, and I really don’t want to leave them unless I have to."
Sword smiled and shook his head, saying, "This pearl can only conjure up the appearance of the same race, and it can’t change the essence of aura. Even though Meng Xiong’s spiritual power is different from that of ordinary demon families, it is still a kind of demon spirit."
After listening to the explanation of the sword and smile, Meng Qi nodded. If this is the case, it makes sense. However, Meng Qi remembered what Yao Xing said today. I wonder if Lingxu Gate can still hold out until reinforcements come?
If Meng Qi invited reinforcements and was greeted by ruins, Meng Qining would like to be buried here with his wife.
Therefore, Meng Qi picked up the magic beads, then smiled at the sword and said, "Brother Dao, I’ll go to Lingxu Hall again."
Sword smiled and nodded. He knew what Meng Qi was going to do, so he went back by himself.
Meng Qi returned to the Lingxu Temple. Yao Xing was still resting in the Lingxu Temple with his eyes closed. He found Meng Qi coming back again and asked, "Why did Meng Xian’s nephew go and return?" The tone is very light, but the voice is full of something called despair.
Meng Qi’s heart sank. If it is like this, it is absolutely impossible for Lingxu Gate to support himself to move back to reinforcements. Therefore, Meng Qi stepped forward and said, "The younger generation now has a way to break out of the blockade of the magic door."
Because Meng Qi had brought Yao Xing a surprise the previous time, Yao Xing opened his eyes and looked at Meng Qi expectantly and asked, "What can I do?"
Meng Qi told Yao Xing about the magic beads and some general ideas of his own thinking. Yao Xing listened, thought for a while, and said loudly, "Good!" Although he only said one word, Meng Qi could hear the hope contained in Yao Xing’s tone.
To tell the truth, Meng Qi is somewhat incomprehensible. If Yao Xing is bent on escaping, I’m afraid there is still a great chance to escape. Why did he choose to live and die with Lingxu Gate?
But at this time, what Meng Qi wants to say to Yao Xing is not this matter. He wants Yao Xing to cheer up again and must insist on coming back.
"Senior Yao, when I go here, it will be half a month long and ten days short. Please ask Senior Yao to support me until I come back." Meng Qi’s expression is very serious, which is related to the life safety of Cheng Rewei and Hu Xianer. If Meng Qi comes back and finds out …
Meng Qi can hardly imagine what to do.
After listening to Meng Qi’s words, Yao Xing suddenly cheered up and said, "Meng Xian’s nephew can rest assured that even if I fight for this old bones, I will keep the inheritance of Lingxu Gate."
Then Yao Xing seemed to think of something and said to Meng Qi, "Don’t worry, nephew Meng, I will take good care of my two nieces."
Meng Qi waited for this sentence, nodded, turned around and went. It seems simple at this time, but the risk is not small at all. And Meng Qi is going back now. If he wants Hu Xianer to say goodbye to Cheng Rewei, because this time it may be forever …
Back in the residence of Lingxu Gate, Meng Qi told Cheng Rewei and Hu Xianer what he was going to do.
After hearing what Meng Qi said, Hu Xianer was very nervous and grabbed Meng Qi’s arm for fear of losing Meng Qi. Cheng Ruowei, on the other hand, suppressed the fear and worry in her heart and said lightly, "Xianggong, don’t worry about me and Xianer’s sister. Go, Xianer and I will wait for you here. If anything happens to you, Xianer and I will go down to accompany you. "
Cheng Rewei tone is light, but there is a kind of decisively in it. Meng Qi was very moved in his heart, but at the same time he hoped that the two women wouldn’t do this. Meng Qi hoped that if he fell, the two women would be able to live well. However, this feeling of being cared about is really good …
Meng Qi pulled the two women into his arms, and then whispered, "Don’t worry, you’re" xianggong "and I’m a Xiaoqiang who can’t be killed. You must wait here for me to come back. If I don’t see you when I get back, I don’t know what to do, okay? "
Cheng Ruowei and Hu Xianer nodded cleverly, and then leaned on Meng Qi’s shoulder to feel the sadness of parting.
Hua Huan looked at the fierce fighting in the distance and burst into a spiritual flame. There was only infinite joy in her heart. He is just a small snake that can’t build a foundation. He should have been filled into the huge meat ground as cannon fodder.
However, because he has a compatriot’s brother, he has already had a later period of enlightenment. This kind of cultivation is already a medium-sized leader under their big leader. Men in charge of hundreds of small demon, is also a small strength.
Moreover, his brother’s task is to blockade with his little demon. Compared with the task of killing people in front of the mountain gate, although the current task has less harvest, it is extremely safe.
Although his brothers and sisters don’t have a good relationship with him, they are still willing to help with such a small matter as transferring themselves to his staff.
Of course, for the arrangement of the task, his compatriots and brothers are somewhat dissatisfied. After all, he is quite confident in his own cultivation, and he is full of wants to be neutral in this battle. So as to get more rewards.
But for Hua Huan, it is better to block the task like this. After all, it seems that he is such a repairman. If he just touches it, it is estimated that even the body can’t be left.
Huaheng hung on a stout branch and quietly unfolded his thoughts to ensure that no one could easily go out within his own responsibility.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-four The war of the little people
Chapter one hundred and ninety-two The war of the little people
Of course, it is useless for him to cultivate nature at such a low level, but in order to completely block the spiritual virtual door, all the places outside this place are set up in a position.
The role of this appearance is to give up all the abilities of our own monks to read the rest, in exchange for greatly strengthening the detection power, so that even a monk then may be found if he does not pay attention.
However, although he is doing his duty faithfully, Hua Heng’s heart is actually quite disapproving. This time they demon race joined the battle, so the end of this spiritual virtual door is already doomed.
Moreover, in such a dense blockade network, how can anyone escape? Once the trail is found, there will be two monks of the demon family who will come to deal with it. I think it’s impossible to escape even if Brother then comes.
Flower constant half narrowing her eyes, the sun at noon is really some diabolical, although hiding in the shade, but flower constant still feel what should have been no temperature of blood is a little boiling.
But even though Hua Heng didn’t care much at this time, he didn’t dare to be lazy. After all, the rules of the demon race are extremely strict. If you are found to be lazy, if nothing else, even his brothers will not let him go. At that time, the countless tortures of the demon race, even death, are extremely happy things.
However, even if Hua Heng concentrated his thoughts highly, he could not find that in the shadow of the big tree where he lived, a pair of eyes were looking at Hua Heng.

Meng Qi wandered slowly in this huge palace, and couldn’t help sighing that it was a mythical world, the original world. I think there is no place as big as the Afang Palace of Qin Shihuang and the Forbidden City in the capital. However, there is still a big gap compared with here, even though the area is almost broad. But people here are almost catching up with the height of modern architecture.

While Meng Qi was sighing, people passing by him were wondering, whose pet is this? I cann’t believe I ran to the main hall in Zongnei. The key is that this little snake looks like a tourist, and at this tense moment, it’s really uncomfortable.
However, no one cares about Meng Qi. After all, everyone has personal affairs, and no one has the leisure to mind their own business. So even with some attitude of visiting, it wasn’t long before Meng Qi found Fang Ling ling. When Meng Qi called Fang Ling Ling Ling, Fang Ling Ling Ling was still surprised. How did this guy get here?
Chapter XII Measures
When Fang Ling ghatpot came out, the whole face was already dark. It seems that if Meng Qi had nothing to say, I’m afraid Miss Fang Da’s anger will follow. In this rather tense period, even if she is in a special position, Meng Qi will at least be guilty of lax discipline. Just before he came out, someone was cooing.
Meng Qi looked at this dark face in front of him, and he could feel something vaguely. Plus those eyes that looked at him along the way just now, Meng Qi could guess 7788. But it doesn’t make Fang Ling Ling angry, because he really has something to say.
Just when Meng Qi expressed that he had an idea to help the black emperor, Fang Ling ghatpot looked at Meng Qi’s serious face and looked much better. When she came to a secret room belonging to her, she called Meng Qi to talk about it concretely.
And Meng Qi also told Fang Ling ling what he had met outside. But said Fang Ling ghatpot’s face turned black. Meng Qi had just finished, and some smug people wanted to catch their breath, only to find that Miss Fang’s face looked more and more like Bao Gong. It seems that there is no connection between the two things.
Meng Qi sighed, thinking that with Fang Ling’s mind, she would be able to extrapolate this kind of thing, so that she could keep a low profile. But, alas … So Meng Qi had to go on talking.
"You not is say, don’t want to come to the so-called play with them? Since they wounded or killed the fox. And I said something like that again. If it was in Zongnei, I would say that the fox was really a mountain protector in Zongnei. And they did this kind of thing, which obviously brushed the face of Zongnei. It is not impossible to interrupt this exchange, of course, it is a bit far-fetched. But as long as Zongnei makes the identity of the fox special. Plus, with me and that little fox testifying, they can’t deny it. "
As Meng Qi slowly narrated, Fang Ling’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and then it was like two little stars. However, suddenly she meditated again, thought for a moment and said, "But in this way, the intentional trace is too thick, doesn’t it show that we are guilty?" No way. Besides, if Haoranzong admits his mistake and apologizes, we still can’t stop communicating. "
Meng Qi listened to this, but he was a little stunned. He nodded his head underground and began to think again. Soon Meng Qi looked up and asked, "Is there any old guy in the clan who has a high seniority and high prestige, but has a strange temper and is angry with his six parents?" Well, anyway, it is one or two generations higher than the leader of Haoran Sect this time. "
Fang Ling-ling was puzzled when she saw Meng Qi suddenly ask this question, but she still said, "There are such people. Remember the elder Cheng who studied you before? He’s just like you said. But what do you want? " Meng Qi grinned when he heard that there was such a person and that he would never forget the old guy.
When Fang Ling Ling saw Meng Qi, she actually began to laugh. Just about to ask what, Meng Qi said, "Well, it’s good to have such a person! As long as we let the wind out first, saying that the fox is the old man’s favorite thing, and that the old man found out that she had been killed, let it out and avenge her. Well, this time, the wind should be fast and the action should be big. On the surface, you still pretend that you don’t know anything, and let the people below pretend that they have inquired about it themselves. Then, you will take Fox and me to identify people. After discovering the murderer, you will immediately call the old guy to beat them off guard. Hey, hey, even if they had taken precautions and sent those people back, we can still identify the murderer only if we find out who is missing and showing the portrait. And this contradiction will be transformed into the old guy, plus his old qualifications and high prestige, and Zongnei can’t do anything about him. And the old guy as long as the dead to tie up lousy dozen with them, if again in the case of the influence of this matter, hum, what nonsense communication, you can completely ignore, the most important thing is, although we have gone too far, but it is reasonable in hand. They have suffered a dull loss, and they have to admit that they are unlucky, hahahaha. "
Originally, Meng Qi didn’t think so deeply, but after what he said just now, Meng Qi was more inspired and more energetic. At last, I couldn’t help laughing and dancing. Didn’t find Fang Ling ghatpot to see his look very strange.
When Meng Qi returned to absolute being and found Fang Ling ghatpot looking at himself in a strange way, his heart was suddenly shocked and he knew that his performance was too shocking. A snake demon of the building foundation stage is equivalent to the first-class monster beast. Generally speaking, at this time, it has just started the soul wisdom. Moreover, Meng Qi’s ontology is not a spirit beast of heaven and earth.
Usually, he is just a heterogeneous person with abnormal spiritual intelligence. Now it seems that it is not so simple. Even thought of this kind of mean way, that is, helped the black emperor zong, and avenged himself. The key is that Elder Cheng will definitely agree to this plan for the sake of Zong Nei, and at this time Fang Lingling thought of the rescued little fox.
With this guy’s temperament, how could he risk saving a fox for no reason? Once this method is successfully implemented, the fox will surely be taken in by Zongnei. It seems that, hum, this matter needs to be well excavated for this guy. If it’s just a pet, it’s a waste. Well, at least it can be promoted to be his younger brother, haha.
Fang Ling twill more think more feel good, of course, both pets and younger brother, Meng Qi can’t run out of her big miss Wuzhishan. Besides, she doesn’t want such a fun, smart and pleasing pet to be caught and studied into something puzzling, well, at least before she gets tired of playing, hehe.
Just when Meng Qi was seen jumping about, Fang Ling Ling finally stopped looking at him and began to think about what needs to be done when this method is implemented. And Meng Qi also escaped, relieved. Look at Chinese Ling Ling, who was deep in thought, she asked in a low voice, "Well, if it’s all right, I’ll leave?"
When it comes to business, Fang Ling twill will no longer tease Meng Qi. Wave your hand and signal that Meng Qi can fuck off. She has to discuss it with Zongnei herself. In fact, this method may not be acceptable to those old guys, but she will talk about it anyway. After all, this method sounds really analog.
However, there are still many places that are not fully considered, but with such a shelf, if this method is really used next, the specific operation is still very convenient. Fang Ling twill thought like this, and came to the hall.
After Meng Qi went out, he quickly left this place. And then returned to the house at a faster speed. I was relieved when I returned to my nest. Although he was very excited at first, now he only feels a little tired. Looking at the sleeping fox around him, Meng Qi felt that his nest was a little small. I can barely hold myself and Fox. It seems that I have to find a spacious place.
Meng Qi still didn’t know that, because Fang Ling twill put forward that method in the discussion hall, there were a lot of monks who needed to look up at Meng Qi now. First, a few old fogies were very opposed to this method. But after all, it’s only a minority, probably burying his head in practice and making his head funny. But it won’t be long before they gradually understand that some things can’t be replaced by face.
Then, I began to discuss the specific implementation plan slowly. Some old guys here are much better than Meng Qijing. Meng Qi wants to die, but he has a general framework. These old things, holding each other, a huge plan is gradually produced. However, Meng Qi’s method has been changed beyond recognition, and only a faint shadow can be seen in it.
Speaking of this, I have to talk about the management system of the Black Emperor Sect. If a Sect wants to become a big school in the world, first of all, top monks are necessary. How the top monks in a Sect mean which rank the Sect belongs to.
However, it is not necessarily possible to manage a Sect well by practicing high. Moreover, they spend most of their time practicing and have little energy to manage these chores. Therefore, the management of a Sect is not the top monk in the Sect, but the disciples of three or even four generations.
These people are often cultivated. However, there is also a lot of free time. For example, it takes a chance to get from then to Yuanying, and you can’t just make a breakthrough through penance. Taking on the role of management can also be regarded as practicing after entering the WTO. However, if you cross this hurdle, you don’t have to play such a role. But not everyone will take it. It’s just that there are many people who are always suitable for this road.
There are also some who know that it is impossible to live in the elderly in further cases with their own qualifications. They often act as decision makers. These people are not the same as those in management just now. These are real high-ranking monks. And most of them are people who have served in the previous role, so it is handy to do this kind of thing. As long as there is no major event in the sky, they can completely manage the whole Sect. And it will hardly be hard. As long as the following people come up with ways, they will start to implement them if they feel that there is no problem. It is only those three or four generations of disciples who really suffer.
Chapter 13 New Love and Old Love
Just as Meng Qi was sleeping soundly, Fang Ling Ling Ling had come back from the magic temple (the general name of the hall of the Black Emperor Sect). And obviously with a smile on his face, it seems that he is in a good mood. I think there must be a solution.
Go straight to the front of Meng Qi’s nest, and for the first time, it is useless to directly remove Meng Qi with spells. Instead, he reached in and groped in Meng Qi’s nest. After a while, Fang Ling felt Meng Qi, and no matter where she touched it, she just ripped Meng Qi out.
Poor Meng Qi was sleeping soundly, so he was completely in a daze, and he died. Fang Ling Ling was really grasping Meng Qi’s tail. Therefore, Meng Qi was directly carried backwards. The most important thing is that Fang Ling Ling Ling saw that Meng Qi had not yet woken up, pinched her mouth and grabbed her tail directly.
"ah! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Meng Qi shrieks immediately spread more than ten miles away.
It’s really bad luck for Meng Qi to meet such an owner who doesn’t cherish pets. Looking at Fang Lingling in tears, Meng Qi couldn’t help cursing again: "I XX you OO, die!" In fact, Meng Qi would never do such a thing again if he was sober. But as everyone knows, I just woke up from sleep. Well, I’m always a little confused. Plus, Meng Qi’s relationship with Fang Ling Ling Ling has grown by leaps and bounds for a while. There would be no previous cautious.
However, as soon as the words were exported, Meng Qi woke up. However, this time Meng Qi decided to push hard. First of all, his relationship with Fang Lingling is already quite good, and he is also a pet and friend. Come again, this time, no matter what, I have done him a big favor, with Meng Qi’s understanding of this big lady. Fang Ling twill, not a reasonable person, even a kind person.
Of course, Meng Qi’s top ling ling is not an emotional struggle. Although it seems that Meng Qi was confused and angry at the moment, it is not the case. Meng Qi is also waiting for a chance to get closer to Fang Ling ling. If he only concentrates on being a pet, his relationship is almost the same now.
However, Meng Qike is not reconciled to this. What he wants is more trust, so that Fang Ling Ling can regard him as a bosom friend. If it is related to a certain degree, Meng Qi may be free. However, only kowtowing can never be really looked up to.
So, sometimes, Meng Qi must argue, so that Fang Lingling can change slowly from consciousness. This is a long-term plan, which cannot be completed for dozens or hundreds of years. However, it is almost impossible for Meng Qi to practice on his own to escape from Fang Ling’s clutches.
Not to mention Fang Ling ghatpot’s cultivation talent is higher than Meng Qi’s, and there is the whole Black Emperor Sect behind Fang Ling ghatpot, but he has nothing. Even if he is free, but without a backer, Meng Qi’s life may not be better than now.
Of course, you can also ask Meng Qi to find a mountain forest to hide and live in seclusion. But after the little fox incident, Meng Qi also understood that even if you don’t bother yourself, trouble will come to you.
But if you really want to find a deserted place with thin aura, no one may find him, but in this way, Meng Qi’s cultivation speed doesn’t know what will slow down. Moreover, Meng Qi’s ultimate goal is to be able to enter human social life. If you want him to stay alone in that hellhole for hundreds of years, it’s strange that he’s not crazy. Don’t forget, under this snake, there is a human soul.
Therefore, Meng Qi decided to change into a route. The first step is to have a good relationship with Miss Fang Da, and the better, the better. As good as it can be. As for the second step, it will be time for Meng Qi to break through the enlightenment. At that time, what Meng Qi wants to do is to mix in the Black Emperor Sect. Even if he can only be the most ordinary disciple, he is very handsome if he is well attended by a big lady. At that time, we can also have a single house. How nice it is to do whatever you want.
However, the key is to make Miss Fang not treat him as a pet, at least a very special pet. In fact, Meng Qi often whispers, if only Miss Fang Da were the kind of idiot woman who doesn’t care about the world. Three times five divided by two will scare her.
His requirements are not high, just let him help himself where he can. However, Miss Fang Da’s IQ may be much higher than Meng Qi’s. It’s good that Meng Qi doesn’t play around himself.
However, since things are already like this, Meng Qi can’t change it. However, Meng Qi still feels that it is quite a smooth road to go this way.
Then, as Meng Qi expected, Miss Fang’s face suddenly turned black. Meng Qi, however, pretended not to see it, mustered up courage and continued: "I have never seen such a savage girl like you. You are a woman at least. Don’t you know the word tenderness? If you go on like this, I think you will be an old nun all your life. No one dares to ask for it. "
At first, there was still some anger in Meng Qi’s words, but gradually it became rambling, as if he were really worried about Fang Ling’s lifelong happiness. And Fang Ling ghatpot also strange, Meng Qi said so, but her anger gradually disappeared. And, with a strange expression, it seems to be recalling something.
And Meng Qi saw Fang Ling twill reveal this expression, and stopped talking, as if he didn’t want to interrupt Fang Ling twill’s recollection. After a while, Fang Ling twill, Meng Qigang wanted to continue to say something, but he saw a strange smile on Fang Ling twill’s mouth. Knowing that things were not good, he just wanted to escape, but Fang Ling twill grabbed his tail again and turned the windmill.
Meng Qi that depressed ah, thought, this dead girl, is really hopeless. However, this time Fang Ling ling paid attention to her strength, and seemed to be just playing with Meng Qi. However, Meng Qi still felt dizzy and wanted to vomit, uh, oh …
Just when Meng Qi vomited, he suddenly found that the rotating world suddenly stopped turning like just now. At first glance, it turned out to be Fang Ling’s silk, but how did Meng Qi feel that it was still turning?
After a while, I finally recovered. Looking at Fang Ling ghatpot’s eyes is simply * * naked showing her flesh, drinking her blood, and ripping her bones. However, Fang Lingling directly ignored Meng Qi and asked, "Isn’t there a fox demon? Call it out and let me have a look. "

"If I really am a reincarnated practitioner, it is estimated that my consciousness in my previous life was exhausted when I was reincarnated. Because so far, I can’t remember what my previous life was like at all. " Xin Tong said with a smile, "It seems that my younger brother is predestined friends with spiritual practice …"

Romantic decline male way: "this is normal, maybe the good brother has not yet recovered the memory of past lives."
Xin Tong took a look at Jing Guan, who looked delicate, and said, "Grandma, I always feel that this guy insists on recognizing me as a master, and there is something wrong …"
"Wrong ….." Static officer DengYuan two small eyes, called up to bump day flexor, "disciple loyal to the master, like …"
"Well, you stop." Xin Tong hurriedly waved his hand to stop Jing Guan’s loyalty. He didn’t want to get entangled in this issue. He asked the romantic man, "If my brother hadn’t arrived at a critical moment today, my brother would probably fall into the hands of that old horse … Well, when will my brother rob me?"
"Foolish brother feels that in half a month at most, the apocalypse is coming." The words of the romantic man are full of self-confidence. "Don’t worry, my good brother. I am 90% sure that I can survive this robbery."
Xin Tong is puzzled. Faced with the apocalypse that everyone in the spiritual circle talks about, why does a romantic man have such confidence? Is it to reassure yourself?
The romantic man seems to have seen through Xin Tong’s mind. "Good brother doesn’t have to worry, foolish brother is not talking nonsense, and he is really 90% sure." After a pause, he said to Xin Tong, "Brother Yu has two lucky Duerdan! Speaking of which, I would like to thank my good brother. Without my good brother, my foolish brother would never have got these two pills! "
Xin Tong was startled and didn’t understand how he could be associated with the two legendary robbery gods.
"Isn’t the good brother always wondering why the foolish brother should be so kind to the good brother?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. The romantic man continued to pass on liu er’s wonderful skills to Xin Tong: "In fact, it is because of these two lucky Duerdan!"
Introduction to the next episode:
Xin Tong’s trip to Wankeng Valley coincided with a group of demons attacking the valley in an attempt to rescue the demon king who was sealed by Master Hammer and Misty Rain Fairy. How can Xin Tong resolve this crisis? What kind of secrets are hidden in the imperial edict that Weidi gave to Xintong?

The ninth volume Wankeng Valley The first chapter takes Dan (on)
The ninth volume Wankeng Valley The first chapter takes Dan (on)
The method of not transmitting liu er is very similar to the method of transmitting sound into the secret in the martial arts. Both of them may be intercepted, but it is more subtle than transmitting sound into the secret. You want to intercept the content of the former unless it is twice as high as the performer.
Yuan Ying, a quiet official, has just become a young man, and both the cultivation and the realm are much worse than those of the romantic male who is about to be robbed. Naturally, he can’t hear what the romantic male is saying, but he can still feel the abnormal fluctuation of the air and know that the romantic male is talking to Xin Tong with occult techniques. Besides, I don’t want him to know the content of the conversation.
"Master, talk about it." Jing Guan, who was extremely knowledgeable, said to Xin Tong, who was still in shock, "Disciple went out to do something."
Romantic decline male that "good brother is not always wondering why foolish brother should be so good to good brother?" In fact, it is because of these two creatures! " At the moment, it’s still lingering in Xin Tong’s mind, and the smell speech is just a well, and he didn’t say much.
About half an hour after Jing Guan left, Xin Tong came to his senses. He didn’t understand it for a long time, so he had to send a voice to the romantic man: "What is the relationship between my younger brother and those two legendary robbery gods?"
The romantic man was very satisfied with Xin Tong’s caution. He nodded approvingly, moved his hands together, and set up a sound-proof array behind him. He said, "Just now, my foolish brother has said that without my good brother, my foolish brother would never have got these two lucky Duerdan! The thing is … "
With the improvement of the realm of romantic decline, the signs of doom have also appeared. For the apocalypse that everyone in the spiritual world talks about, the romantic man is also not sure that he can survive it safely. Just as he racked his brains to find a way to rob himself, someone came to you.
The man cut to the chase. Directly explain the purpose, if the romantic man can pass on the position of the romantic patriarch to a person named Xin Wuqi, then he will get two lucky Erdan!
This lucky Duerdan is a peerless elixir left by a senior man who successfully ascended nearly ten thousand years ago. Today, there are less than ten, which is incredible for the robbers. It can be said that if a robber can have three lucky Duerdan. Then there is no need to worry about robbery!
When the man took out a lucky Erdan, the romantic man agreed without thinking. At that time. Xin Tong is on his way to South Hande.
Xin Tong, who learned the truth of the matter, was in a complicated mood. I don’t know what it was like. Thinking about the rhetoric of the romantic man at the beginning, he had mixed feelings, but in any case, he was grateful for the romantic man.
"That nature degrees Erdan won’t be false? There are many words in the error-free novel network. "Xin Tong tidied up his mood and joked with a smile. "If it is false, elder brother to loss is big …"
The romantic man laughed and said, "Even if we put aside the fate of Erdan, the foolish brother has always been gratified and proud to find a good brother who has passed on his hundreds of years of hard work." At one end of his face, Su Rong asked, "Can you trust my foolish brother’s words?"
Xin Tong looked sincere and said, "Believe it! Of course I believe! " The romantic man twisted his beard and smiled, saying, "Brother Yu, I have never misjudged anyone with these eyes!" Xin Tongdao: "That’s that. Brother God, chinese odyssey. " They laughed for a moment, then Xin Tong added, "Brother never said, who is that man?" Romantic decline male zheng, "xian brother don’t know?"
"I really don’t know." Xin Tong said with a wry smile, "After much deliberation, I can’t figure out which master cares for my younger brother so much that he is willing to give up two precious and incomparable Erdan …"
"I’m ashamed to say that," said the disgraced man. Foolish brother has seen the man twice, but at that time, he only wanted to check the authenticity of Erdan. He only knew that he was a middleman in the Skyfire Sect, but he didn’t ask whether the main messenger of this move was him or someone else … Foolish brother always thought that the person or the main messenger behind the scenes was an unambiguous elder, and wanted to … Alas … "He suddenly sighed, and his eyes looked at Xin Tong from time to time, looking like he wanted to say something but it was hard to open his mouth.
"Between you and my brother, just say something." Xin Tong said generously, "If an elder brother needs my younger brother’s help, he will go all out and never be vague!"
The romantic man is another sigh. Stand up and walk around the room. Turn straight to have a lamp that hot tea time doesn’t stop.
Xin Tong looked dizzy and said, "Brother, stop turning. No matter how long it takes, it won’t solve the problem. Let’s talk to my younger brother. " The romantic loser turned twice again, and then he stopped and sat in a chair and remained silent for a long time. "Just now, my foolish brother said that if there were three lucky Erdan, it would be safe to rob him, and my foolish brother only had two, which was a robbery …" Xin Tong immediately understood the meaning of the romantic loser, "Brother, but let my younger brother ask that man for one?"
The old face of the romantic man turned red and became a flaming cloud, and his nose and eyebrows were crowded into one place. He was extremely embarrassed and tunnel: "Foolish brother … that’s what it means …"
"Brother, do you know where the man lives?" Error-free novel network does not skip words. Xintong did not hesitate, immediately interface, "I’m going to find him." His words are not false, although we don’t know who the man is and what is the purpose of this move, but since the man is willing to give up such a big capital, he will find his head sooner or later, so, catch up early and don’t catch up late, just take the initiative to deliver it to your door.
Romantic decline male could see that Xin Tongyu was sincere, and he was filled with emotion. "My foolish brother cheated first, and I didn’t mind, but also helped my foolish brother to win God’s Dan. This mind really made my foolish brother admire and be ashamed … well, my foolish brother never said any kind words again. That man once said that if Brother Yu had something to do, he could go to the cloud peak of Dashishan, 60 miles away from the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty. "
Xin Tong understood why the romantic man arrived at the critical moment when he was fighting Mazda, but now is not the time to talk about it. He said, "Brother, the apocalypse is coming, and the sooner you get the third Ouerdan, the better. Let’s start."
For Jade Eagle, the distance of 60 miles flew by in an unguarded moment. With LengYuBing, Jing Guan naturally followed.
"This is the residence of Mr. Mo Yunwei?" The romantic man descended in front of a cluster of houses at the peak waist to escape the light. After landing, he said respectfully, "Fengsan of Mingzhou came to visit as promised."

The medicine garden feels neglected, too. It is cluttered with herbs and smells.

There are various kinds of herbs, although most of them are common, but each plant is radiant and shiny. I don’t know how long it has been since anyone picked them. Most of the herbs have been used for thousands of years.
There is a stone road that has been paved for a long time, and now it is covered with herbs.
Be careful to stand on the slate, and don’t let yourself step on herbs. Yang Xiu strongly feels that in the middle of the medicine garden, there are aura fluctuations that are far higher than elsewhere.
Yang Xiu was curious and didn’t know what could radiate such an aura as essence. With curiosity and doubt, Yang Xiu slowly stepped forward to the middle. The closer he got, the more obvious he felt.
Yang Xiu walked to the middle of the medicine garden and saw a natural cave of a hundred square meters.
The cave is covered with stalactites of different sizes, and there is a pool in the cave.
The strong aura of the medicine garden is scattered from this pool.
Yang Xiu stood at the edge of the pool, and saw the viscous liquid in the pool, which shone brightly. There was a glittering mist floating on the liquid, which condensed into a water drop above the pool and dripped from the stalactites, and so on.
"This is the spirit of ten thousand years!" Yang Xiu exclaimed in my heart.
So standing on the edge of the spirit pool, Yang Xiu felt as if he were completely in a space full of aura, and he didn’t have to practice exercise deliberately, so his body absorbed aura on its own.
If you can practice here all the time, the efficiency will be three times as high as usual.
It is very rare for such a large spiritual pool and scattered aura density in the whole Xianye University 6. It is said that even the spiritual eye spring where Nanling sent Kongjue master to practice the forbidden area at the most touching place of Yunfeng is just an aura gathering, but it has not condensed into reality like this.
I want to come, only the nectar pool in the rumor of the first gate of Xianye University 6 can be compared.
Yang Xiu looked over the remaining two rooms again, more and more affirming the speculation in his heart.
There is an empty training room and a transfer room, but the transfer array inside has been damaged. This also solved Yang Xiu’s doubts just now, and really thought that the earth-escaping technique was worthless, and everyone could just go in and out of the abode of fairies and immortals.
"It seems that this is really an empty abode of fairies and immortals" Yang Xiu thought excitedly.
Yang Xiu is going back and forth to the underground abode of fairies and immortals in the next few days. After carefully determining that there is no problem, Yang Xiu decided to practice by the Lingchi in the future.
Yang Xiu, of course, first of all, should build a secluded mansion on the tooling right above the underground abode of fairies and immortals, but Yang Xiu will retreat to the underground abode of fairies and immortals for cultivation in the future.
Above the underground abode of fairies and immortals is the foot of Julufeng near the lost swamp of Nanling Sect, next to the tomb of Nanling Sect, with remote terrain and general aura coverage, but Yang Xiu doesn’t matter anymore.
However, in order to avoid causing suspicion, when Yang Xiu built the abode of fairies and immortals, he specially bought several sets of high-order Ju Ling array flags from the city square and arranged them around the abode of fairies and immortals. After all, there are some monks in the practice period of the Law Enforcement Hall who also want to practice in this abode of fairies and immortals. If the abode of fairies and immortals is too embarrassing, Yang Xiu also feels sorry for others.
I bought two sets of protection arrays to protect the abode of fairies and immortals.
It didn’t take two days, so Yang Xiu completed the construction of the abode of fairies and immortals.
Informed the Mu Yi owners, Yang Xiu officially moved from Peiyao Peak.
Soon, the head of Mu Yi also asked Ge Muduo to bring seven monks from the Law Enforcement Hall to Yang Xiu.
Ge Muduo: "These seven monks belong to the former Law Enforcement Hall. If Brother Yang feels that he is short of hands and is afraid that he is too busy, he can go to the Miscellaneous Affairs Office and choose some more disciples."
"Thank you for reminding me. I will go again when I feel that there are not enough people in the future."
Yang Xiuxian arranged the rooms for the seven people. Fortunately, Mu Yi told Yang Xiu at that time, so the room was completely enough.
Yang Xiuxian is familiar with the names of several people.
A chubby-faced young monk with ten floors of practice, Ming Leshi, a middle-aged monk with a cold face and twelve floors of practice, Hao Hai, three monks with twelve floors of practice who are nearly sixty years old, Hong Buyi, Xiao Nairong and Yin Sansi, and a Tsing Yi woman, Mrs Hua, and a plump young woman, Luo Qiu, are all practicing ten floors of practice.
Yang Xiu staring at seven people, quietly said:
"You usually practice independently when you have nothing to do, and there is a forbidden practice room in the middle, which is where I practice. If there is nothing urgent, you must not disturb."
After the simple command, Yang Xiu let them disperse, and went to his own training room, opened the ban, and then fled into the underground abode of fairies and immortals.
After these days of practice, Yang Xiuxian’s protective array outside the underground abode of fairies and immortals should be a kind of array with pure soil properties.
The array method takes the aura in the abode of fairies and immortals as the energy source, never stops, and is perfectly combined with the earth, regardless of each other, completely isolating the huge aura in the underground abode of fairies and immortals.

"Kai, if you change places and go to other places, you won’t."

"Think about it." Kai didn’t directly refuse, but he didn’t really say anything that made Cai Liangyan scold his carelessness.
When I received Tang Qinling’s words, he was floating. When I learned that the Tauren team needed two players, I was really sleepy and met a pillow.
Before he complained to Tang Qinling, I didn’t expect to get such a good news in a few days, and suddenly I felt lucky.
Looking at the scenery outside the window, Cai Liangyan also fell silent. Whether he can join the Tauren team or not still needs to be finally run-in
And when Zhang Hao got back to the hotel from school, a new person came.
"I said that when you went to lspl to find abuse, don’t expect too much. My former team’s pits are better than my teammates, so take them to fly."
"Yes, the technology didn’t say how much your salary is a month."
Zhang Hao heard these words when she took the door. Take a closer look at the two guys in the guest room and don’t know what to say.
"Xiao Hao, this is to inquire about friends after the announcement of team recruitment."
I heard that Gao Chengfeng introduced Zhang Hao Zheng at a fast speed, but it seems a bit arrogant to see the situation.
"You played in the league before," Zhang Hao questioned.
"Well played in Draco team stayed with them to fly.
"Poof" Chen Yi immediately sprayed it.
Seeing that someone despised one of them, he was unhappy. "Hey, I said, what are you laughing at?"
"Nothing, nothing"
Chen Yi’s words about Tianlong Team were very impressive. At the beginning, Chen Yi’s team won the first victory by killing Tianlong after losing N games in a row. However, this team is recognized as an experienced baby team in lspl League, and everyone loves it.
Chen Yi heard that it was the Tianlong team that came out, which was naturally dear, but such players really dare not recruit.
But for a moment, Chen Yi suddenly brightened up at the moment. On the other hand, although they can’t recruit, they are, but these two generations can compete.
This involves a rule of the professional league. If a registered professional player has no team, it is acceptable to rent from other teams.
That is to say, when the tauren team plays lspl, they can rent two guys who are free men to the team to play temporarily, and then they can make the team normal when they have the right candidate.
In the future, these two men will become free men, because their team was removed from lspl. No, don’t be at the bottom of the score because you finished playing in one season.
Chapter 25 We are here to join the team.
"Well, we’re thinking about it. The horse will have a final battle. We’ll discuss the team after the national league." Chen Yi is very sophisticated. After all, he is very familiar with the team industry.
And Zhang Hao and others have almost no experience in this field, so naturally it is not as good as he simply let Chen Yi run it. It is also a happy thing to have a familiar person.
I heard that I have to wait a while, and the two of them are a little unhappy. "Hey, I haven’t said anything about this treatment yet."
Two grand road "then what treatment do you want?"
It may be that the sound is slightly brighter than Hong Zhong, which makes the two people startled. Suddenly, they are a little humbled and say, "Five or five thousand months."
"This price is really lying in the trough." Er Hongyu asked for 10,000.
After that, the two of them became confident again. "Yes, it is 5,100 months, which is still the lowest. We didn’t ask for it from a higher place."
Chen Yi is also laughing internally, so the price is really the professional team level or the lowest level, but the level of the two seems to be a little bit worse. After all, diamond thugs are also grasping a lot these days
Their only advantage may be that they will adapt to the professional baptism faster.
"3,000" has escaped.
When they heard it, they suddenly felt a little uneasy. One of them even clamored to leave. "Forget it, you are not sincere. Let’s go."
"Yes, it’s boring," echoed another person.
The tauren team didn’t stop watching the two men leave and were silent again. These two guys are a good choice, but the price is slightly higher, which is a bit uneconomical.
After all, it’s hard to find temporary workers who can be recruited and kicked away at any time. When the Niuren team is considering whether to take them back, they will see the two of them turn back on their own.
"Then what three thousand is three thousand? You can have food and shelter."
"Well," the tauren nodded without considering what they would change their minds. Just as they were about to promise, the door rang.
Seeing that the two men were nervous made the insiders puzzled. Could it be that their enemies were here?
"Crunch" the door two people walked into the room immediately busy.
"Brother Yan" Zhang Hao is also confused about how this great god came.
"Long time no see, Xiao Hao" Cai Liangyan smiled.
"Welcome, welcome. Kai is here. What are you?"
"Speak slowly" Cai Liangyan sat and looked at the room with two people’s expressions pondering.
Cai Liangyan way "you seem to be a dragon team.
"Yeah, yeah, but now we’re the Bulls."
"Ha ha" Cai Liangyan said nothing.
"Now you’re not."
Two people a listen to suddenly a little reluctant to what do you mean? "
Zhang Hao zheng vaguely felt something?
"If I say that we are going to join the Tauren team, we will continue to say that if not, we can solo." Cai Liangyan has a light wind and a light cloud, and a guy who has been removed from the team dares to question it at the moment.
"You, you, you" people are a little depressed. They came out of the room with high bargaining chips, but they met Cai Liangyan at the corner.
I vaguely heard Xiao Kai say something like "I really want to join the Tauren team". How can I not know them after playing lspl?
These two people are nervous and hurry back to show their loyalty, but it seems that it is still late. When they go out with a sad face, Chen Yi can’t help laughing.

It’s the one-horned green cow! After this figure roars, it doesn’t hesitate at the moment. Sitting on the cloud, it is full of spirits and begins to connect with the magic weapon.

At the same time, the treasure thief the Monkey King has forced the beating diamond bracelet to a big hill thousands of miles away. Standing at the top of the mountain, the Monkey King forcibly suppressed the diamond bracelet with mana, and informed Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing to meet with his mind.
"Brother Monkey, you can sing which one. Why did you come here?" About half an hour later, Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing arrived. Pig eight quit to see the Monkey King grumbled.
"Yes, master elder brother, it’s important to save the master!" Sha Wujing also said.
"Hey hey, I know this. Master, I have seen him. He is safe for the time being. What are you looking at? " The Monkey King a crooked smile, will be the magic weapon of the bosom light out.
"King Kong bracelet!" Pig eight quit and Sha Wujing exclaimed at the same time.
"hey! How do you all know this thing? " The Monkey King strange way.
"Monkey King, this is a magic weapon for the old gentleman. Lao Sha and I have been in heaven for a long time and have seen it naturally. However, Big Brother, you don’t seem to know this magic weapon. You shouldn’t! " Pig eight quit to say.
"Oh, why do you say that?" The Monkey King depressed way.
"Monkey Brother, when you fought against Erlang God, do you remember what fell from the sky and knocked you unconscious?" Pig Bajie reminded.
"Hum, don’t mention it. I’m angry when it comes to it. Otherwise, how could I lose to that little sage Jiro!" The Monkey King was a little angry when he mentioned the past.
"Monkey Brother, as far as I know, it was Tailaojun who hit you with a diamond bracelet when you were fighting against Erlang God." Pig eight quit to say.
"So that’s it. I didn’t expect the old gentleman to be so insidious. It seems that I played those three sticks lightly!" The Monkey King hate hate way. And pig eight quit and the Monkey King a listen to the Monkey King incredibly still played too old gentleman three sticks, some dumbfounded, this monkey is too bold. However, how could they know that the monkey only beat the old gentleman and became body double with a futon?
"Big Brother, you didn’t steal this thing from Tailaojun?" Sha Wujing asked to worry about.
"No, it’s not. I stole this thing from the monster who caught the master. " The Monkey King crush the diamond bracelet, face is sweating.
"It seems that the monster is too old gentleman’s clique, otherwise such a powerful magic weapon will not fall into his hands! Monkey, what should we do? " Pig eight quit to worry about.
The Monkey King smell speech hesitated for a moment, and said his plan. Pig Eight Rings hesitated: "Brother Monkey, is this ok?"
"Hey, if you can’t do it, you have to do it. Try it!" The Monkey King Road.
"good! Lao Sha, let’s act according to Brother Monkey’s plan! " Blowing the cold mountain breeze, Pig Bajie resolutely said.
"hmm!" Sha Wujing see things at this point is not good to say much, nodded his head.
"Good, old pig, old sand, disposal!" The Monkey King see two teacher younger brother agreed to come down, nods. Say that finish, the Monkey King untied a trace of mana suppression, let the magic weapon spread a breath, then blocked the breath mouth, a jump flew to the seclusion, and began to concentrate on holding up the crazy beating diamond bracelet.
Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing flew to the foot of this mountain and started their disposal.
"Old pig, old sand, can be faster! I can’t hold this treasure down for too long, but I need to solve it quickly … Yeah! ! !” A gnashing of words spread to come over, it is I don’t know where it is, and I have tried my best.
"I know!" Pig eight quit and Sha Wujing should sound, in the hands of the action is also constantly accelerated.
Jinming Mountain is only a short distance from this hill, but Wan Li, just a moment after the Monkey King sends out a magic weapon breath, a tauren figure wearing silver armor and holding an ink gun has appeared in the top of the mountain for nine days, looking at the two people who are busy below!
"Come on, open the array!" The green cow and the Monkey King are in the same realm. When the green cow monster came, the Monkey King felt it. At present, there was a sudden flash of divine light in his eyes, and his mouth made a sound.
"Ok, mix three talents, open!"
A passage from Pig Bajie resounded through the sky. After the words were finished, a monstrous momentum emerged.
The Monkey King suddenly appeared, turned around and placed the diamond bracelet in the law. Then I squinted, looked up at the angry figure in the top nine fairy clouds, and spit out the words: "One-horned green cow, I took your magic weapon. If you want it, come down and do it!"
When the tauren in Yuntou heard this, he burst out laughing wildly. Lang Lang said, "the Monkey King, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to know how to fight. However, do you think you can win me in this way? It’s ridiculous. That’s all, just do it! If you dare to provoke me, you must have the consciousness of death! " Before the voice fell, the smile on the tauren’s face disappeared, and the ferocious curtain of murder appeared. Without the slightest hesitation, the moment flew down from the nine-day madness, and a huge black gun appeared in his hand, with boundless power, stabbed the following three people!
"Three talents in one, open!" A powerful voice fell, and several mana lines appeared between the three people standing on the top of the mountain. It seems that it is an equilateral triangle! Behind the Monkey King emerged the word "Heaven" formed by mana. Behind Pig Bajie comes the word "land", while behind Sha Wujing comes the word "people".
"Old pig, old sand,! Let’s see if our three brothers can stand up to this arrogant monster together! " The Monkey King felt his own surging infinite strength, and now his confidence exploded. When he said it, his body was already leaping, and he raised his golden hoop and slammed it toward the ink gun that stabbed him head-on!
"good! Let the three brothers fight with them! " Crazy voice immediately sounded, and two figures followed Ao Lie like the wind. Two magic poles in their hands shone brightly, and they were full of endless murder and waved to the top of their heads, menacing black guns!
The giant sound of "bang" sounded, and the four figures staggered, and they were separated in a flash. Unlike just now, everyone has countless wounds with swords and guns, and the blood is like shura evil spirits!
"Ha ha, cool, one thousand seven hundred strokes for an instant! My old grandson can finally have a carefree battle again! Come again! " The meaning of fanaticism permeates the soaring discourse, and in an instant, four figures are fighting in one place again!
Four kinds of weapons are intertwined, arousing endless dark energy. In the nine days above the head, Xianyun has been shocked and disappeared early. The top of the mountain where the meeting is held has been cut down by seven or eight hundred feet! The remnants of the mountain, thickly dotted with traces of countless weapons spirit wave, every trace, almost all in ten feet deep!
The four men fought for a long time, and the diffuse fairy-demon breath cage covered the surrounding scenery. In the hazy smoke, the tauren-shaped green minotaur held the giant ink gun, and the three men fought alone without falling in the wind.